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Colette - How many scheme markers?


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Hello fellow Arcanists,


Sort of new player here. I had some Malifaux back during 1.5 but sort of fell out of it. Now I'm coming back in with M2E and the sexy new plastic kits. I've got Ramos and Mei Feng stuff coming and I hope to grab more Arcanist stuff when the plastic boxes come out.


I've always liked Colette and her magician theme, but looking over her rules it took me a while to realize that she can give her entire crew the ability to take (1) Interact actions as (0) actions, meaning they can throw scheme markers all over the place as part of her playstyle. So my question is for you more experienced Arcanist players, how many scheme markers should I be looking to purchase?



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I'm going to go in the other direction and say not as many as you would think. You still need to observe the limits of interacting to put down scheme markers, you can also use them to power abilities and you might just have better things to do. If you have 10 that should easily be enough. Most games I seem to have around half a dozen on the table at any given time.

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You only need to follow the rules of interacting, if you are interacting.

You need a TON of markers as an Arcanist. My regular opponent regularly has 5-7 markers down by the end of the first turn.

And that is with Kaeris.


That's.. a lot of markers :o

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Last game I played with Colette @ 40 stones, I had 10 scheme markers on the board by the end of turn 2. After that they started to recycle though.  I could easily have had more, but didn't need more in that game.


I would safely put 10 at the minimum, but 15-20 might be safer as a max.


Of course YMMV.

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I watched a Colette crew dump 30+ scheme markers in a game.  It was impressive.

That is quite impressive. However did the last 20+ markers do anything for him?

You can put out tons of markers if you want to, question really is do you want to? Past a certain point it just becomes wasted actions, IMO. I find that the bigger advantage is being able to easily get the markers you need, rather than all the markers in the world. Even with Colette 3 markers where you need them is much better than 10 markers all over.

I have had games where I've gone over 10 markers, but its rare, and its usually because I'm doing so well that I don't have anything else to do.

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