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Posts posted by Boomstick

  1. Continued from above:

    Titans I still think are worth 3x their scrip cost. It would make them basically the same cost as a full fireteam of infantry (some of which are on the same 120mm base size) just one morel instead of three.

    Adjuncts are definitely worth more than 1 scrip/ss, painting-wise. Maybe set them as a "standard" minion at 5ss?


    • Agree 1
  2. @Caedrus and anyone else on the TOS equivalency question. I had completely forgotten about adjuncts and single model non-commander units when I suggested the rules as they're currently showing.

    For comparison's sake, here's a 9ss model, Amina, with a 9 Scrip unit, The Warped (same number of models and sized bases as the ECB Black Ops Adran mentioned)

    Each fireteam is three 30mm models all fitting into an 80mm base.
    For further comparison, here's Amina (still 9ss) with a unit of Karkinoi from Gibbering Hordes (8 scrip, each fireteam is three 50mm models on a 120mm base)


    And here's Amina with the Cult Titan, 7 scrip, 120mm base


    Looking at the difference of sizes, number of models, and complexity, as well as the issue with Adjuncts (1 scrip upgrades that swap out a model on a fireteam for a different one) I'm rethinking my initial recommendation that each fireteam is worth think the easiest thing to do would be to count each model on a fireteam as worth the scrip cost of the unit, since each model is essentially a single Malifaux model in its own right (and doing a whole fireteam will also generally mean basing the larger base they all fit on as well). This means that single model units are also worth their unit cost as well (other than Commanders, who count for 15ss like a master, though for the Gibbering Hordes "The Fury", being 3 models not on a fireteam, I'd recommend each one of them count for 15ss then), so we're cutting down on the math.

    This leaves two outliers: Adjuncts, since they're again 1 scrip upgrades that are shown via a model swapped out on the fireteam they're attached to, and Titans.

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  3. Sign me up as an Enforcer and consider me interestedly watching for further developments from Caedrus! Seconded thanks to @Franchute for running the challenge through 2018, it's been a nice constant amid all the craziness (in the world in general and me personally).

    As for TOS, I'm still thinking of good ways to measure progress, since unit costs generally equal 6-9 models spread across 2-3 fireteams, but then there are also Titans (for roughly the same cost as a unit) and commanders/champions, which are generally single model units on a 40-50mm base. Maybe something like each fireteam is worth the SS equal to their unit's cost? Double or triple for the Titans (they're seriously massive and glorious) and 15 for commanders, just like masters? I'm just brainstorming here if anyone else has better ideas.

    • Like 2
  4. Looking great everyone! @Caedrus I particularly like your Austringer!

    Working mostly on the Backdraft and Undying box, I've finished both Golems (20), and added to my Account Justice  League with Fitzsimmons as Rorschach (out of mask) (8), and both Saboteurs as Raven and Robin (10) for 38ss.

    On to December! Let's hope for some snow days to get some good painting in, eh?


    • Like 7
  5. Oops! Got so caught up in Halloween festivities I forgot to upload these last night! 

    I managed to get the Cat-Stolen done as the classic Red Mage, White Mage, and Black Mage, the Dutiful Son as...well, yellow. If I can think of a good way to make him more Chocobo-esque I'll go back and update him. And my cobbled together Rat/Cat Catchers are Zorn and Thorn from FFIX. All told should be 20ss.


    • Like 6
  6. I can get pictures a bit later today.

    Profile wise they are a hair shorter overall, not really noticable unless you put them side by side and are looking for it. Might actually work better for sand and things, since essentially the center of the base has been dropped a little, so there's a deeper inset. No more support ring on the bottom.

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    • Thanks 1
  7. Well I got the primary focuses for September done. With Yan Lo, the Soul porter, and the Ashigaru just needing some details from last month I thought I would get more in there, but I'm pretty happy with them. And the Midnight Stalker nicely adds to my Final Fantasy Viks as a Victorian version of Cid, I think.

    By my math should come to 53ss all told.


    • Like 4
  8. My meta is currently enjoying some growth as people heard about M3E coming up and are giving M2E a try and enjoying the game. That said, we're all super excited to see M3E come out, and it's wonderful hearing that Wyrd is listening and aiming to make changes to be even better going forward!

  9. Putting together the Backdraft and Undying boxes, I noticed the 30mm bases are slightly shallower than the previous standard. Too shallow to put a magnet on the bottom, in fact. Does anyone have an idea if this will be the new standard going forward? Is this/will this be the same for any boxes of bases Wyrd sells going forward? Just looking for if I should stock up on the old style bases for magnetization purposes.

    • Like 1
  10. Personally, @valkirsWrath I have dealt with games like you're describing. As more widespread min 3 damage has grown as m2e has gone on, Cass has become more a scalpel for me than a beater. Bring a Silent One and when you have the card for it, use the Understudy trigger on Cass's sword to Freeze, potentially twice, then sword again. Also, remember you can sacrifice a dove to Cass to give her plus flips to damage for the turn.

    Defensively, I've started taking Imbued Protection as her 2nd upgrade. Df7 and an extra two wounds when the upgrade is discarded help a lot! And of course, Southern Hospitality. She'll have to go early to activate it, but not many models enjoy swinging in with a negative flip on a Df7 target. To offset the card she uses every turn you can of course bring Arcane Reservoir, but I've found I like Ferdinand Vogel more, as he can eat a scheme marker for a card after walking, and can become a beater on demand in his beast form.

  11. Progress update: the Brew Crew is complete for my friend's birthday gift.


    Tried to make the Moon Shinobi out to be dark ale, light ale, and red ale, for what that's worth. The "freshly poured" blending came out better on Westley's basket than Brewie's staff, but over all I'm really pleased with them, and their tiny Guinness bottles.

    They bring my monthly progress to 43ss.

    And one more picture. Whiskey Golem doesn't count as he's been painted a while, but I wanted to show the whole gift, and I love how his hat came out.


    • Like 8
  12. Sure @Old Major, always happy to talk about my girl, Colette!

    To try out a Melee Colette build, I tried this list

    Declared Faction: Arcanists 

    Crew Name: Melee Colette test 1 50ss 
    Leader: Colette Du Bois - Cache: 6
       Cabaret Choreography 2ss 
       The Dancing Blade 1ss 
       A Ladys Secret 2ss 
    Mechanical Dove 2ss 
    Cassandra 8ss 
       Practiced Production 1ss 
       Imbued Protection 2ss 
    Arcane Effigy 4ss 
    Ferdinand Vogel 8ss 
    Performer 5ss 
    December Acolyte 7ss 
    Mannequin 4ss 

    I played this into flank Ply against a pretty killy Lady J list with an Executioner, Franc, Brutal Effigy, Death Marshall Recruiter, Thalarian Queller, and Investigator. Between the Executioner ignoring Df triggers and the Queller handing out "Cannot Be Reduced" damage, this was trial by fire to see if Colette could hang out front a bit more than usual.

    I screwed up by about a half inch when moving Colette forward turn one (by having Cassandra attack her as usual), just barely leaving her in the Executioner's range. Using SS for +Df and a - on his damage she was able to weather the storm. When Colette went I had about 4 scheme markers nearby, ended up slowing the Executioner and Franc for next turn with her Saber trick as a (1) and it's trigger to swing again at 8". Did a little more damage actually using it as a (0), then Disappearing Act'd away and summoned a Dove. I should have used my original dove to give her a + to damage, but did it for +Ca instead as my hand wasn't phenomenal after blocking the Executioner, but ended up not needing it.

    Turn 2 Cassandra kills the Executioner after he walks, one threat down. But then the Queller lays down a suppression marker near Colette  so she has to spend an AP to walk away like a savage.

    Long story short, I only used Prompt 3-4 times the entire game, and didn't feel particularly weakened because of it, since most of the time I was slowing one of their models and softening them up for the rest of my crew (Mannequin was doing great helping Slow things as well). Ended up losing because Cassandra was my Take One target and Lady J put her in a box instead of in the ground.

    My takeaway was that it's a different playstyle that will take a bit to wrap your head around, but can be fun! That said, still wouldn't recommend taking Colette into Gremlins or Guild if you can help it, because of Zipp and Quellers, and in general, the amount of "Damage that may not be reduced" in general is her biggest threat in the game at this moment.

    • Like 3
  13. @DuBlanck I definitely want to hear more about your experiences with Audience Participation!

    As for my Melee build, Cabaret Choreography was pretty intrinsic, though I realize now I didn't mention it enough. Either to have a dove nearby to act as a defensive scheme marker or to as a teleport destination, with a few buffs here and there, I think it's necessary. Again, I didn't play with her Surge upgrade (and hadn't thought to use the free stone for that, brilliant!) because I was fully melee focused, so it wasn't something I was worried about.

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