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Charging clockwork traps

John Grammaticus


So I was playing against some rather pesky traps the other day and the timing of their retaliatory attacks occurs when charging them came up. The text states the attack happens "after the action is resolved". Charging I take to mean as a single AP2 action, so the trap attacks after both MI actions are complete, am I interpreting this right? I managed to kill the trap so got no attack back but wasn't convinced. I guess in fluff terms this could represent a determined guy disarming a trap and if they aren't fast enough then they get bitten. Any thoughts welcome, after my opponent's success with traps I'm going to be seeing a lot of them!

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Their only attack. If a model ends a move, push or place in the traps engagement they get to make an attack after resolving the action.  So after resolving a walk action gets to attack. After a wind blast pushes a model into range gets to strike. 


On the (2) Charge: Target a model within LoS. Move this model up to its Cg in a straight line. This model must end the move with the target model within its engagement range or this Action may not be taken. This model then takes two Range Attack Actions against the target model. Each of these Actions must have an AP cost of 1. A model may not declare this Action if it is engaged (see Engagement, pg. 44) or if it has a Cg of "—".


I would say the charge action is not resolved till the attacks are resolved following the 


Actions causing actions call out box on page 38 reading: Some Actions will force or allow a model to take another Action. If an Action calls for another Action to be taken (such as Charge or "Make A New Entry") then the additional Action or Actions do not cost any AP. The original Action is not considered resolved until the new Actions are also resolved.


The last line is the important part.  The charge has to be fully resolved before the trap gets to attack. 

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So I was playing against some rather pesky traps the other day and the timing of their retaliatory attacks occurs when charging them came up. The text states the attack happens "after the action is resolved". Charging I take to mean as a single AP2 action, so the trap attacks after both MI actions are complete, am I interpreting this right?

You interpreted it correctly.

I don't see any retaliatory strike ability on the Clockwork Trap as specified in the Crossroad book, page 35.  Where's this retaliatory strike ability?

Exactly where you were looking for it. It's written in the action itself.
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Since Trapping Jaw does a lot more than just "retaliating" against a charge, it might help to be more specific next time.  :mellow:



Trapping Jaw [stuff]  This Attack may be made against enemy models which end a move, push, or placement within range after resolving the current action.


If the movement part of the (2) Charge action is the move that triggers the effect, then the Trapping Jaw attack doesn't happen until the whole (2) Charge action has been resolved.  And the (2) Charge action isn't done until both Attack Actions have been resolved.


But if one of those Attack Actions has a move, push, or placement effect that triggers Trapping Jaw (or triggers it again), then I think Trapping Jaw would happen after that particular Attack Action as well.  For example, if Toshiro the Daimyo charged, used Ancestral Katana as the first attack action, and got Next Target to trigger, the push from Next Target could satisfy Trapping Jaw and cause it to resolve before the end of the (2) Charge action.

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