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Played first games tonight and have questions!



Played two 25ss games this evening, and while incredibly fun I do have a couple of rules queries...

1. I tried to cast poison but we got a draw. We had no way to cheat fate so we not sure how to proceed.

2. How does hard to kill work? If I'm on 4 wounds say, I get hit down zero am dead, do i default to 1 wound.

3.i killed death Marshall in Melee my first action, could I target another model with my second action point with Melee or shooting?

4. I was stuck in a pine box but the death Marshall was killed. Do I get to activate this turn?

Cheers for any help you can give me!!

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18 answers to this question

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1. Ties go to the attacker.


2. If you have 2 or more wounds, no matter how much damage you take you drop to 1......you can not be reduced to less than 1......if you are at 1 and you take damage then you die.


3. Yes, as long as that first attack was not the result of a Charge.......on a charge both attacks must be at the same target so if the model is killed on the first attack the second attack is wasted.


4. Yes.

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Dgraz has it.

On Hard to Kill, some sneaky models also can heal, so when their H2K kicks in and leaves them on 1 Wound, they then heal up (to 2 wounds is enough) and then it takes a further two attacks to bring them down! Great combo!

Note that if the buried model had already activated in the same turn before he got Pine Boxed, he doesn't get another activation that turn when he breaks free (unless he has the reactivate condition)

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3. Yes, as long as that first attack was not the result of a Charge.......on a charge both attacks must be at the same target so if the model is killed on the first attack the second attack is wasted.

Some talents that generate more attacks also require them to all be on the same target, e.g. Flurry, Rapid Fire, some triggers, so read your cards carefully.

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In case of Mortimer, the moment the attack hits the target it doesn't suffer any damage, but gets poison +3, which resolves as normal (1 point of damage at the end of turn and lower condition by one).


Other cast actions with normal damage resolve as any other attack.

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Cheers guys! I have another question on poison...

If the cast is Successful (Mortimer poison 3) does it 'damage' immediately, is that the same for every type of casting?


Think of it as the other way round: there are no things for every type of casting. Ca is just a statistic that is used for the attack. Attacks have things in common (like needing a target and such things) but in general, they just do exactly what is written on the card.


In Malifaux there aren't many "hidden rules", although you may need some time to read the card correctly.

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I actually have a further noob question... On a duel rg 5 vs df 5 and I draw 7 and my opponent draws 5,can he use a low card from his control hand if he wished, to get rid of it? Or do you always have to play a high card when cheating fate?

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I see.. So at the start of the turn can you discard all 6 cards for others? Can you only do that once per turn?

You discard as many or as few cards as you want, then draw up to your hand size (usually 6). So you can keep high cards and specific suits.

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Sometimes you can take a risk and cheat in a lower card to make your opponent flip more cards though.  I recently played a game with Von Schill against Jacob Lynch and his Huggy was attacking my Trapper.  I'd lost the duel and was going to die to the minimum damage so I cheated my duel total to be even lower meaning he won the duel by a positive which meant one more damage card to be flipped and that ended up being the Black Joker so I didn't die.  That's a pretty rare example but sometimes it can pay to cheat your own total down (and if you're doing duels against your own models you might also want to cheat to lower one (or more) of the results).


OT but DGraz and Richard - your Cojo/Nicodem respectively look great.

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