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Haters gonna hate....

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I heard of persons mentioning Malifaux or Wyrd on other forums which lean toward a certain Game company being banned from those forums! Is the established 'Big Dog' of the gaming world affraid of a little competition?? YES THEY ARE. 


I doubt they're particularly threatened.  Aren't they the big dog by, like, an order of magnitude?


Could just be fan/unofficial forums dedicated to said product line/s want to keep the focus on that.


Though that can be achieved simply by having sub-forums available.  I know one of the biggest fan forums for said company has several other-game related subforums, including one for Malifaux.


Though that one doesn't really see much use these days on that particular site.

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It would be moved to General Discussion, but I'm pretty sure the Offtopic thread often talks about all kinds of other companies.... Pretty sure there has been some interest in AvP and Guild Ball recently.

The thing is, I think almost all of us started at one point with GW (well at least the UK people). So any negativity comes from a place of having something you once loved, which you now see the cracks in. I don't think GW rules were ever particularly well balanced, or they were ever amazingly cheap. But you kind of gloss over those things if you have friends and are enjoying yourself. I don't dislike people for enjoying themselves that would be silly, it's their money and their time.

When it comes to it the only issue really is the more people play other games the less chance I get to play Malifaux against them.

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Why the heck can't we all just love all table top games & gamers?


It would make the online community waaaaay less toxic.


I DO love GW's 40k IP. Love it to bits. Thats why I get so mad about it. Because I love it is why I can GET so mad when GW decides to do an obvious cash in, or sacrifice gameplay for no reason whatsoever.


Im not going to get mad at you playing 40k, but Im really not going to understand why lol

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I was a GW fanboy for a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time.  I still am to a degree, but I have since branched out and played other games.  I was the guy who brought Malifaux to the masses when it first came out, and I'm doing it again...


I don't fault anyone for the games they play.  Like I said, I am still (in a much smaller way now) a GW fanboy.


Now, let me show you some Malifaux...:)

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I play tons of games; Infinity, Malifaux, Dropzone, Warmahordes, A number of Kickstarters: I embrace all the differences, I truly do. But GW just keeps making decisions I can't possibly agree with.


But hey, thats why we don't bring up GW and abusive exes: makes you negative. We talk about how awesome are lives are currently. Like how we, as a community, updated the entire Malifaux wiki in under a month with tactics for nearly everything in the game. Why did we do it? Someone asked nicely. Its an awesome community and I'd never dare to call it negative.


We just dont talk about exes and GW.

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Do It I'm very excited about the game, I want to play the unborn is it? ButI hear they're not a good way to start the game as they play differently?


You don't want to be playing those nasty Neverborn.

Play lovely Arcanists instead!

It's what all the cool kids are doing...

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I don't get the hater vibe from this forum--and I have belonged to a bunch of forums over the years.  


I do see some folks who are disillusioned with GW or who are touting the virtues of Malifaux by comparing it to a well known product.  In either case I can see how the limited medium of typed text can lead to the impression that folks are hating--but as I said, I don't get the sense of hate.  

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Really, I fail to see the hostility that the community is being accused of. This is the only GW related thread I've seen in the forum in months, maybe I just don't go into the areas where that is discussed. If I want to discuss GW I go to Warseer unless it's relevant to the discussion and there you can find my opinion on the subject.


I would suggest you had a good look at the forum before asuming the people here are even mentioning GW outside of a number of threads I can count with less than one hand. People here come to discuss a game we love and appreciate, not to bash other games that are a non factor on our enjoyment of Malifaux.

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No point in hating.


I play WFB, War Machine and Malifaux

I have also played 40k, Space hulk, Bloodbowl, Epic, Necromuna, countless board games

I bought into Infinity, sedition wars, relic knights, rivet wars and guildball


I've dabbled with pretty much every system, which has been picked up by other people that game in the same place I do, at some stage.  I've yet to find a 'perfect game' each of them offers a different experience that for me scratches a different itch.  Ive not found any other game which does the large scale armies thing as well as WFB (that I can get a game of more than once in a blue moon).


Does that mean I think WFB is great, well actually yeah it does, but at the same time does it utterly suck, yep it does.  It can be that after a while every game becomes the same motions once you know the matchups as the scenarios don't really do much to change up that experience and ultimately you're just trying to kill your opponent in the most efficient way possible.


Malifaux - is a wonderful skirmish game with great objectives and a load of variety.  That said there are some rules interactions that aren't the clearest and a boatload of abilties appear on models cards that unless you know what they do (roughly) can seriously swing a game.  It can be frustrating if you don't know the models well so requires a fair amount of time invested.  That may sound like I'm bashing it, but far from the truth.  I've just gotten back into M2e and I'm on a wave of exhilirating experience of learning what everything does and enjoying new experiences on the table.  In short it's ace fun and I'm loving every minute of it. (plus it's got me painting like crazy again as I'd forgotten just how enjoyable 'faux models are to paint).


Warmachine - Runs the middle ground.  If anything I think it's the game which has most lost it's way.  It started out a small scale game with a clear objective (caster kill) and has bloated into a unit/army game over time.  Still a fantastically tight ruleset and generally really good balance, but they're moving away from what they started out doing to chase sales (sensibly enough as a company) and also changing the objective of their games with the newer objective scenario win conditions.  Again does it make it a bad game, hell no, it can be immensely exhilirating particularly for those of a competitive nature but to me as a casual gamer all of it can be a bit much when I just want a chilled push some toys around session but I still enjoy pulling out the game and playing at the smaller points levels.


That's my take on gaming, and I've no doubt offended a few companies, who is it makes dystopian and all that lot, they've not had a mention yet - ah spartan and Bushido and Anima Tactics and Helldorado and WWE and the countless others I've missed.  All of them will have dedicated fans or they simply wouldn't exist and there are plenty of good games that have died over the years.


Negativeity will never grow a community.  So if people are desperate to put other game systems down they probably need to have a think about what is driving that attitude, is it because their 'baby' is on the wain and they should actually be running demos and getting new players in to see just why their game is so much fun. Or actually are they clining to a comfort blanket of 'the good old days' and actually it's their fun of the game that has gone.

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