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Greyscale Inquisitor and Retinue


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Here is a project I got to do recently- it isn't Malifaux, but I figured people here would appreciate it.  This is an ordo Xenos inquisitor along with his retinue.  The idea for the greyscale and green color scheme was my client's, and I really think it works nicely on these sculpts.
So that you all know, the inquisitor is a conversion using a few non-GW parts and some dark eldar bits.  The other mini you might not recognize is a Necromunda Spyrer Hunter (Malchadon).
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These look seriously good. Nice use of the different types (hues?) of grey.



Green is a great focal point, but a complete black/white unit would be great to see. Make it look like its out of an old war movie :P




The best greyscale I ever saw was on a historical diorama- it portrayed WW2 soldiers fighting around a bridge and really had that '40s film look to it.


In this case, the plan was more of a Sin City approach- and the truth is, the green gives me a lot of control over the centers of interest.


But I bet I could do something grand with just black and white.  I'll need to pick the right mini for it.  Maybe something that looks like it is from a '50s science fiction film.

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how did you do the helmet btw?

is it white blended to green and then painted the diamonds presenting it with a pattern or black with a grid on top with the lines from white to green?



I started with black and painted the lines over the top, layering up.  I cleaned up the black a bit, and blended things together with a bit of glazing.

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Very nice! Very nice work with the placement of the greens. Really clever!

I think I like the Spyrer the best. The details pop very nicely in a relatively complicated sculpt with just the few colours used.

My only criticism is that the bases are a bit boring. I realize that this is likely according to the client's wishes but I still feel that some bigger rocks at least would've livened them up quite a bit. Or maybe some grey grass :D

For inspiration on black and white painting, this is pretty crazy awesome:


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