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Everything posted by Cronex13

  1. GamesoHard is right, the point in this particular scenario was to use on a friendly. The changeling doesn't need a high card or a suite, just a 7 of anything, making it the best way of going about the idea there. Lawyers and obey are a bit of a rough spot for me. On the one hand, Tools for the Job CAN give you the suite you need, and is good for getting a card back in hand, but I'm still not sure it's worth the effort. However, I enjoy his aura. Matter of fact, I love the fact that basically every Lucius model in guild has some sort of debuffs aura they put out. The Scribe, Lucius, Lawyers, False Witnesses and Investigators ALL punish you for doing stuff, and it can be a MAJOR drain on an opponent. Unfortunately, if they have a beater (say, a jorugumo or two with Flicker from Asami and the McCabe sword upgrade attached to them, which is where the inspiration from my original idea came from) then no amount of debuffs in the world will save you
  2. But yeah, it's the theory that's important there, even if my implimentation was... Flawed. Similar combos from other factions have left my crews absolutely devasted
  3. Great idea! Haven't looked at changelings in a HOT minute, but that's a much better way to do that than my obey example, thank you for sharing. Thanks for the heads up about agent 46, sure beats trying to hire Perdita
  4. You're absolutely right - there is risk and that's lot of eggs in a basket for a specific trick, but if it works and you kill 3 or 4 models over the course of a single turn or maybe 2, then the game is basically already over. That said, again, you're absolutely right, this is awefully risky to do. It's the background thesis that's important though, overlapping our most powerful across keywords for devastating effect
  5. Having attemped to play a ton of Dashel recently, I have to say that he's very hard to do what it sounds like he is intended to do. He's very good at sitting at one spot and not getting moved. With the dispatcher nearby, his friends won't go anywhere either. It seems to me we need to stop thinking of him as a summoner. Yes, he has the capability to be summoned, but he's much better for sitting on a spot (say, center point) and shooting people who come near. Considering he has laugh off and the dispatcher basically gives a field of it to nearby friends. If he can get those scheme markers down then that's great, but I'm feeling like the best trick with Dashel is to go somewhere where the enemy HAS to come to you. (Easier said than done, especially when my main opponent is Ten Thunders.) At that point, Drop it becomes a lot more viable. I recommend a Guardian to keep him company. Does wonders for keeping Dashel alive, safe from assassination AND some extra mobility should it be needed. The Dispatcher is rough, because his best stuff isn't in his main abilities. His aura he gives out is great and his bonus is great. (Did kill a metal golem with his pistol one time though 😂)
  6. Yup, figured as much. Fuck, that's another crew I got dicked on. Waiting on Melissa for Hoffman, Dispatch for Dashel, basically half of Lucius crew -cries in oppressed-
  7. Did Melissa have rules in the Beta? Looking through my cards and haven't seen her but I might be missing. Just bought the M2E Hoffman box and feeling dumb
  8. Wait NVM, she is so much freaking cooler as a Death Marshal Recruiter lol
  9. Hello all. Just struck a model goldmine. Was given the Lady J nightmare edition box, the M1E pale rider, and Miss Terious. All for free. It's a good day to be me! So with that in mind, I have a fuckton of Death Marshalls. I want to convert Miss Terious into a passable model to use as The Jury. Unsure of how to go about that though. The Jury doesn't carry any weapons, and has a distinct Top Hat as opposed to Miss Terious cowboy style hat. Looking for inspiration and ideas!
  10. Something to be said here is that taking keyword too seriously WILL be the end of you, particularly in Guild. We HAVE to mix our resources to have the highest kind of play. Allow me to give an example. Say you need a beater. Someone to just kill things. Lots of options... Basically any Guild Henchmen can do the trick (society of superfriends). However, let's look at Witchling Thralls. 2/4/6 damage track. Looks good. Built in Ram for crit strike. Looks pretty great! You take it in a Sonnia crew and people are gonna be able to shoot into combat without worry of friendly fire, but cover and concealment still negate most shooting unless the enemy has burning. However, if you take him in a Lucius crew, things change. All of a sudden, since he is a minion, Lucius is issuing command to him, thus giving him a 3rd EXCELLENT attack. Maybe the Jury is casting Obey on him. Or maybe you bring Perdita or Hoffman, who can analyze weakness! Now this monster has a huge damage spread AND ignore armor/shielded. This is just an example, but hopefully it demonstrates how it could be applied to a variety of situations and models. I can appreciate how focusing on just one model or master will help you understand them and help you realize what you're missing, but mixing the right models is key to success. I hope this helped!
  11. ROFL the guardian could just toss Lady Justice up the field towards enemies. Or it could toss low health models with explosive demise abilities (Papa Loco?)
  12. Can we talk about Hoffman for a sec? I don't have him yet but will be acquiring him when his box is out. Gives out Fast AND Analyze Weakness. Peacekeeper had flurry, st6 and a 3/4/6 damage track? -laughs in machine- I bring this particular thing up because in my second game the other day, I faced dual master Asami / McCabe. 2 Jurogumo plus flicker for extra flips, plus McCabes sword upgrade giving out Fast AND ignoring armor, shielded, hard to wound and HtK? Both got a turn swinging the sword and they kept getting severes. Over half of my crew was dead by the end of turn 2 and my faith in the guild wavered for a second because I couldn't think of a way to possibly replicate such Savage destruction. Looks like Hoffman can pull it off though. Witchling Thralls with their 3/4/6 and built in crit strike (effectively 4/5/7) also have some SERIOUS potential. Queeg could give them fast when properly placed, both Perdita and Hoffman can analyze weakness. Anything else have analyze weakness that I'm missing? Also, are there any other ridiculously good combos I could be bringing to the table?
  13. What? All the guard illustrations in my box are already released. Either the M1E guild guard or the M2E guild guard from the Lucius box. And Dashels henchmen is Queeg.
  14. Shit lol was trying to quote the dude before, sorry dark reaper PS Metal bawkses Trump all! Death to the space elves
  15. I like the way you think about your game, and your list. This is also my approach to building lists. Every model has a purpose in either scoring or denying points. In addition, we seem to have had very similar thought processes on a lot of it. I lack the guardian or peacekeeper, so instead brought a hunter for the scheme running and taking scrap. Tool a guild patrol to keep Dashel alive with take the hit. The investigator was great in the game with collosal marker denial as well.
  16. Welp, played the game. It worked like a charm! Dumped a fuckloads of bomb markers on his field and the doggies spent the rest of the game causing mayhem and laying down scheme markers until they were all hunted down. I saved them for last via out-activating my opponent. He eventually did go kill them all but it didn't matter, they served their purpose. Total at the end of the game was 5-5, he also got a lot of points off the strat cuz his models used cover very well He also took "take prisoner" on my rifleman. I managed to deny him the second point by taking a bunch of wounds for fast (from Queeg) and he happened to have Mei Feng nearby who had the "hazardous terrain" ability on, so I walked the rifleman into the terrain and he died, but it counted as his kill so he didn't get the second point. Was hilarious!!!!!!!!
  17. Solid follow up. However, with the hunter moving up there, he's going to be able to protect my markers. With my dogs all being at one health anyways, I'm not worried about them living, they will die for a cause. I've got to trust the hunter to buy enough time to score a couple points off of it. My opponent is... Fond... Of Samurai, and he also likes a katanaka sniper here and there so I'm sure there will be a ranged something, just depends which one he brings. Either way, the dogs will take fire but he can't shoot them all. After I get my markers down, the hunter can have a field day tearing up his back line or whatever he send to take care of the flank.
  18. UPDATE: just bought him. Turns out most places were sold out but managed to get him for cheap. This is actually a really intelligent move you've come up with, have you had a lot of success with Dashel or just a flash of inspiration there?
  19. Eddy, that's an incredible combo. Didn't even consider how effective that is. Well spotted! However, I don't own Queeg. You may have convinced me to get him however. I think I'll model sub him for the game! I'll take out Grimwell as he isn't particularly survivable, only took him cuz he has nimble. I'm also gonna run the hunter up as he can do the very same thing! Plus a 3" push at the end of the turn as well.
  20. That is quite a mesh! 2 sources of Foul Mouthed Motivation is great.
  21. True, to a point. The best way to fight armor is either armor ignoring attacks, or tons of low damage attacks, which the pack of dogs is good for. Don't forget Grimwell is there too and can hand out a bit higher damage, as well as being able to use his bonus to push a doggy out of combat if necessary.
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