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Cavalry Crew?


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Knowing very little about this game, I hope you folks can give me some direction :-)

I like to learn a game with my own miniatures. But, before I start handing over too much money on models and rulebooks, I'd like to know if what I'm thinking of for a crew is likely to give a fun game or put me off!

I have a thing for cavalry armies, I'm always drawn to them in every wargame to the point that my friends roll their eyes and brace themselves for the inevitable trample of hooves even before glue touches a miniature. So in Malifaux, I'm looking at Lucas McCabe, the Lone Marshal and a number of Guild Hounds... Is this a stupid thing for a crew to be built around?

I'm not looking for easy victories (I like a close game most) but I really don't want to waste my time and money if such a group would get kerb-stomped every time lol.

Thanks for your time!

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If you do the crew with 3 riders and just hounds you must do the Ezyryder.

Once against Shang or Kamaitachi you just need to throw the game and hunt that thing all game.




Actually, the classical Malifaux cavalery crew is Avatar Leveticus and the 4 Horsemen. We have no idea what his rules will look like in 2E at the moment, though.

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It's definitely something I'd like to try at some point. ;)


At least in theory it should work alright. All the component models are decent and there's definitely the synergy there for them to work well together. How well it will work on the table will really come down to the strategy and schemes you're playing, but I certainly wouldn't consider it a terrible crew list. 

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Lucas McCabe -- 7 Pool
 +Badge of Speed [2]
 +Glowing Sabre [2]
 +Stragemetal Shirt [1]
Luna [4]
Guild Hound [3]
Guild Hound [3]
Guild Hound [3]
Guild Hound [3]
Pale Rider [12]
The Lone Marshal [8]
This crew has 9ss left to spend so you can add something like a Pathfinder to act as the scout for your hunting / raiding party and the upgrades were picked at random but it seems like it would be amazing at a good variety of schemes and most of the strategies. This is probably due to McCabes versatility as a Master and his ability to make everything better at it's job. 
I kind of imagine British Fox hunting when I see this list. A VERY twisted version of Fox Hunting but still...  :D
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