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Useless Duplications- how exactly does it work?



"Useless Duplications: Whenever an enemy model
takes a SH Attack Action against an unengaged
friendly Mimic model within this model's LoS, the
enemy model must randomly determine its target
between all models within 2" of the target as if it
were shooting into an engagement.
Seeing Double: When a friendly Mimic within 3" and
LoS is targeted by a y Attack Action, this model
may discard a card to give the Attacking model - to
the Attack flip."
The first ability says that the friendly mimic needs to be unengaged, and effects all the models within 2. but seeing as quite a lot of models have a Melee range of 2, wouldent that mean that the friendly mimic would already be engaged wiith any model within 2(who has a ML range of 2)?
- or would you first be considered engaged if the enemy model actually attacks you? 
One of the friendly Mimics in my crew are going to be the Doppelganger, but she has the ability called "Which One is Real?!", which states that you never flip a card for her, when you randomly determin a target... so if I got an enemy within 2, and none of my own models within range, would that make her more or less immune to SH attacks and basically make all of the enemies SH attacks hit himself?
Furthermore, neither of the abilities have the word "other" in it, would that mean that the Mimic with this upgrade, would always be able to use this upgrade on himself aswell? 


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Dopple question yes they would not be able to randomize on her, also if if you and your dopple stand next to each other they also cant randomize on to her and will still shoot you.


you are not engaged with your own models. but if there is an enemy in yours or  you are in his engagement range then you are. 


Being friendly models can be in your engagement range and not be engaged see Fears given form.


and yes the upgrade effects the model who purchased it. the model can see itself afterall

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"Useless Duplications: Whenever an enemy model
takes a SH Attack Action against an unengaged
friendly Mimic model within this model's LoS, the
enemy model must randomly determine its target
between all models within 2" of the target as if it
were shooting into an engagement.
Seeing Double: When a friendly Mimic within 3" and
LoS is targeted by a y Attack Action, this model
may discard a card to give the Attacking model - to
the Attack flip."
The first ability says that the friendly mimic needs to be unengaged, and effects all the models within 2. but seeing as quite a lot of models have a Melee range of 2, wouldent that mean that the friendly mimic would already be engaged wiith any model within 2(who has a ML range of 2)?
- or would you first be considered engaged if the enemy model actually attacks you? 
One of the friendly Mimics in my crew are going to be the Doppelganger, but she has the ability called "Which One is Real?!", which states that you never flip a card for her, when you randomly determin a target... so if I got an enemy within 2, and none of my own models within range, would that make her more or less immune to SH attacks and basically make all of the enemies SH attacks hit himself?
Furthermore, neither of the abilities have the word "other" in it, would that mean that the Mimic with this upgrade, would always be able to use this upgrade on himself aswell? 




The first bit causes people to randomize between all models within 2 - including models friendly to the upgrade-carrier. So basically if you have a model with UD hanging out with his friends, you have to randomize to shoot him, as if he were enagged with those other models, even though he isn't. 


And yes, if you have a Doppleganger with this who is within 2 inches of any models they are simply immune to Sh attacks.


However, if the SHOOTER is within 2, they won't hit themselves - since you can't target yourself with Attack Actions at all. They could easily hit their own models though. 

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It seemed a bit like a waste the one time I tried it, I had it on Doppelganger if I remember correctly, now he could have shot in my opinion my Doppelganger rather than my Lynch but because of the upgrade Lynch got two shots in that I didn't want :D

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Whilst its not a great use, one advantage to the first part of the upgrade is that your are removing some control from the enemy as to who they shoot. Yes, they will still be hitting one of your models (if they are in a group together) but they no longer have the choice of which one.
That can make the difference between killing 1 model and damaging 3 or 4 different models.

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I have yet to play with it, but will try it next week. But it seems like a very mixed bag as I have a very hard time seeing when the first ability would actually come in my favor, however the next ability might be worth it?


On a Doppleganger, it makes her literally impossible to shoot as long as she's standing next to one other model. As long as that other model is someone you'd rather have shot at than her, it's useful. 

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On a Doppleganger, it makes her literally impossible to shoot as long as she's standing next to one other model. As long as that other model is someone you'd rather have shot at than her, it's useful. 


Exactly. You just need to be careful as you can get shots in you don't want, I know I did. :D

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