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Hamlin Crew Numbers


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Ok, I read the other forum post on Hamlin, and most people seemed to agree you need around 6 to 10 rats in total for his crew (for potential summoning, etc). My question is, how many Rat Kings would you say would be a good model count to have for a game? 2 or 3? Maybe more? 

reason I ask is I just picked up a Hamlin crew pretty cheap and was going to pick up a few other odds and ends like a Wretch and some Rat Catchers (and I have boxes and boxes of Skaven from WHFB with extra regular rats, so was going to make some Rat Kings once I picked up some bases).

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None.  Cuz if your opponent is smart they will jack up those rats in a mad panic.  Rat Kings are horrible to deal with.  I'd rather poop my guts out to Bleeding Disease.


/fear and loathing in Malifaux


(Actually 2 seems about right)

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I have 2 and never seemed to need more. Would be nice to have a third I guess but found more use in turning one into a rat catcher and rat if I need another rat king model! ;) but I have not yet hired one so would be different if I started with some in my lineup

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I have 2 and never seemed to need more. Would be nice to have a third I guess but found more use in turning one into a rat catcher and rat if I need another rat king model! ;) but I have not yet hired one so would be different if I started with some in my lineup

Basically this. Three rat kings duplicates too much and risks wasteful redundancy I feel. My Hammy opponent is best served converting out to a rat catcher with Rat Problem

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reason I ask is I just picked up a Hamlin crew pretty cheap and was going to pick up a few other odds and ends like a Wretch and some Rat Catchers (and I have boxes and boxes of Skaven from WHFB with extra regular rats, so was going to make some Rat Kings once I picked up some bases).

I certainly hope you are going to make the rat kings by taking a skaven dude and give him a crown and a sceptre!

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