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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. It's got nothing to do with Crewfaux. They actually have it all in the app (including a neat feature apparently that puts any upgrade skills in-line with the skills on the card, which I would love) but that's been locked at Wyrds request. Master cards are in it (I think?) as they're free. Wyrds app is from a different developer.
  2. Levi change was well after the deck would have been in production.
  3. This is incredibly unlikely. After all, Games Workshop don't mail new codicies to people when they errata things. The FAQ and the current cards is enough to get by. However, an 'errata deck' wouldn't go astray, but Wyrd reimbursing everyone with new cards for everything changed? Yeah no.
  4. I was wondering about this myself. For people with LE or Vintage master cards, is there a way to replace them?
  5. Once seen, it can't be unseen. I'll forever see it as a trollface.
  6. Yay no more speculation. But now I really want to know who and couple in black and red were.
  7. I like the Morphling. It's weird, but that's Malifaux. Horomatangi I love the art for, but something about the render isn't sitting right. Might be the angle, so I hope we see other angles. The Eel is just great though. Really like it.
  8. Is that real? They've got a faction with the troll face as the logo?
  9. I saw, I think, Aaron mention that playtesters were trying all Titan, single or multiple Titan with Squads, and all Squads and none felt worse or better. So while someone may slap down 6 Titans, you're not looking at a 40k scenario where someone slaps down a bunch of Wraithknights.
  10. Just a guess, but since they announced 'large champions' I'm guessing Godzilla here is either the Gibbering Hordes or Cult of the Burning Mans large champion. The blue lights matches the Striped Skulker in the picture, so that makes me think Hordes. But looking at the face, it's kinda.. weird. Looks a but Cultish.
  11. The ammo belt on the render is a lot thicker than on the art.
  12. Yeah, I wasn't saying the loss of character was a problem. it's necessary for the type of game. I'm sure the fluff will have plenty of character, but for a game, the more models on the table, the less you want them needing to flip cards to interact or you just end up bogging the game down. Look at 40k's current tables within tables . The new stretch goals are rather generous. Giving you a full 2 commander list at the $160us commander level if it gets to 450k is some real value for money, which includes a nice variety of stuff from infantry up to cavalry, champions and titans. I was going to do some add ons to flesh out what I was going to get but I think I'll leave it at a Commander pledge. I don't think we'll get beyond 500k, but even ending there is a nice place.
  13. The problem when you go to a bigger scale game like The Other Side is game length increases with more complexity in the rules. They've been saying The Other Side is a stramlined game, and looking at the cards (4 stats, 3 of which are defensive) and watching the gameplay video, it really does play faster than Malifaux. This is necessary. Otherwise you end up risking going the direction that Games Workshop did with 40k with its rule bloat and wind up with large games taking a whole afternoon, if not day. About diversity compared to Malifaux, you're comparing a game that's gone though 3 editions (1, 1.5 and 2) which has been worked on and improved on for over half a decade to a game in its infancy. It was never going to launch with a product line equalling Malifaux. We also don't know how commanders theme. We can see interunit synergy already - Cults Adeodatos commander has triggers that attack through Portals, and his Allegiance box comes with the Stalking Portals unit. The Stormsiren can place additional 'Tide Pool' markers and make them hazardous, while her box comes with Striped Skulkers, which get bonuses for attacking while inside terrain. I doubt these are coincidental. I've been wondering if the second commanders that unlock at 225k that Commander level backers get for free will get their own Allegiance box, as I'm sure they will have their own skills that synergise with different units. This would very much not be a coincidence that Malifaux players don't feel the game appeals to them. The biggest issue with launching multiple products is that you don't want to overlap your audiences. For example, when Age of Sigmar released there were store managers saying that 40k sales dropped by about the amount Age of Sigmar sales they had. Cannibalising your own audience just shifts the money they spend, it doesn't get you more money. The Other Side is a full army game designed to appeal to people who like full army games. There will obviously be some overlap, gamers have different preferences. But they're very much targetting a different audience to those that play Malifaux, just like they targetted RPG players with Through the Breach rather than skirmish gamers. There were people that play Malifaux and bought into Through the Breach because they also like RPGs or wanted it for the fluff, but it was a game for RPG players.
  14. Individual models on a fire team base are essentially wounds for the fire team. The models don't count as base to base contact because the larger base is what counts.
  15. Question about the bonus commanders - will these eventually be released with their own Allegiance Box?
  16. Striped Skulkers, wow. So if you spend a Tactics token to respawn a squad of Striped Skulkers with Endless Numbers, because of Adaptive Camoflage they can deploy anywhere on the table except the opponents Deployment Zone. I always like monstrous horde type armies. I still think Tyranids are the best realised range of space bugs on the market simply because of the thought put into their physiology which is shared across all units. But they never really played like a monstrous horde, despite their fluff. Just these cards show that Wyrd have designed the Gibbering Hordes around playing like Tyranids should, which has me immensely excited. Also I really, really appreciate designing them around not needing to put oodles and oodles of models on the table, and around a respawning mechanic. Makes it lighter on the ol' wallet and less silly looking on the table while still getting that 'there's too many of them!' feeling.
  17. The unfortunate case for miniature games is the majority are so ridden with exclusive content and bonus freebies of regular content that when they hit retail, it's dead in the water. The audience that was interested in it likely mostly caught it at the kickstarter, so they're not buying anything post-kickstarter, and the ones that didn't see what was offered in the kickstarter and end up not getting it due to the retail product being so inferior. Personally, I was pretty excited for Massive Darkness. I backed the kickstarter but backed out because it was finishing up around gencon, and there was stuff I wanted to get from Wyrd and Corvus Belli. While I remained in with a $1 pledge, I never had the money after that to buy back in at the pledge manager stage. Now? I probably wouldn't touch it at retail. Backers got about 20 more Roaming Monsters which will never see retail, a couple of extra heroes, and a free set of normal enemies. The base game is dreadfully lacking in Roaming Monsters and basic enemies so all of that was really welcome. While you can expand it somewhat by buying the base game and expansions, that cost adds up ludicrously fast, and the end result is still vastly inferior to what backers got. In Wyrds case, for The Other Side they're offering a pretty generous discount - especially at the Commander and above levels with the added Titans at about 30% off. They're now including additional Commander models which I'm sure they'd have preferred to sell, but they're thowing them in for backers. The other stuff backers are getting don't really detract from the retail experience. A limited Fate Deck, foil unit cards. This means that when the game reaches retail, unless someone goes all out and just buys everything through the kickstarter, there's still units coming for backers to look forward to getting after reading the rules, and people that didn't back aren't left buying an inferior product in terms of actual content.
  18. Well that just made me more excited.
  19. The most interesting thing about The Frenzy preview video is that it's not The Frenzy on the first post of this page. I think we might be seeing the Gibbering Hordes kickstarter exclusive Champion?
  20. It's been requested in the comments on the kickstarter, but might as well bring it up here - is it possible to get a full game walkthrough video? I feel it would help sell the game more than the single turn on a small board with small forces video currently up. edit - I also noticed that The Frenzy, shown in both the 'Allegiances' video and its own little preview video, you've shown 2 sculpts. In the preview video for the Stormsiren, you say she's a commander 'like The Frenzy'. I'm assuming that you can't have two of The Frenzy down, so what's up? Is one an alt LE model? I really like the one shown in the preview compared to the more static one shown in the Allegiances video.
  21. So basically if you pay $28us you get the Fated books, 4 Penny Dreadfuls, Into the Steam, Under Quarantine, Northern Aggression and A Night in Rottingburg? I think I'll have to take that offer up.
  22. Interesting part in that last one appears to be Adeodatos from the Cult of the Burning Man amongst the Gibbering Hordes.
  23. While I agree, remember the 10T stuff is a gang, not the official representation of the Three Kingdoms. I'd be shocked if we didn't eventually get Three Kingdoms stuff.
  24. I like that better. Suits the model more. Also that was the name on the Allegiences page so it kind of makes sense.
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