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I'm a new player in M2E - what should I buy?


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So, I've decided on my crew, "The Thunder" box is incoming.


Obviously, a rulebook and a deck of fate cards are also in order.  As a miniatures player already, I have a tape measure and some movement widgets.


What else do I need to enjoy this game?  Do I need the Wave 1 / Wave 2 arsenal decks?


Where can I get the scenario/scheme decks?  I thought they were going to be for sale through the website during Gencon, but they never showed up for me.  Those seemed like a really handy reference for new players.

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Assuming you have a post-update Thunder box you won't need a Wave 1 arsenal deck to simply play. You will need it for the 10T (and Outcast if you want to paly that way) general upgrades.


The pre-release decks for the webstore sold out very early. You'll be able to get one again when they go general release (likely September releases).

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Scheme decks got sold out quickly, reprints will be sold in the future.


If you ordered a box with the M2E logo on it the cards for the models will be in it, if you got an older box from a retailer somewhere it will have old cards (though this is unlikely as it has been hard to find for several months). The cards would be in the Ten Thunder Wave 1 if you need them. The wave 1 decks also have generic upgrades in them. Misaki can use both those from Ten Thunders and from Outcast depending on what you declare her as. The Wave 2 decks also have some generic upgrades, but fewer.

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Thanks for the replies - I appreciate you taking the time to answer.


So, "Generic Upgrades" - sounds like I still need those decks if I want to have the cards for all of the cool stuff I could put on my crew.


Thanks again for your help - will let you know how it goes.

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Well, bare minimum you'll need (assuming you end up with an M2E box and want to run her as Ten Thunders) is: Rule book (small is $15, large is $40), the Box Set itself (using the cards within), and a Malifaux Fate Deck (You can use a generic poker deck, but converting the symbols gets tiring after awhile, and they are only about $6 for one).

A few things to note (which confused me when I started a few months ago):

The Big and Small Rulebooks both contain the full game rules. The only difference (other than size and price) is the Big rule books contains a lot of fluff/stories on all the Wave 1 masters/crews, as well as a copy of all Wave 1 cards in the book (the exact same ones as you find in the individual arsenal decks/crew boxes). The decks just make it more convenient to use instead of flipping pages all the time.

Misaki is a Dual Faction Master (Outcast and Ten Thunders). You can use her, and hire her crew, from any models available in one faction or the other (You declare which faction before you select your crew in a game, so are then locked in to models from that faction, barring mercenaries or special rules stating otherwise). Her personal rules allow her to high up to 4 Lotus Blossom models (basically her entire crew box) no matter which faction you declare.

Depending on which Faction you declare there are special upgrades available (general and specific ones). Misaki will always have her same specific ones available to her, no matter the faction she declares, only the General upgrades will change. If you declare Outcast, then she can only choose from hers  + Outcast specific General upgrades. Same for if you declare Ten Thunders (Hers + 10k General ones).

Wave 1 & 2 - Wave one was released last year (Main Rulebook) which is basically 1/2 the masters in the Game and their crews when Wyrd swapped over from version 1.5 to 2. They also decided to make all models plastic, phasing out producing pewter models. The first 1/2 was called Wave 1 which are out now (though some are still awaiting plastics). The second 1/2 are called Wave 2 (some just released at GenCon this past weekend along with the CrossRoads book which is the Wave 2 equivalent of the Wave 1 Big Rule Book containing fluff and information on all the Wave 2 masters/crews, along with Wave 2 Arsenal cards for said masters/crews).

Play a few games with your crew after you read the rules and get a feel for that box set. After that expand your crew to cover weaknesses you might see yourself having (lack of heavy hitters, or lack of enough fast scheme runners, etc). 

Remember, ALWAYS use a LEAST (typically more than) 1/3 of the board covered in terrain (I tend to prefer 40%-50% between various types of terrain). You want an equal playing field so neither shooty or melee crews have a large advantage over one another.

Also remember that the game is built/balanced at 50SS games, so some crews/opponents might seem O.P at first (especially without enough terrain), but at larger games, once you get more models and rules experience, will seem more equal as you obtain more options via crew selection.

Speaking of which, barring just starting where you only have a few models anyway, Crew selection isn't made until AFTER you flip for Strats/Schemes. List building tends to get your backside handed to you

And most importantly: HAVE FUN! (and...always feel free to ask questions. We all learn sometime). :D

TL:DR - Get yourself a Rulebook, Crew, Fate Deck, & Opponent and have fun. 

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So -


The Thunder, Rulebook, Fatedeck - all as covered in my original post.


Only interest is in playing this as Ten Thunders, so that makes this very simple.


I'm not worried about Terrain, I've trying to bring the crew into an established community, and I understand the importance of terrain for game balance.  I'm fine getting my butt handed to me - I play Warmahordes as my primary game.


Lots of talking around it, but it sounds like if I am serious about playing the game, I want to buy both Arsenal boxes for whatever faction(s) I am interested in.


TL:DR - Just add arsenal boxes to shopping list, especially if you planned on purchasing the small rulebook.

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Buying the both 10T decks I think should be recommended. Aside from getting the genetic 10T upgrades you may wish to use, having all the cards for the models you may use will be of benefit when you want to proxy a model, prior to purchase or simply to go through all of them before purchasing your next models to familiarize yourself with the stats so you can have a sense of what models will fill what hole.

The benefit of the "big books" is that not only are your stat cards printed in there for the same purpose, but they also have all the other factions' cards so you know what you are going to be going up against. Buying both big books is a more expensive proportion though, of course.

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I'm not worried about Terrain, I've trying to bring the crew into an established community, and I understand the importance of terrain for game balance.  I'm fine getting my butt handed to me - I play Warmahordes as my primary game.


WarmaHordes/GW terrain is usually all too large for Malifaux. Dominating the table with pieces of terrain that range from 6"-12" across is way too big. Malifaux works best with smaller terrain............element terrain like crates/barrels/single trees....all 1"-3" across in size....then area terrain of 3"-6"..............anything bigger than that should be used sparingly.

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Dgraz, thanks for your comments above.


I had read the terrain thread and looked at several battle reports, and I'm pleased to report that my local Malifaux community is, in fact, playing with the appropriate amount and type of terrain (although I'd personally like to get a bit more urban, but that's the Infinity player in me), and that it is setup in the appropriate fashion to enable tactical decisions in Malifaux gameplay.


My comment regarding Warmahordes only applied specifically to my ability to take a beating.


Thanks to everyone for their help.  My Thunder box should be at the shop tonight, so expect I'll get my first games in this weekend.

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Welcome Tradition. Looks they got you on the right track. Great time to be coming into the game. The arsenal decks I recommend if your buying what I also recommend being the small rulebook, as it will show you what all you can take in your faction. Less required if your going big rule book and then cross roads. Make sure you check out the Crew creator located on the website and please ask questions if you have them.

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So -


The Thunder, Rulebook, Fatedeck - all as covered in my original post.


Only interest is in playing this as Ten Thunders, so that makes this very simple.


I'm not worried about Terrain, I've trying to bring the crew into an established community, and I understand the importance of terrain for game balance.  I'm fine getting my butt handed to me - I play Warmahordes as my primary game.


Lots of talking around it, but it sounds like if I am serious about playing the game, I want to buy both Arsenal boxes for whatever faction(s) I am interested in.


TL:DR - Just add arsenal boxes to shopping list, especially if you planned on purchasing the small rulebook.

Another benefit of the arsenal decks if you're going solo faction is it lets you know what other models do before buying. Its cheaper to get the pocket book and the two arsenal decks for your faction, than the two main rulebooks. The big books still have their benefits in fluff, and extra scenarios.


Terrain is a trial and error process. I played with stuff drawn on line paper for months when I started, and terrain density almost goes on a game to game basis. It usually takes a few games to figure out a sweet spot for the majority of crew matchups.

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