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I want to levi


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Hi, I have a post up on the ressers forum about molly as my gf is starting out. And she is getting into her, so to make I fair between us I'm starting a new faction and master, and I chose levi.

I have 3 questions

As you can buy 2 waifs, and then sort of sumon a 3rd, dose this mean basicly if you kill your self you can keep dieing, but you have 2 chance of dieing out of action and then your out of waifs?

What 6ss modles are people liking for there waif guards

I'm not a fan of the abom's I don't minde getting them free, but I'm not happy enough with there stats to pay for them, but I do want levi ish stuff, things that fit his theme and preferably play style, so what would you recomend?

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As you can buy 2 waifs, and then sort of sumon a 3rd, dose this mean basicly if you kill your self you can keep dieing, but you have 2 chance of dieing out of action and then your out of waifs?


Well, you can summon another one as a (0) that sacrifices Leveticus, but that's it. Keep those Waifs safe!

What 6ss modles are people liking for there waif guards

So many choices! I usually want to have three babysitters each game.


Lazarus is my favorite anchor, because he's so durable and stays in the back line.


The Mechanical Rider is nice because he's just generally so good.


Rusty Alyce works well, too.


Dead Doxy (Pariah of Bone) and Soulstone Miner (Pariah of Iron) are really solid 6-soulstone cost choices if you take the appropriate upgrade, since they provide a lot of other benefits to a crew as well.


Ashes and Dust is really good for a babysitter because it's crazy durable, but it can sometimes outrun a Waif because it's so fast, and it is kinda bound to the edges. I use it sometimes as a Waif anchor, even though it's not ideal, because I'm buying it anyway and it's so good for a lot of other things.


Lately I've been playing with Vasilisa, who is great for this.


I'm not a fan of the abom's I don't minde getting them free, but I'm not happy enough with there stats to pay for them, but I do want levi ish stuff, things that fit his theme and preferably play style, so what would you recomend?



Yeah, I don't buy them myself. The important thing to know about Abominations is this: Don't use them to attack enemies or grab objectives. Push them up 2" from an enemy model (especially an enemy Leader) to deny suits and (0) Actions. And use their (1) for more card draw. They're more like an industrial byproduct than a standard model: use them to bog up enemies, and make them appear when the opportunity presents itself.


I've never managed to bring a Desolation Engine into play, but the threat of it is enough to drain enemy resources and AP sometimes.

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I rarely bring six stone models to be my anchors for preference, but if I had to choose?

Flesh constructs.

They are big, fat, meat shields and that is what you want as waif anchors.

That being said, Lazarus is great at standing his ground center field and wrecking face with a waif in his shadow.

I prefer models that are big and beefy for my waifs:

Ashes and Dust, Howard Langston, the Peacekeeper are some of my favorites aaas they are fast and strong enough to put up hurt and still keep going.

My in theme list is usually Rusty/Lazarus and Ashes and Dust/Desolation Engine.

Consider hiring Rusty and the Engine.

Her reactivate ability combined with his self healing is fluffy and demoralizing for your enemies.

Even if it dies you get aboms out of the deal and a chance to summon more.

So long as a waif is on the field Levi has a chance to be resurrected.

Each is one use before sacking them

So yes, you can die and resurrect twice without summoning any waifs given ideal circumstances.

But Levi can only come back at the end of a turn.

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I want you to levi. I really do!


Something to keep in mind about levi: He's got literally the most crew choices in the game. So, pick some models you like and hire them, but don't feel like you need to cover every possible hire option, or even every possible GOOD hire option. Just figure out a Crew or two you'll want to play.


Otherwise, you'll be paralyzed by too many choices and go utterly mad.

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thanks guys, good feed back. so a lot of people have mentioned models that are quick and often melee (ashes and dust, mechanical rider), do you just run the waif behind them and hope they kill everything before the waif dies?


You hide the Waif behind terrain. And activate it early-to-mid turn so it has that trigger and does damage to anyone who attacks and misses.


But mostly you hide them behind terrain.

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ok ,you hide them but for the most part as far as the anchor model is concerned, dose it kind of forget the waif is there, or do you actively protect the waif. also with the abom, you say move up to 2 and do auras, this not in disengage range, so there is nothing to stop them moving away or getting pushed by another sauce and not really hindering them

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You make it more difficult to kill the Waif than would be worth their time. If they spend a ton of PA hunting and killing your Waif, and you spend your AP doing Schemes and Strategies, you've just won and they've lost, whether or not the Waif lives. Many opponents don't bother Waif-hunting because it's often not worth the effort.


That said, it is good to protect your Waifs. Keep 'em hidden, and have your anchors kill things that roll up on the Waifs.


With the Abominations, just getting within 2" means that they have to make a check or take damage, and that they lose suits and (0) actions. If they walk before doing anything else, you've drained their AP by forcing them to walk somewhere instead of staying where they wanted to put their model. If you get within 1", you can try to stop them from leaving, which is even better. If they spend their AP kiling the Abomination, you've drained their AP by forcing them to attack your Abomination instead of somethign important.


Abominations are great that way: they pop up incidentally, sometimes for free, and they waste the enemy's time and resources, and they weaken nearby enemies.

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ok, so if you can get an abom into 1" without it being any trouble, then go for it but if you can only do 2" then that will work to, I think I get the waif thing now, if they go after the waifs then kill what you can and win the mission, if they don't then don't worry about it kill them and win the mission

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Strong hire options for me are Bête Noire and Killjoy.

Because every so often an opponent will kill something you love (the waifs) and lessons must follow.

No one wants a bête to the face, no one, and that is what happens when you murder my undead thralls.

Hateful is correct, you bury waifs in terrain.

I like to leave one or two to activate late turn if I can.

Especially the one I summon off Levi.

Late turn I move her into perfect cover for Levi to spring out from next turn.

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I like killjoy and bete, and I like tara (although I belive she is a little week as a solo master) and with her I'd probably take one every time, but with levi having limited ss to keep tied to his waifs I don't think I could afford 10 ss stuck out of play for a few turns

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Yeah, the plastic Levi cant come soon enough for me. Honestly I really hate that green haired crippled looking mini they got for him now, but his rules rule. 


I read a bunch of levi battle reports and it just cracks me up how often an opponent is sure the game is over only to have levi or A&D or the SPAs do something totally unexpected and pull the victory away, also it seems like for a game where winning is mostly accomplished by completing scenarios and schemes Levi is still the OP caster master that focuses on "kill them all and they cant win with schemes" and he's really good at it. 


Read a bat rep where the player had teddy, killjoy (and I think Bete?) and I thought, "jesus... that's all the biggest beatsticks in the game,  just run away, you got no chance unless you run!" cracks me up just thinking about it. 

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so some one mentioned earlier about using rusty to reactivate the deso as he can heal up, you do this as the last activations if possible so people don't have cards and they cant snipe the 1w deso, this made me think, if you can use necros and aboms to out activate the enemy then end of the turn you cast reactivate on the deso so i can start tearing people up and healing, then use levi to make it hit 3 more times you hurt it for 2, but if you can then hurt them for 5 you will heal that back up. this would let you tare into a crew like ulix/Hoffman kind of stack and buff crews. using this on a deso that is at 1,2,3 wds anyways is a win win.


how often are people taking the levi upgrades and the Alice upgrade, there are a lot of 2 ss costs, and with levis requirement of having multiple beefy models can he afford to splurge.


has anyone tried the watcher? I remember reading that levi's only issue is that he struggles with cover, and there watcher is a nice cheap and ok for objective running as its wk 6 flying

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so my girlfriend decided to go for Seamus to start out, and I cant help but feel that playing Leveticus against Seamus is almost guaranteed failure as Seamus has a huge wp making it hard for levi to hurt him, and all that lure will pull levi into the open or even worse, pull the anchors away

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has anyone tried the watcher? I remember reading that levi's only issue is that he struggles with cover, and there watcher is a nice cheap and ok for objective running as its wk 6 flying


I'd say Levi struggles with cover less than any Master who doesn't outright ignore it or lack :ranged attacks. The Watcher is an incredible objective runner, though.

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Seamus is rough for anyone, no doubt about it.

But Levi and Rusty are uniquely qualified to tear into his shenanigans by bringing high Wp models of their own.

They have abilities that ignore Hard to Wound/Hard to Kill, mainstays of Seamus crew's survivability.

They can get to straight flips on their melee attacks.

They are the few that can hire the biggest pain in the game: the Hanged, who can single handedly shut down Seamus' healing.

I run sparse on upgrades.

Levi and a Rusty can go almost bare.

They are some of the best cards in the game (a year of play testing helped)

I would suggest Desolate Soul on both to make aboms on death and whatever Pariah you prefer.

The generic upgrades are always solid choices as is Rustys scrap/abom summoning.

But that is all you really need IMO

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