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pyro gremlin

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One thing to mention that I haven't seen tossed out is grabbing the Powered by Flame upgrade for any of the beat-sticks in your crew.  Enemies in :aura  8 that take damage from a construct gain Burning +1 after the action.  I think it's designed with Kaeris in mind but that screams Ramos to me.


Fairly easy to hit example, Arachnid swarm hits Sea of Claws and manages Overwhelm trigger once each time.  After the 4 attacks (which is already a minimum 8 damage) you're looking at tacking on another Burning +4.


When you're looking at adding ranged support, tossing this on Joss or Howard and then hiring 1 or 2 Gunsmiths seems pretty good.  Cause the Gunsmiths don't even care about firing into melee cause of the :+fate :+fate  they get to duels vs Burning targets.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Played Ramos in Turf War last night and used;



+ Arcane Reservoir (2)

+ Combat Mechanic (2)

+ Bleeding Edge Tech (1)

+ 6ss cache (3)


Joss (10)

+ Imbued Energies (1)


Cassandra (8)

+ Practised Production (1)


Johan (7)

Large Arachnid (6)

Rail Worker (5)

Electric Creation (4) 


Scheme pool was; Assassinate, Protect Territory, Murder Protégé, and Power Ritual. Standard Deployment. Playing on the Jailbreak VASSAL map.


For Recon I'd look to work a couple of Molemen into a similar list, and maybe aim to swap Joss for Miss Step (Howard) depending on the extent I want to refuse flank.

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Cool list! Cassandra with practiced production is so damn good. That's how I usually kit her out too. Although I've yet to play Ramos I'm very curious about him :)
Wouldn't Under Pressure be pretty good for turf war? Or does it put Ramos too close to the action? I can see your focus on healing being really good though.

What's the reasoning behind the moles in the recon list? Aren't the summoned spiders enough? Is it because of the flexibility of moles + practiced production?

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I'd have taken Under Pressure vs Ressers (so they can't lure Ramos) but given Murder Prot and Assassinate in the pool I wanted the access to extra healing. Plus accomplice on Ramos is a thing of beauty.  


UP's :+fate to attack flips is nice but generally not 2ss nice unless you're also getting something from the counter spell IMHO.


I tend to use a couple of moles in Recon as they're cheap tough bodies you can bounce either side of the line for (0) to balance up quarters.

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It's certainly useful for safety-ing newly summoned spiders from blast attacks, either by pulling one away or swarming together.  Also for the combo summon spiders into base with an enemy, double Electrical Fire then accomplice your hitter to take down a tough enemy. 


Accomplice is win in most situations TBH.

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My god, the second idea is brilliant and horrible. Out of nowhere, your opponent is at -3 Df and taking shots to the face from EF and beater. I've tended to spend a lot of time lining up spiders properly...why bother when you can just summon them into position first! :)


Gross. Amazing. Imma gonna do it.

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I've tended to spend a lot of time lining up spiders properly...why bother when you can just summon them into position first! :)

Because your opponent doesn't always understand that he should be standing on top of a scrap marker. Of course you can also help him do that...
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