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Mr. Crows

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Everything posted by Mr. Crows

  1. Initially it seems they should have lowered Archie's cost by 1. Dropping him down to all stat 4, taking away his suit on the leap, no built in heal on hurl corpse, etc. He seems on par with Manos and Yin in a Seamus crew at least. Seems like he got hit so hard his cost should be reduced to that of Manos and Yin:8. Where is the Redchapel love? This would have been a perfect time to bring the Belles, Bete, and Sybelle up to snuff!
  2. Man these are cool. Neverborn or Ressers?
  3. Ok very cool! I see in order to resurrect Yin from the Reliquary upgrade I would need Yan Lo. Man Yin just keeps getting better and better!
  4. Very clever. I like the interactive stuff that is coming out this season. I am getting into the events that are happening too. I think it's generating alot of excitement about the game!
  5. I will let my LGS know! I think this is a great and simple solution.
  6. Ok I am hiring him into a Seamus crew, would this still apply? Also it sounds like any model can pick up the upgrade? Or is it for sure a friendly model? Thanks
  7. Looks great. Do you know if they ship to the U.S.?
  8. So I recently added Yin the Penangalan to my crew builder and it put a Reliquary upgrade for Yin at the bottom of the list. Reading through the upgrade though, it says the upgrade can't be attached to Yin. I'm confused, can someone help explain this? Thanks!
  9. This is great insight thanks! I have been reading over the new rules and feel lost with so many schemes and so many models to choose from. Especially with a master like Seamus who is better ook.
  10. Playtesting sounds like fun!
  11. Ok sounds good thank you all for the help! I will see if I can get hooded rider, Carver, and Iggy and I already have Teddy. Cheers!
  12. Hey everyone, I recently picked up Pandora's crew and I was wondering what are the recommended models to use with her crew in the 3rd edition. I am a new player trying to get into Malifaux. Thanks for your help!
  13. So the faction books have more lore stories for each faction? Or do they have the cards for that faction also? Thanks!
  14. Hey guys looks like I am a little late to the show here, heh. I live in Clovis, NM just up the road and I am looking to get into Malifaux. Let me know if you will be playing/trying again anytime soon I'll try to make it down. I would prefer weekends if possible thanks! -Cory
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