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Shantytown gang op?


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So by now we've all seen the stats for Hobo McFister and his gang of magical murder tramps. First things first, it should be acknowledged that their inclusion was a great surprise. I was blown away when I heard there was a shiny new master hidden away in the pages of crossroads. It was a ballsy move to release another master out of the closed beta after Tara and just hearing about it made my day. I love that the devs of this game of ours can still spring surprises on us like this.


The fluff behind Hobo is awesome. I love the whole Mickey Mouse nostalgia meets corporate Disney corruption with an added layer of filth thing he's got going. Honestly, he made for the first Tyrant that didn't seem like a convoluted mess of metaphor and nonsense. Its a great concept and, some glaring tuning issues which I'll be getting into shortly aside, its very well executed.  Got to admit the design on some of the mooks seemed a bit more scatological than I'm comfortable with, looking at the chocolate gamin in particular, but its nice to see a little bit of the old whimsey back in m2e.


The unfortunate thing here is that rules look broken beyond all belief. Now there are going to be people out there who think I'm rushing to judgment. I may well be, I'll admit I haven't had time to put him on the table, but there is just something clearly off about McFister. Some of it could be put down to just typos. I mean, just looking at the damage spread on Trash Fire and you can see where maybe the range got mixed up with the week damage. Maybe a 0 got left off of Trusty Pete's ss cost.


Try as I might though I can't come up with a reasonable explanation for the rest. Summoning off of the nugget condition is ridiculous with how easy it is to stack combining Rubber Glove and Proctology Exam. There is just no justifying the triple damage trigger. Its not like he had trouble putting people in the ground with his baseline stats, with it he's just running up the score. The Bindle of Doom in particular makes about a dozen match ups unwinable for the bargain basement cost of three stones.  I'm not being facetious here but I would honestly love to hear how a master like Leveticus or Pandora could be expected to go up against that monstrosity of an upgrade and not get tabled by the end of turn three.


There's a lot to like about McFister but I'm struggling to think of how he fits in the game without breaking it in half. Maybe somebody's thought this through better than I have. Maybe the next few weeks will prove me wrong on this but I kinda doubt it. I'm honestly starting to think the game might be a bit better for everyone if he and his crew were removed from future printings of the book. So what do you guys think? Is there a way to fix or beat Hobo and his Shantytown pals?

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Easiest way I saw to beat him at gencon was understanding that he would at any point in time kill one of your models and accept that as truth. But since it was only one model summoning masters had it easy. Unless of course Mcfister targeted them. But judicial use of terrain helped limit this a lot. The master might be unbeatable but the player playing the master is quite fallible and can make mistakes you should capitalize on.

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Wait, there really is a Hobo McFister in the new book?  I thought Justin was joking when he said that...


Now, I really can't wait for my book to arrive...

Lets not go overboard, this is just a joke thread that started with the insanity that started creeping on this thread




Now, "on topic"


Well, I had a hard time actually reading the rules since you do have to read the second phrase of each paragraph that you pick on each page based on the lunar calendar, so I might have misread it, but Trash Fire doesn't seem that bad to me, I'm a bit more weary on the "oh god, cats everywhere!" trigger, I mean, summoning hoarcat prides that spread even more burning seems pretty insane to me.

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I though the crew really showed, in some aspects, the developers insecurity and lack of originality. I mean the trigger, developer wins, is a total rip off from AEG's Designer wins. Seriously does Wyrd's employees really need a trigger on an actual model in the game that has the rule, if you work for wyrd, win the game? I guess it's nice that the rule has the clause "yes, this is intended." At the end of the rule, but still I mean come on.

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