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Xavian and Deathgrip

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Everything posted by Xavian and Deathgrip

  1. Horomontangi is a LOT bigger than the other commander models, there is a size comparaision of him and Osso somewhere and it is ridiculous. Also the broken's cards mentions something about "... of 5" which I think means that their squads will be made of five models instead of 3, or that the unit will be five independent squads of models of models.
  2. I get the feeling syndicate models will be either champions or commanders that open up the amount of models available to your pool. This will help them introduce a lot of factions without worrying about faction bloat.
  3. Check the stretch goals, that granny is ECB black ops. Also, a titan commander, hell yeah! Also I am kinda getting uncorfortable with how much it feels like Wyrd is pushing for more backing. As much as I wish them the best it kind of feels like a bit too much, look at how they have "locked" underneath the models.
  4. Giant Water Lizard? could it be that thing on the promotional art? Never could tell which side it was on, it was a lizard, but it also seemed to be attacked the Yarazi and was glowing. We've seen with the frenzy that commanders aren't always true "commander". So maybe this one is a titan? That would be awesome. Also I am kinda unsure about what to make of the new funding map... I was already a bit unsure about all the fact that the kickstarter felt like a store. But it seems to be getting exaggerated.
  5. Unfortunately pulling that kind of shenanigans with Gorysches would be a horrible idea, I get the feeling she will be the strongest titan so long as you have the cards to sustain her. And she feels like she will need a LOT of cards.
  6. Wait a second, aren't the titans unique? Then how can you have up to 3 of them at once? Hm...
  7. Alright, so if you head over to the kickstarter page you can see that Wyrd has revealed the stat cards for the four titans. Or at least the standard sides of the stat cards. It seems that each Titan has a passive ability and an attack on the front of their cards, and seem to have a few more tactical abilities once they reach glory. All of them have very low defense, which is because it should be easy to hit something that is larger than a house, but their armour is quite high, with the exception of Gorysche whose armor is lower than many of the cults other units. As a guy who always loved Nidzilla builds I am interested to see what lies in store for these giant monstrosities, and find myself happy that I play through Vassal, I don't have the time, money, or space for these things. Even if Gorysche is amazing. I love multi-headed dragons, especially when they don't have legs. I am honestly hoping that another Malifaux allegiance released down the line is built around titans, and hopefully their titans won't be monoliths or ancient war machines. Osoyo seems to be the commander for titans for KE and Abysinia, and I wonder if the CBM or GH will get a titan commander.
  8. OK, that is actually pretty cool, it's just after them seeming to be the backbone model for the cult I thought they would be common and widespread.
  9. Makes sense, honestly I wonder if I have maybe been a bit difficult today. Exams just ended and I have had WAY too much time on my hands. Agreed with you on the community, it's very very good. And don't forget that part of keeping a good community is keeping good relations, and you guys do well with that.
  10. Most of my knowledge of mythology comes from Percy Jackson novels I read as a kid or wikipedia. I do love reading about cultures though, it is very interesting, and helps for inspiration. Gorysche doesn't have a page for herself. Still the best titan of the bunch though.
  11. Actually bloodstained had the backing already, they had already been given half of a budget by a publisher that was unsure that the game would sell. In order to gauge interest and collect their part of the funding Iga and his team went to kickstarter. I know because I got into Castlevania last year and really love the series, although the giant breasted sea monster(which also happen to be weak points...) in the Bloodstained demo has me worried. As do the upskirt panty shots whenever the character kicks. I don't mind animesque designs so long as they can be mature. It's just that the support was mentioned in passing(by all legal rights they can be said not to have hid information and not to have lied) and only elaborated on it after the fact. Agreed that kickstarter is great for small companies and indie titles, there are many successes, like Darkest Dungeon that I mentioned above. Or shadowrun returns series, although that one had the brand name recognition of Shadowrun. Lost ember looks quite interesting though. Fan of Okami and Ori already. However I am currently wondering if Wyrd can be considered a small company after kickstarting a project in only 35 minutes. That is kinda insane how well that went for them.
  12. Yeah, where is she? I thought she would be the poster commander, but no that is Edmonton. I wonder what the dual faction commander for hordes and cult will be. I also wonder if cult/empire or cult/abysinia will ever happen, but I cannot see a way that gibbering hordes would have a cross over commander.
  13. Is it? I was looking around to see where they got the name and found nothing. It looks like Orochi though, as Hydra's are normally depicted with legs. Orochi as a sea serpent is often depicted as heads sticking out of water, and many people have had a lot of fun coming up with what could be under the water. I like to imagine it's a giant crab. breachling
  14. Ah, that makes more sense. Thank you. Just out of curiosity, why was he called Albert Campbell in the first place? Was that another one of the typos that were awkwardly common. Not trying to be rude here.
  15. Yeah, Gorysche is the fan favorite of the titans. The rest are kinda generic, I mean even the names, which would you want The king's hand, The Dreadnaught, the Alpha Crawler or Gorysche? He has less armour because he regenerates his assets, with the other titans once they lose an asset it's gone for good. Of course I am interested in what future titans may make an appearance, maybe a giant telekentic jelly fish, or a mech made to look like a lion. These early titans seem to exist in order to give people an idea of what they can expect from the allegiance, but the cult is a group of psychos and mutants, there is baseline to work form.
  16. I was more meaning thematically instead of mechanically. They are the end point of mutation, so I thought they would be the scary units, it just feels odd that the random mutated men that make up the Cult's fodder are incredibly powerful. I expected the warped to be weak and cheap units with a habit of exploding. Also, Breachling doesn't have a plug base. Does that mean anything? Not sure.
  17. Dual faction commander. With a focus on repairing titans. Also, I want to learn more about Albert Campbell, he has a unique name and yet he has a plug base, I am intrigued. Maybe a trio of specialized morter(ers?) as a commander?
  18. I honestly want to learn more about Charles Campbell. Is he a commander? Then why does he have a plug base? Maybe he is part of a heavy weapons squad or something?
  19. Am I the only one who finds it odd that the twisted horrors are cheaper than the warped?
  20. Thank you, that makes more sense. It's one thing to have something planned, and another to mass produce it. I am a video gamer, and after all the ridiculousness that surrounded many larger kick starters recently I have become a bit wary. Mighty number 9 was a mess, and Shenmue 3 and Bloodstained had the support of larger corporations. Part of me is paranoid of a dystopian future where the only pieces of entertainment created are the ones that people pay megacorps to make who then reap all the profits despite not having spent a dime. Although considering the site also created Darkest Dungeon (Bounty Hunters are one of the most fun characters I have ever played. Seriously is anyone in Malifaux comparable to them in how they play? Because if so I want to play that master), I am probably being paranoid.
  21. I am simply a bit confused on what the stretch goals actually are, is it increasing the models that will be available at launch rather than further down the line, or is it just information? You seem to have the sculpts and the cards ready already.
  22. Just a random question, what is the point of the stretch goals, all it seems is that you reveal new information when certain ones are reached rather than increasing the size or scope of the project. I don't know but if that is true I will have lost a bit of respect for you Wyrd, stretch goals are supposed to be special things when they are reached, not used to drip feed information on the project.
  23. Hey, I just noticed that the breachling(not plural) doesn't have a plug base. Maybe the unit will turn out to be similar to the frenzy?
  24. Also out of curisosity, I sitll haven't really become ecstatic about any of the masters, or factions, but does any master end up playing like the bounty hunter from darkest dungeon? That guys powerfull and tactical playstyle is one of my favorite in any game I have played.
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