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Everything posted by Kobayashi

  1. All this stuff excites me. I hope for the terracota to be either ancestors or retainer models; the kirin is a rider and oni model (do riders have an extra category D:?) (flickering a rider should not break the game, because he might be off the table before getting too much strenghth). What really excites me though is the snaky wizard person. Since most of the Henchmen we saw came from TTB, does anybody know he is from TTB?
  2. Well you need some table decoration and some entertainment. Enter Malifaux. Place the some Quick Start Rules and a painted Crew at each table. Unfortunately you need a lot of Crews for that... unfortunately, or well planned?
  3. @Four_N_Six You don't help the decision making with going vice versa, but all the intel is highly valued ^-^o - - - Even with a high interest in Som'er I am still curious in Mah, also because of the possibilty to paint something completely different, than more Bayou Gremlins ^-^o
  4. Okay, let's take it a step further. Som'er with or without piglets :D?
  5. Don't you worry, she was in every game so far, since I painted her (I wear that avatar with pride). So I guess I should get a box o' piglets with it, too?
  6. Yeah that's so hard for me, I#ve been eying her since starting Gremlins
  7. Cool, we are on the same page. Currently painting one
  8. So, it seems that after GenCon I want to add to my Gremlins with yet another Crew Box and the hottest contenders are Mah Tucket and Som'er While I don't own piglets (yet) I feel more towards Som'er (especially with having 5 Bayou Gremlins already), though Mah be in the unique ability to my first Melee Master in Gremlins and I heard the Roosters I got are very strong with her. What do you think. What would Ophelia, Wong, Brewmaster, some Bayou Grems, Sammy, Merris Slop Haulers, Burt, Gracie and McTavish and an upcoming Sparks* more? * I plan to play him in my Mei Fang crew, so I can always Gremlin
  9. Since all those swordwielding ladies are (mostly) female 10 Thunder / Outcast sisters? Even the ribbon wearing guy can be a sister (let's be inclusive here, he can be anything he wants to!) Dead Banditos fpr Tara to toy with?
  10. If I could pull that of in our gaming club, they will force me to Play 10 Thunders more. Seems I Need to buy MOAAAR Roosters
  11. That's still okay :). If there ain't any I know what I get myself into. :), but as mentioned above, I've encountered more stuff than meets the eye and am not taking everything straightforward as is anymore. If there is nothing to it, there is nothing to it. I will happily cruise a Rooster into my enemy if that means he will "explode" within his minions; charging everything and goes down with a loud WARK!
  12. I was rather thinking more of them using in them in Tandem with Ophelia and Wong, since they are my go to Masters. I would rather keep The Brewmaster on the bench for the time being, since I don't feel confident leveraging everything he got to. Though I will Keep thjose tricks to heart.
  13. Sure, but the game had me so much on it's tip toes with the last units I bought, where there had always been some kind of nice mechanic to leverage. Now I was a bit paranoid that I would miss anything with the Roosters...
  14. Something that eluded me. I was thinking in the vdin of Franks usage of Stilts to reduce his Dumb Luck Trigger to 0. So it is rather them fire and forget and if they survive to do more, they do more. For Schememarkers I'd rather use Merris, but maybe they can throw a curveball, but that's about it.
  15. And there I was hoping it was more than a missle just shooting in...
  16. So I assembled my Rooster Riders and itching to ready them up, for the next monthly get together. And I really, really want to play one. In order to not get underwhelmed and keep my expectations in check. Mind you I only have Ophelia; Wong and Brewmaster, tjhough I heard Mah is wonderful with them, she is not on the table. Currently in a Wong / Ophelia Crew I see the Rooster more as a fast flanker, intercepting models, that want to sneak past by my Crew or stop schemerunners. I don't fancy sending them to an early demise with nothing done already. So how would you use the Roosters. Where do they shine and what better not to do, even if it is tempting.
  17. See I play Gremlins and I got married inbetween, even getting more models. What does this means? Well, I guess Gremlins help!
  18. I use my Squeel ability to get out of harms way. With a full on squeel. The same kind of squeel you hear when Ulyx enters the barn... :3
  19. Enslaved, such a hard word. We as Guild merely suggested to them, that they would benefit helping us and they had been nothing but eager to comply.
  20. I see: A different kind of Death Marshal; Chained and blindfolded man, maybe is a unit with the Death Marshal; maybe Death Slaver? A girl reading telegrams, might be good with Nellie An old man with too much blades, even on his gun.
  21. McTavish and Mancha Roja with the Mud Toss upgrade (Rare 1 and only limited to them). It's a (1) action on them. They even can retake this action for free with a Tome and damaging a friendly Gremlin within 3". Though I am still starting and don't know if the list is exhaustive
  22. Already followed the rule of: "That sounds to good to be true"; stormed of to the books and saw this rule confirmed. Amended accordingly. Believe me if that hadn't be that case, I would have skipped Asami's Crew for a Pigapult.
  23. ... but in a Wong Crew it can be a Magical Pigapult... It will be the same Pigapult, but ... I should look at the book before talking .__.
  24. Suggested a Wong Crew before. Got ignored. Now Mason's stealing my Thunder. FeelsBadman .__.;
  25. How about a magical McTavish. 14" that even shoots into engagements and ignores incorp. is outranging the Ikiryo summon.
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