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Everything posted by Kobayashi

  1. I wonder if this position is in addition to Curtis, so someone could leech all the talent... :3
  2. Just seen these, they look gorgeous
  3. Which means as for now - non-existant. Don't worry, if there is something coming along the lines, I will be frolicking and dancing, while throwing bills around for Wyrd to catch.
  4. The last update didn't have any M2E label... so :/
  5. Woooah... ... but I'm not still over the fact we won't see (more) Gremlin Voodoo Magic in Book 4
  6. I see... so more of safe bets... That puts the ops comment more into perspective (that a Tier 3 can wipe the floor with a Tier 1; given matchup AND schemes). Thanks
  7. So, I am a new player and don't know what my take-away is with that list, especially after getting Yan Lo with some of his friends (Toshiro, Izamu (Genbu), Onryos, Tengus). Is this seen from a competitive standpoint, i.e. these masters (with some shifting, depending on playstyle and preference) will get you far?
  8. ... we will go to Wyrd, and get Nathan's and Eric's hats (become thus the bosses), than we command Justin to write rules for M2E and tell Aaron to get those miniatures in the pipeline.
  9. Oh man... here I thought new epic Gremlin minions fof Book 4. I am dissappoint
  10. Oh well, let's add more to the ever growing list of not boxed minions Sometimes you just don't want the 10th Master or so or open a new faction, because you can hire outside faction (Toshiro for example can bring Punk Zombies to 10 Thunders). It was the same why I purchased now the Onryos seperately. I currently have no intend to Play Resser Yan Lo and want to have full Retainer models to choose from. Also the Onryos are going to buff my Spirits (Komainu / Tengu) I want to run with Yan Lo (depending on the mission).
  11. Rooster Rider. Always! (This post is no honest suggestion, I leave that to the Leveticus pros. This is just me as Gremlin player and mischivious. Sorry.)
  12. I know about the 1.5 sprues and since I assembled the Mei Feng Crew I am not as puzzled by that, but Kirai / Onryo is really another beast for me
  13. So usually I enjoy that Wyrd is releasing units included in crewboxes as seperate purchases, but I sometimes encounter units not being offered as is. Mostly I see this in the 1.5 line, but I also am a bit sad, that I can't get the Onryos (for a little Yan Lo experiments) without commiting to Kirai and thus Ressers (Yes, there are pages that sell single models out of boxes, but those are in the US and combine that with shipping and import costs and I would be two third in the crewbox for one miniature). But there are more missing (Railworkers, Illuminated, Wastrels et al.). With Wyrd moving FULL SPEED AHEAD into Wave 3 territory I wonder if these things will left behind, or can we expect those down the line?
  14. Kobayashi


    Don't know where I deserve hostility for thinking about playing a minion that Wyrd sanctioned. Thanks... I guess. Good that you considered that me buying this stuff leaves less money for other stuff. Also all my Gremlins are Yellowskinned. [Official] pictures of them are mostly green, because of the... moist they are oozing. Call it sweating. That is nice and exhaustive. Thank you. Right now I heard that the other new guy is eying Criid and the Ortegas. Can Ienver get a break ;__; But than again... I can always field my Gremlins, or Mei Feng / Gremlin list (once Wave 3 hit) *waves @Gnomezilla or not care what this upcoming fledgeling is running ;__;
  15. Kobayashi


    Yes - I would Also since I love Mechs, how would just the peacekeeper fare :)?
  16. Kobayashi


    Thanks for the exhaustive list. Currently I thought to even add the Lady J set + Exorcists. But I also can see a peacekeeper in the future (with having a Rail Golem) and go Hoffmann. I guess I have to spend an evening in PMF and see where it takes me On the other Hand with having 10 Thunders already in the mix, I can go Lucas ... damn you Wyrd for making my options hard >.>
  17. Kobayashi


    While I thank you for your suggestion, I would love to not Proxy Units. Again, thanks!
  18. Kobayashi


    So, with Easter Sale closing, I have a Witchling Handler (Alt) and Miss Terious coming up. How to go with Criid in a budget and theme? Personally I wanted to go with Kaeris, but a new player is really itching to start with her (though he voiced interest in Criid) I forgo Kaeris (first, I can always return) and want to go with Criid (also somehow giving him an excuse to rent out Criid and get more involved). Currently our Group is playing in theme (mostly new players) and we don't do the dirty things... yet So, please gimme advice on how to do Criid on a budget and what does what, and where would the budget version not be worth taking. With also playing 10 Thunders side, there will be eventually a Lucas McCabe box down the hatch... but yeah, that is saved for a later day (Now here is to hope that Sonnia doesn't get the nightmare crew treatment >.>)
  19. How about all the time asking questions. Sometimes reporter pop up and ask questions, while you are not in the mood to reply. So there would be nothing wrong with "chatty".
  20. Shamelss Plug. Since there are some build instructions going around. Will • Metal Gamin • Railworkers and • Sammy LaCroix added to this and before you ask, yes I managed to screw up Sammy (though it was more of a Bob Ross "Happy Accident" and the Vodoo Doll now resembles a woman and my narrative is, that she is keeping Perdita from getting a hat.)
  21. Why are you asking me? Take it up to @Aaron
  22. I need to get used to Aaron's new avatar D:
  23. And that is what I'm here for. Really, you've got enough models to fill out 35 / 50 SS games? Let's play, then, whoever you are! It really should be as easy as that and I'm sad that it isn't so and that not only goes for sexism, but anything. We are all here to have a great time and / or challenge ourselves and sometimes to find a cool excuse to hang out and sometimes forge new friendships. I'm also honest here. I don't need to be friends with every oppoent I'm facing on the table, or have reasons to not play a particular opponent, but I still can be polite to that person and it shouldn't because of gender or aynthing else (i.e. sexual preference), than I just don't enjoy being around the person (character traits).
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