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Yan Lo - Transcendence



So I asked this on AWP and got quite a mixed response, so thought i'd ask it here too.

Below is the ability this refers to:

Transcendence: This model may lower its Chi Condition value by any amount, to a minimum of 0. For each point of Chi lowered, one friendly model in p8 gains the Spirit Characteristic and the following Condition for the rest of the Turn: "Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +2, to a minimum of 1."

My question is: Can Yan Lo lower his chi by 2 or 3 (or more) to give a model +4 or +6 armour (or more)?

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OK, reading this debate it doesn't really seem to me that any consensus was reached. Anything new about this?

Nope!  Just the same arguments it seems!


Which also seems to be the intent, judging by Justin's "like" of Ausplosions' post above (#6).

Which we've been told is never an indiciation of whether intent/interpretation is agreed with/true etc. as only the official FAQ is to be used for this.


As MythicFox says it can clearly be interpreted both ways because of the language used.  Personally I've always felt that you could stack it on the same model in the same way that many other abilities or actions allow you to.  Having read this thread I can certainly see the other side of the coin but it isn't clear.

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Which also seems to be the intent, judging by Justin's "like" of Ausplosions' post above (#6).


If that was the intent -- number of models, not applications -- the rule should be reworded. This is an instance where common English is too ambiguous for this rule.

I would not have thought for an instant that the choosing was limited to once per model the way it's currently worded.

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Which we've been told is never an indiciation of whether intent/interpretation is agreed with/true etc. as only the official FAQ is to be used for this.


Correct. There are no conclusive arguments for either side in this discussion, so it's all interpretation and intent. I assume the rule's intent is not to work on the same model twice. Till next FAQ that's just that: an assumption.



I would not have thought for an instant that the choosing was limited to once per model the way it's currently worded.


Well, perhaps it's because I'm no native speaker, but from the wording I would never have thought that the effect could be stacked.

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Its not clear, but I alway assumed it was a different model for each Chi, and I think my reasoning is I couldn't really think of any other reason why there would be a pulse in the ability ( I suppose it stops height 3+ models behind a height 2 wall being effected,and Yan lo) other than it alll happening at the same time. But I can't justify that in rules.

If something tells me to select 2 models (this doesn't actually tell me that) then I would assume 2 different models, and I couldn't choose 1 model twice unless it specifically told me I could.


I also can't think on any other multi-model effect that can just hit the same model more than once.


Wonder if we find out on monday...

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