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Everything posted by Treehouse

  1. Puh...I'm not completely sure since it was before I started writing down recipies. I'm positive I gave them a wash of old GW Flesh Wash first (the one they stopped producing *grrr*) and then mixed it with more and more quantities of P3 Midlund Flesh. Guess highlights were done adding white to Midlund Flesh. I'm not sure though if I already added Vallejo Sunny Skintone to that. Might be. (Great colour btw.)
  2. And while I'm working on more Maliaux - here's something out of my Infinity collection. Used more time on these.
  3. Thin paint may be harder to controll and needs to be applied in more than one layer most often than not - but it achieves much better results, doesn't create texture on the surface of models, clogs details and so on. Also, your burshes tend to last longer. Maybe start by adding a drop of water to your paint and see how you can manage with that. Ideally, when you run your brush through the paint, ii shouldn't 'push' the paint forward, but the paint should 'flow around' it. Don't know how to describe it otherwise. Important is, that you always 'unload' your brush before applying the thinned down paint. For that, tip the end of the brush (the thick part) sideways onto a piece of toiletpaper (or the like). This way, excess water and paint is soaked into the paper. Otherwise, all that watery paint will flow everywhere onto your miniature as soon as you put the brush on it. The water will drag all the piment with it into the gabs of the miniature and not much will stay where you actually want it. Also, prime your miniatures. I'd suggest white or grey. Even better, spraycoat it in grey. Than spraycoat it white but just from above/slightly angled. This way, when you apply thinned down paint, you will already have different shades of colour, allowing you to see where highlights and shades could go - or even just apply one layer of paint and call it a day :P.
  4. While I do like the sculpt per se, I'm in the old Lazzy camp as well. It does in some respect look like its wearing diapers, but it is way more steampunky - the new alternative version is too futuristic for my taste.
  5. Nice. So even if Huggy can't obey someone to attack it, if a Bandersnatch is in its shadow, it can do it for Huggy.
  6. Another question: If the Bandersnatch jumps into one of my own model which is terrifying and gets the False Suspicion trigger - does the target has to perform a horror duel because it targetes my own model with an attack action? If so, as I am the target's controller for said attack action, I could purposedly fail the horror duel and thus paralyzing the target, right? If that is the case - *muahahaha*
  7. Some pictures of the current Mei Feng Crew. Those models are done. HAve to do the bases...but kind of lost interest in doing so right now as I'm working on my Ironsides Crew. Also need to finish my Neverborn bases....bases - kind of a love-hate relationshio there.
  8. No Malifaux - but I've recently dug out some old Confrontation Kelts and needed a change from painting Malifaux. Not finished, though.
  9. Nicely painted - I like the highlighting in particular. The first Beckoner's purple fits better with the other colours than the second one's. It might just be the photo, but the either the purple is a bit too vivid or the black/grey too cold - I'd try adding a bit tiny bit of the purple to the greys. the first Beckoner's purple is very god, though
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