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Old Fluff / Candy Regressing?

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It would be nice, for those of us joining in M2e, if Wyrd would pull together either an anthology of the 1.x fluff or a summary of the 1.x events (since a lot of major plot points happen).  How different people got to their avatars, what tyrants are where, little details like that.  :D


The only 1.x book I currently have ready access to is Twisting Fates, and reading bits of that has actually called my attention to the minis for Candy.


Original metal Candy - looks about 6 years old.

Twisting fates fluff - story describes her as suddenly aging up to the early teens, taller than Pandora, with decidedly femenine curves.

Metal Candy Alt - Looks like a very angry 13-15 year old girl, like the art in the book.

New Plastic Candy - Looks to be 10 or less, and very Goth compared to the two metals.


So, is there actually a fluff reason given for that regression, or was that just a quiet "we decided that making her a teen was a bad idea, so we retconned it out" thing?

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(notices the Through the Breach banner)  - /facepalm 


Right, Through the Breach.  I would imagine that a fairly good "known history of Malifaux" will either be part of that, or be released as a TTB/Malifaux crossover product shortly thereafter.

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At the end of Rising Powers, Hamelin did...something. He used the device, something locked away with himself, in conjunction with a ring that Kirai held. This resulted in the Red Star dropping, which turned out to be the Cage that Cherufe, another Tyrant, was locked away in. As part of the Star falling to Malifaux, it released a stupendous amount of energy. While all of the energy was supposed to go straight to Hamelin, the ritual was interrupted by Kirai, so all that energy ended up spreading out over Malifaux. This is where the Avatars come into play, as the energy ended up being absorbed by all of the Masters.

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Ah, thanks! I've only read the original basic book, Rising Powers, and the new basic book. So there are big chunks of the story I've missed and as a result the parts I have read (like, apparently, the actual Event) haven't made much sense without the context. 


(I've heard about office parties like that - come to think of it, I think Sonnia would fit in nicely with Monster Hunters International... :) )

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So is there a good place to get all of the fluff/background stories? I have the original Malifaux book, but due to missing the expansions and just coming back to the game there is a lot I have missed and would love to read. Should I just go buy the expansion books for this, and if so which ones do I need?

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I believe they retconned Candy aging by saying it was only part of the avatar manifestation. Some of the energy that Pandora got was passed on to Candy and she grew, both mentally and physically. But when the event ended, she returned back to her younger self and basically forgot the duration of the manifestation.

I'm not sure it should count as a retcon though.

There has been a lot of discussion about the fluff. Edit: See Mike3838's post for newer info.

(I believe Nathan said they have no plans for rereleasing any fluff in any way. It's not impossible that it might happen in the future, but as of now there is nothing. But this was a few months ago, don't know if I've missed any news in the meantime.

So I recommend trying to get your hands on the old books for the fluff. Hopefully you can get them discounted or maybe borrow them from someone.)

Edited by Carasz
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That's great news!

If you still want to buy the old books (a fluff compendium might take some time considering all the work wyrd has left on other stuff) then I'd recommend the third book, that's where they cover the event. I think that the first two books are better though, fluff wise. But the third is important for the main story. I just prefer reading about my favorite masters.

The fourth book mainly introduces the new faction and their masters, so it doesn't advance the overall plot much.

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