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Everything posted by fanteegi

  1. And we're back. Welcome to Hippy-faux pt 2 - Power Flower. This will be a 3 round gg18 fixed faction event roughly following the wyrd strategy schedule. It will take place at Wayland games in Hockley, Essex. With enough people attending I would like to supply the following however, this is subject to change: Podium trophies (inc spoon) check Best in faction trophies check Best painted trophy check Most (bestest) sporting player check More (but different) swag sadly, too many late sign ups. Nope. Wyrd prize support - check I will again have a cut off period for the custom swag as this needs to be made in advance. This cutoff will be 2 weeks before the event takes place (28th April). Please send payment of £10 to my pool using this link: https://paypal.me/pools/c/82dTMfwHx7 The attendance list will be updated regularly. The best painted will be awarded to the players pick of best painted totem. Peace out Troy "hippy" Ashdown 1 - Ben Sime 2 - Reice Chaudhry 3 - Tom Skitt 4 - Tobias Dracup 5 - Lee Walstow 6 - Darren Pebody 7 - Max Pebody 8 - Rich Bream 9 - Tim Bamford 10 - James Trevallion 11 - Karl McConnell 12 - Andrew Humphreys 13 - Luke Whitrow 14 - Anthony Fenton 15 - Thomas Nickerson 16 - Oz Goff 17 - Tom Bowers 18 - Craig Woods 19 - Grant "card draw McGee" Dickenson 20 - Daniel Bradley 21 - Soner Hasan 22 - Richard Mathews
  2. Running BOT on a tablet was very easy. Was made a bit awkward with no WiFi at the venue so had to tether from my phone. But it's fairly easy all in all. I didn't think I wandered off too much, always tried to stay around near the end of games in case of game finishes.
  3. Hi guys and thanks for your attendance. I would like some feedback from this event if that' ok. Doesn't all have to be positive as it will help me develops as an event organiser if I know the down sides to the event. The only thing I am upset about is the lack of goodies for you all via wyrd prize support. This should be different come my next event. Any pointers or criticisms are more than welcome
  4. If people have not paid by 9pm tonight I cannot get them swag. I have a cut off of 9pm any entrants after this time period will still be able to play but will not have any swag.
  5. Sorry for the bent crew in out game bud. @SurreyLee wonderful venue with easy travel links. Preferable over the last venue imho. Thanks for a cracking day. In other news, try a master out before you use them in tournaments.. or ypu may just lose your first 2 games throigh stupidity like i did. Not that my opponents didn' deserve their wins, they played better than I and thoroughly deserve them.
  6. I think even experienced players will let it happen once through bot realising. But they'll only let it happen once after you declare it.
  7. This is currently only theory crafting at the moment. Have a gg18 event this weekend so depending on my oponents and the schemes I will try it out with McCabe
  8. Right lads and ladies, I will be having the trophies made very soon. Sad news is that there will be no wyrd prize support but as we are in a gaming store, I will hopefully be able to buy some things for prizes or be able to get some store credit issued for those of you that would prefer it.
  9. See my theory works best with McCabe in my experience and thou can reactivate them with relative ease. But that' mostly because I have never played brewie. But yeah, give them fast, nimble and reactivate and you'e on your way. Even with 1 tanuki that' still pretty good. If you can get them up to 4 poison, they can reactivate amongst themselves but I think that outside of brewie, that's a bit too much investment.
  10. I have developed some (what I think is a) neat trick with these guys. Make them sleep for their 2ap. Give them reactivate and ply an enemy model and it counts as 2 models with ply. I have messaged the designers who cannot answer this rules query outside of FAQ so I am going to play it until a TO or the FAQ say otherwise.
  11. My crews vary from game to game as they should. But most commonly I take lynch as I find him very good at killing stuff. The problem I have is I cannot pinpoint what happens to be wrong in any game. I am not overly conservative nor am I overly aggressive and reckless. I build my crews to achieve the schemes and have plan b's incase anything happens to those key models.. it just fails.
  12. Which is great if you have the hand for it. Or the master doesn't have janky defensive abilities (like Nico or molly)
  13. Right.. it could just be me but I really struggle against 1 particular faction when playing 10t and that' those dastardly ressers. No matter what I try their numbers just overwhelm me and I will inevitably lose. I use Jacob, misaki and McCabe and they all seem to flop. Any advice? I have kang but find him to be too much of a linchpin. If he falls, the rest of the crew will flop.
  14. These guys are your go to for things like stake a claim. I choose these guys over other scheme runners because they are just better in my opinion.. Unless you'e playing with asami then tengu
  15. It seems there is a bit of a dip in event attendance this year.. Saddens me as I have my event coming up shortly and I am in the same boat.
  16. This event will be ideal for a newer player as there are so few people. You will find that the players will help you along the way too. If you wanted to even just swing by, and play me while the tournament runs along, I would be happy to do this for you.
  17. Would you guys like to have the schemes in advance too? I am feeling generous today
  18. Another update for those that are following.. Strategies for the day have been released
  19. Ideally would like to know by the 9th Feb so I can have enough tables arranged. The earlier I know (and this applies to eberyone) the more swag I can get for you all. Currently have podium trophies, a spoon and some goodies. If more sign up within a reasonable date, I will have best in faction trophies and more prizes
  20. Hi David. The attendance list is currently up to date.
  21. Little over a month to go folks.. spread the word. Looking for a minimum of 18 to cover my costs. So tell your mates, put the event on your podcasts etc.
  22. If people have not paid by 9pm tonight (8/2/18) I cannot get them swag. I have a cut off of 9pm any entrants after this time period will still be able to play but will not have any swag. Hello boys and girls. I figured I should now start to give back to this awesome community by hosting (or attempting to host) an event of my own. The event will take place on Saturday the 10th Feb and will be a gg2018 3 round, 50ss fixed master format. The event will be held at Wayland games in Hockley and will start at 10.30am. Please be at the venue for 10am for registration. I will be having chats with the local henchman for a wyrd prize package and I will also talk to manufacturers for trophies for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, spoon, faction goodies and best painted. Please send payment of £10 per person through PayPal to troy.ashdown87@gmail.com as friends and family along with a full name. I hope to see a great turnout for this! Troy "hippy" Ashdown In interest of making this as fun for everyone as possible, I will be making the strategies available for this event. Inevitably to make your choice of master as perfect for you as possible. Game 1: Deployment: Standard Deployment (1) Strategy: Supply Wagons (Jokers) Schemes: * Guarded Treasure (Jokers) * Set Up (3) * Search the Ruins (8) * Vendetta (12) * Public Demonstration (13) Game 2: Deployment: Corner Deployment (8) Strategy: Ply for Information (Rams) Schemes: * Surround Them (Rams) * Covert Breakthrough (1) * Dig Their Graves (2) * Undercover Entourage (5) * Take Prisoner (9) Game 3: Deployment: Flank Deployment (13) Strategy: Ours (Crows) Schemes: * Guarded Treasure (Crows) * Dig Their Graves (2) * Hold Up Their Forces (4) * Inescapable Trap (6) * Take One For the Team (10) Attendee list: 1 - Tobias Dracup 2 - Reice Chaudhry 3 - Mark Elwood 4 - Ben Sime 5 - James Trevallion 6 - David Brown 7 - Andrew Humphrey 8 - Daniel Sullivan 9 - Thomas Bowers 10 - Tim Bohknecht 11 - AJ Barr 12 - Oz Goff 13 - Craig Woods 14 - Joel Henry 15 - Karl "I can't rememer what schemes are in this game" McConnell 16 - Richard Matthews 17 - Daren Pebody 18 - Mike Jenkins 19 - Rich Bream 20 - Grant Dickenson 21 - Rich Walters 22 - Lukasz Rozanski 23 - Mathew Ainge
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