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May Feng 2015 is over - Feedback welcome!


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Big update:


The initial draft of the rules pack is available on my blog http://malibros.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/may-feng-2015-rules-pack-ver1.html


It includes information, on round times, games, strats, travel, accommodation and more.


If there is anything that needs amending or information you feel would be important to add please tell me so I can add it. 


Second Big Update:


On the previous page and it the rules pack you may have seen the sweet logo for the event and I am still planning on doing exclusive "tour shirts".


If you are interested please tell me so I can start a list in the first post.


Thank you.

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Its due to the 10 - 0 stomping an experienced player can hand to a new player, it skews the rest of the results as they have a large VP diff.


Is it Fixed master with Dual Faction Masters having to declare their faction and stick with it? as it can be interpreted as Fixed Master/Fixed Faction i.e. you can choose to go fixed faction or fixed Master.

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Psientologist - how are summoners being handled in the Henchmen led games?  Crews with Toshiro, Rusty Alyce, Mech Rider etc. could become very powerful in 35SS games.


Hi Dude,


Henchman level games specially at lower SS are well known to be unbalanced hence the reason for Ben to score less TP on those. The idea is that a middle table player that is paired against a new player does not gain an unfair advantage than two top players playing against each other. Even though it seems it does not make a big difference with 4 rounds this player will eventually be paired with more experienced players when they will loss on TP so after 4 rounds it should balance that effect out. 

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There's six of us coming down, could we be two teams?  Not sure about Henchmen led game or the difference in VPs for the first game.  What is the more specific thinking with that?  Why have people complained?  Surely random draw is the only way to do it to begin with?!


It's only TP difference not VP difference first round.

Sure someone can still give out a 10-0 beating but it isn't worth quite as much. If you go 3-1 and another player goes 3-1 if one of those wins is first round then the one who lost first round but won the others does better, as I stated it's a psuedo tie-breaker.


People have suggested lots of things for first rounds, seeding via rankings is amongst them.


Overall it's an experiment and a big reason for having 1 smaller size game is simply time. 


We're restricted to how long with have the venue and where as September's Curse was four 40ss games worked, some people didn't like it so I thought I'd have a play.


You're all being my test subjects, however you are all still getting to play 4 games of malifaux and not just 3 so hopefully people are still happy.

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Its due to the 10 - 0 stomping an experienced player can hand to a new player, it skews the rest of the results as they have a large VP diff.


Is it Fixed master with Dual Faction Masters having to declare their faction and stick with it? as it can be interpreted as Fixed Master/Fixed Faction i.e. you can choose to go fixed faction or fixed Master.


It's meant to be fixed faction and fixed master, I will put an example in the pack but yes, master declaring a single faction.

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Psientologist - how are summoners being handled in the Henchmen led games?  Crews with Toshiro, Rusty Alyce, Mech Rider etc. could become very powerful in 35SS games.


This is true, however the TP difference should help a little.


Really a lot of crews have access to summoning henchman and I agree the smaller the game the better the summoners.


However, I'm not going to restrict peoples choices due to this 6ss larger and you aren't allowed (by the main rules) to have a henchman lead either.

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I like the idea a lot, and am a happy test subject.

Does a summoning henchman really have that much of an advantage in close deployment headhunter??? This is gonna be a bloody and fast first round..

That was kind of my reasoning behind strategy and deployment for first round. Glad my genius is appreciated ;-)

Also I'll remember you said you were a willing test subject.

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  • 3 weeks later...



The week after May Feng I will be putting tickets on sale for September's Curse 2015.


Attendees of May Feng will have access to purchase tickets from the day of May Feng. I will not be taking cash in hand, but I will be taking payment and holding slots.

As with this event early tickets will be £13 rather than the £15 for general charge.

I may even consider group rates for clubs as groups tend to help guarantee more secure spaces.


May Feng is about 11 weeks away now if I can count properly, closer to the date I will be looking into arranging a meal on the Saturday night.

I really want to push this.

The issue with one day events is even in a hall with over 30 gamers, playing all day means you don't get time to chat to everyone and barely anyone at length.

The social side of the tournament scene is one of the best bits, if not the best bit, going for a meal Saturday night as a group would be very cool.


So two things. First off, I think the choices are Chinese or Carvery, here is a poll http://strawpoll.me/3851771


Also, if you are around Saturday night please tell me and I will start a list on the first post.


I'm sure there is more to update, but those morsels of information will do for now.

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Have added my vote.  There's six of us coming over from Cardiff but one thing is that the FA Cup Final is on the Saturday so we are going to want to watch that before any meal.  If anybody can recommend any places around the venue or the Travelodge in Christchurch to watch it that would be good (and if anybody wants to join us for a few beers they are welcome).

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