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Posts posted by Boomstick

  1. Update for me: I present Team RWBY, armed and ready!


    Not counting Misaki and Shang as they really just got touch-ups and a weapon swap, but wanted to show them all together.

    This was definitely the most demanding green stuff work I've done, beween the scythe, sword, and Minako/Yang's torso and hair. Press molds helped a LOT! All told the rest together (Minako 8, Crime Boss 8, Torakage 6, 2x Katashiro 6 each) come to 34ss more for the month so far.

    Also, if you're looking for something fun to watch in the background while you paint, look up RWBY on YouTube.

    • Like 8
  2. A quick update: the doves, Medi-Bot, and Mouse are done in time for tomorrow's tourney, and I managed to repaint my gunsmith as well (though I'm not claiming that as I didn't have a before picture posted. Mentioning more as "this distracted me from the Captain".

    The latter three are still a touch rough and I will get to clean up their bases at least before tomorrow, but had time to take the picture now, so here they are!


    By M3E reckoning, the doves are each 1ss, Mouse and the Medi-Bot are each 4ss, so with base cleanup I'm at 11ss for the month so far.

    • Like 9
  3. 1 hour ago, Purple Mist said:

    Thanks, now I know it's old Colette Crew, metal version I guess!

    Those three are actually the metal Colette Avatar from 1E. Instead of going to a 50mm like most of the others, she became three 30mm, two of which were essentially illusions. A friend got these for me a while back and I'm making them the basing for Colette's dove so they'll be in every game with her and will really give a sense of a whole magician's act/theater troupe even if I end up using a few versatile models.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. Lots going on this month: getting a few Arcanists ready for an end of beta M3E tourney next weekend, namely new "basing" for Colette's Doves in the form of her Avatar models, Mouse, and a Medi-Bot, for a total of 11ss (or 21ss if I manage to fit The Captain in as a stretch goal).

    Then, the real fun begins: after that tourney I'll be putting my Arcanists aside for a minute and focusing on Thunders as a way to better shift gears back from beta testing to playing for fun, and trying something new. As many of you have seen with my Justice League Arcanists, I like to theme things, so I've developed a bit of an art project.

    I'll be making my Misaki crew into team RWBY from Rooster Teeth's show of the same name. Misaki herself is painted, I'll just be modifying her weapon a bit, and Shang is getting re-done to be Zwei fully. The rest of the core will be Minako as Yang, Crime Boss as Weiss, a Torakage as Blake, and Katashiro as Blake's semblance shadows. I'll be adding more in later months (like Ren as a Thunders Brother) but want to get the 4 of them done to start off. Wish me luck!


    • Like 6
  5. 19 minutes ago, Nathan Caroland said:

    Dual masters will show up in both books, as well as Faction Decks. Dead Mans Hand models will be available via Faction Decks as well as downloadable online. 

    And no, most of yall who have been tossing out prices are still considerably off. Yes, eventually they will all become available as PDF books. 

    Only the core rulebook and stat cards are being translated. Fluff and the like is not. If you're concerned about the translations, take a look at the free TOS rules/translations and go from there. We learned our lessons there and worked with professionals instead of enthusiasts or quite bluntly, folks talking out their asses and not delivering. :)

    For those hoppin' and hollerin' about the number of books and being forced to purchase and that this is an outright money grab - well, you are entitled to your opinion of course. That being said, the rules, and cards, in multiple languages, are going to be available 100% free. You don't need to spend a dime in the least if you don't wish in order to transition to M3E. Lastly, if we had crammed everything into one book, that would have been spendy - not to mention heavy enough to bludgeon someone to death with. 

    Thank you for clarifying, Nathan! I'm excited to see all the new books and fluff.

    One question: can you confirm wether or not there will be a small rules-only rulebook again, like there was for M2E? That small rulebook was seriously the best thing ever. Much easier and feels much better to flip through a small book than try and find a rule in a PDF on your phone during a game.

    • Agree 3
  6. Agreed that Burt is missing some key defensive/healing tech to make him worth the cost. Personally, I think with Crit Strike maxing out at +2, a lot of his M2E OP-ness was already negated. With that in mind and him being versatile, wouldn't mind him loosing Hard Knock Life (which takes set up and self harm, and really, Blast Resistant to work properly) for a built in Ram on his knife.

    Defensively, something like Slippery would be great AND make him work wonderfully with Gracie, and allow him to hand out glowy tokens to friendlies nearby. Maybe make it require a discard?

    • Agree 2
  7. That would be a perfect use of the title idea!

    The thing I'd say The Beast needs even more though is Adaptive Evolution. With the change to Shapechanges (thank you!) they can now keep upgrades, but The Beast has no way to use them for suits, which is what he desperately needs, as his triggers are what separates him from Vogel (since they have the same damage track), and getting those triggers reliably is what's going to make the Replace worth a discard.

  8. 2 hours ago, trikk said:

    It was old Nellie:
    Nellie + Totem
    Dashel + Expert Marksman
    Field Reporter
    Guild Steward
    Undercover Reporter

    3x Dove
    Effigy + Effigy of Fate
    Silent One + Magical Training

    The issue I see here is that M3E is supposed to have thematic crews work well together, and currently there's little to no reason to bring the thematic Performer minions (or, I would argue, Angelica) as they just die too easily, even with Distracted around.

    Colette herself still has the issue of either never being attacked by a savvy player, or dying quickly to crews/factions with the tools to get through her defenses (Thunders, Outcasts especially) but the bigger issue I think is that Showgirls and Mannequins offer little reason to be hired over Arcanist versatile models.

    • Agree 1
  9. 59 minutes ago, trikk said:

    Did you have healing? 
    Did you get hit with irreducable/armor piercing damage?

    I had the same healing the Performer crew generally has access to: the Duet's action which is a pulse, so does not affect itself, and a Mannequin, which is Living only, so can't heal the Duet.

    There was some armor piercing in the opposing crew (as I imagine will be brought against most Arcanist crews), but the Duet was fast enough to avoid it. But, with a a few attacks getting either getting forced through or occuring because of bad flips on my end, the Duet was whittled down 3 wounds. Then, when I had it split to get the extra action needed to complete a scheme, both Coryphee came in pretty hurt and died quickly, even just plinking off a wound a time without ignoring armor.


    Sidepoint, has it been clarified if the Duet takes half its Wds rounded up or down when it splits?

    • Agree 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Kelto said:

    I had one game with the duet and I am not convinced from her.

    My problem is not that they need the healing, it is that now you can´t use 4 AP each turn.

    If the Duet get the first damage, then you have after the split a Coryphee with 4 Hp. There are a lots of models, wich can kill it with a single Activation.

    Now i don´t see the Duet at 12 SS, more like 10....



    I've tried it since the update and that's exactly what I've found. If you leave it as the Duet, Nimble is now what you use as your bonus action, since splitting leaves the individual Coryphee much more vulnerable than the Duet, for effectively one action more and some extra movement from placement shenanigans. Before it was the tough nut to crack distracting from an otherwise brittle crew, now it's joined them in brittleness.

    10ss seems fair, (though if this change stays I hope they tweak the Performer crew a bit) or leave them at 12ss and give the incidental heal back.

    • Agree 4
  11. I think Colette's definitely the Arcanist master who gets hard-countered the most. Everyone else has something where you want to bring tech to help minimize their trick (bringing Demolitionist or Blow It To Hell models vs Raspy and her ice pillars for instance), or eating scrap markers or ignoring armor or condition removal, but most of that is either minimizing the effectiveness of the crew or master, while the hard counter to Colette is specifically ignoring the defensive tech that keeps her alive.

    She's currently never going to see play against Thunders since for 9ss any crew can take both Masked Agent upgrades for two 13-16" diameter bubbles of no resistance triggers on a mobile beater, and a Tanuki to hand out cheap Focus.

    Agreed Outcasts also isn't a favorable one for her. Neither is Neverborn with their good amount of Stunned (and therefore Bayou with Zoradia, who also likes similar scheme pools, and Wong who does plenty of indirect damage).


  12. 3 minutes ago, Rosskov said:

    A genuine question : have moon shinobis been fixed? I read a lot of negative comments following the change to drunken kung fu and hadn't realised there had been any balancing changes

    Moon Shinobis are back to fine. Drunken Kung Fu now works on all flips, so it works on attacks and damage again.

  13. 22 minutes ago, ShinChan said:

    Let's keep it simple for the game designers @matt and @Kayle, so recapitulating:

    • Taxidermist: This guys are paying the extra cost of coming with a stuffed piglet.
      • Possible fixes:
        • Drop their cost to 6 and make them bring a corpse marker. If they summon the piglet from the corpse, that is going to require 1 card and the piglet is mindless, so it doesn't get to activate this turn.
        • Drop their cost to 7, remove the piglet, add the corpse and give them some survival options (HtK, HtW, Armor...).
        • Keep the cost to 8, keep the pig and add some survival option.
    • Burt Jebsen: He requires to suffer a lot of damage to being usable for a 8ss enforcer. He'll be suffering at least 1 damage per turn in order to get Fast and/or a Glowy token.
      •  Add some survival option (discard glowy tokens to prevent damage, discard a card to give enemy a :-flip, HtK to give time to heal him).
      • Replace the grenade with something like the old Crackerjack. It was funnier and it will help with Wizz-Bang. The use of the grenade is really limited and doesn't bring anything interesting to Infamous or Wizz-Bang.
    • Banjonistas: They don't have anything interesting to spend their actions. They spend more of their activations just moving around. They're not good scheme runners since they want to be close to the maximum number of friendly Gremlins. Pluck the Strings is really situational.
      • Give this guys an action to use at ranged, like "Bayou Blues: Rg 8", Stat 4, Rst Wp. Model suffers 1/2/3 damage and gains Distracted/Stunned/Staggered" maybe with a trigger like :mask Let's play together: Another Banjonista in play may gain Staggered and take the same action". " :ram Too loud!: The targets gain Injured +1 (or damage +1)"
      • Make Rebell Yell a free action. Make Pluck the Strings a regular action, like the other one I described and add a trigger with the current effect "Enemy models within 4 :new-Pulse: must each pass a TN 13 Wp duel or gain Distracted +1."
    • Bajou Gators: People complain that they need some boost. For me they're fine as scheme runners that can easily kill other scheme runner, but looks like there are better model in keyword to fulfill that role. I'm afraid that any improvement would result in a increased cost.
      • Give them a protection trick to allow them stay alive. Terrifying(9)?
    • Sparks: Looks squishy for the cost and knowing that he will have to be close to the enemy in order to take advantage of his abilities.
      • Add a trigger to "Now Yer A Robot" like: "I'm a robbot too!": If this model wasn't the target of the action, it gains shielded +1/+2.
      • Maybe allowing him to use "Now Yer A Robbot" discarding trap markers?
    • Gracie: She looks too tanky with Armor +2, HtK and easy access to healing.
      • Drop her wounds to 7.


    Guys, let me know your ideas and I'll add them to this post.

    Models already fixed:

    • Moon shinobi
    • Gremlin Crier (does someone has feedback on these guys? Now they get a free suit when obeying cost <6 models, so not that bad).

    I like that you're collecting these together. One recommendation I'd make is to have Gators gain Stealth.

    • Agree 2
  14. I personally find Kaeris to be in a pretty good spot (though I wouldn't say no to another bonus action, something scheme, maybe?)

    The one thing I wish was tweaked is for the Flame Tornado to be tweaked to allow friendly keyword models to fail the shockwave, much the same way SnowStorm's shockwave can be chosen to be failed by December models.

    The reason for this is that Flame Tornado is the best way I see to give the golem and gamin a good stack of burning early, which really helps the gamin survive. The issue right now is you're hoping to get at least a few low cards to cheat in turn 1 for them to fail it so you're not wasting actions.

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    • Agree 2
  15. 47 minutes ago, misterfinn said:

    Those fireflies are taaaaasty. I'd leave the wing veins yellow. If you want 'em to pop more, I think you should strengthen the orange lining around them. I'd like to see a wee splash of yellow at the top of the right bicep and perhaps a deepening of the downward facing shadows on the skull head dude, but really that's just icing on a nicely executed cake.

    @misterfinn thanks so much for the compliment, AND the suggestion! I may do just that!

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