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Everything posted by Trimasel

  1. Finally got time to do photo of all models that was painted last month. Preparing to neverborn local tournament so got a lot this month - 46ss (yep, for me it is a lot with pledge 16ss): Widow weaver Insidious madness x2 Empyrean Eagle Wicked Doll x3 Miss Ery (alt Teddy)
  2. I see here few moments that seems odd on your description... Firstly, I don't see how with this list could reach 18 burning before activation of Kaeris. As I see only way with this list get(without too much dmg to Kaeris): 1 Carlos (+create pyro) 3 ethernal flame(place +2 attacks) 6x2 firebranded 2 Elijah (bonus trigger) 1 Harrison (if you move Kaeris outside pyro first and inside pyro after and +1 for every two pass tokens). Remember Harrison can't give if Kaeris started in pyro move. Secondly, to proc dmg from Wings of fire Kaeris should begin movement in pyro. So in your example, I believe, you placed yourself in reach of charge kaeris (near her deployment(!) and she was in pyro) & she hit you by moderate to drop pyro and rampegad back to start. This seems clearly missposition from your side. Best tactic against her not give her opportunity to strike so easy e.g. not place models near unactivated her/more then one model near; with misaki - use models with extended reach; try to save few sever cards for defense cheat (so she could not escape from engage with rampage & charge back) & so on. Additionally try to bring some agresive conditional removal (e.g. dispel magic, tanuki, try to relocate burning with shenlong tactical to other burnable model (ideally to Carlos or Harrison))
  3. Last month I had to take mulligan due to couldn't find time to finish, but this month I present to you twice ss cost of my pledge level (16+): Miya Murakami, Ferdinand Vogel, The Beast Within, 3x sorrows. Next month (after vacation), there would be more neverborn stuff. I need to prepere more crews for local tournament.
  4. Date: 10th of June, 9:30 AM Address: Latvia, Riga, Ganibu Danbis 30B The rules are: Singles; ALL GG; Proxies allowed - 1-2 models. Master title proxy with same master doesn't count as proxy (remember to have base); No full paint required; Players who don't own more than one master get a bonus 1SS at the start of each game; 3h each game. No start new round allowed in last 15 minutes. 15 minutes to pre-game prepare; Latest expansion is not allowed - Damian, Arcanist and Ten Thunder starters, etc. If you want an exception please contact to me; Expected 3 rounds, if we unexpectedly would get a lot of participants we will discuss about 11th of June to do more rounds. For registration please come here: https://forms.gle/MWByBYhoaVoqyq416 Additional info will be provided as soon
  5. Trimasel


    Wow. I sad to hear. Ordered mine not long time ago. If he really would feel so small, then I will do rock elevation. Probably like cliff in "The Lion King"
  6. I use citadel & vallejo. Mixing them when needed & here as well. I got more experience with citadel, that's why it is more primary. However, now I'm practising with airbrush, so I tend to more try out with vallejo (it is simpler to use them with it). If you want know specific colors I used here I could check it out...
  7. @Hawkoon thank you! A little bit embarrassing, that not found it before. At least now I can fully report my month. Unfortunately, this month I started painting a little bit before announcement of painting contest...😢 And got vacation in the end of month... So just painted my pledge level: Damien & Belleventine. Maybe, after vacation I will try to fast register, paint for it & as well for next month. Additionally we got local tournament, so would be nice to finish one model😅
  8. Wanted to upload & report this month with photo, however reached limit on upload in forum. What resource you use to upload from URL?
  9. Finally got my first witness boxes, so this month I couldn't do anything else then them (dubler & puzzle box):
  10. This month I have finished Paul Crockett and 2x Lyssas. Great challenge, really help stimulating painting (and record it with photo). However I found out that I more buying new stuff then painting. Seems next month need increase pledge level😅
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