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Everything posted by phloog

  1. Revealing my ignorance here, but every time I look at the thread on the ModelTracker, the links give me 404 errors. Is there a new version of the complete list somewhere? Was there some reason Wyrd cracked down on it or something? If so, is there an official tracker/checklist? Thanks,
  2. Can we please revisit sale of single figures? I am looking at a $25 dollar Firestarter on EBay. You aren't really helping the FLGS with this because I have to buy all my other crews on the web to save enough money to buy the singles.
  3. Seriously, though...what were these raffle tickets for?
  4. So, assuming the coryphee for DC will be released separately that's fine... it won't be like the situation I have currently with my 1E Collodi crew meaning I do without Vasilisa or buy an entire crew for one figure (still waiting for Wyrd to sell singles of this kind..which would NOT hurt LGSs!) Here's an odd question that it's likely too late to do anything about... I found in the bottom of my bag a bunch of 'raffle' style tickets.... was I supposed to DO something with them? Was I not supposed to have eaten them? I'm not longer at the Con so I'm assuming it's a missed opportunity. JT
  5. Very happy that people are able to get stuff online...I'm headed to Gen Con tomorrow...but let me tell you I'll be filled with a unique form of impotent rage if people are getting all the stuff online right now, and when I show up on Day One of the convention Wyrd is already out of a bunch of stuff I want. I get wanting to make the people not going to the Con happy...it will just be annoying. I've kind of resigned myself to two possibilities...1) They have most of what I want and I spend WAY too much in my effort complete my collection (just looked at the file and I am over 300 figures...it's a sickness)...or 2) they've been picked clean of most of what I want, and I just bail on the idea and buy a bunch of new board games.
  6. Still can't find build instructions for Dark Debts. I get saving money, but if your company is going to be in the habit of making seven-part heads and not including instructions, having them online is important. Most of the box is self-explanatory but I've caught myself a couple of times, and now the female illuminated with the optional (I THINK) torsos and heads has got me flummoxed. Am I just missing the link somewhere?
  7. phloog

    Gen Con 2015

    What about those of us who bought Wong...Any chance that the rest of his crew will be available separately other than the bugs?
  8. I made a thing involving dense foam and 7 litre Really Useful boxes...actually I made about ten. In some ways overkill but I am very pleased with them. If I get a chance I will show pics tonight
  9. Ah...searching elsewhere I see it's somewhat standard. Still don't know if or how I should paint it.
  10. In my last boxed set I got a hot pink (opaque) graveyard spirit miniature. The box wasn't marked as having a random bonus or anything (Tara crew) What is up with this? Is this common? Should I paint it,trade it, sell it? It seems weird to paint something that is already such a happy color.
  11. Hoping for a non-Johanna promo at some point...already have her and my FLGS unfortunately is substantially more expensive than other options. I try to use them when I can but for crew boxes it's a non-starter
  12. phloog


    The true bummer is I already have this figure so I might wait
  13. Okay... I will preface this by admitting I am a little impulsive.. So I saw Malifaux a while back and now I have about 230 miniatures. I am looking for advice on the best way to organize all these cards for the models and upgrades. I want to be able to quickly choose things, but many of the cards cross factions so I can't just make an Arcanist box, a Neverborn box, etc. Advice? There are just so many I am afraid I will miss cool/appropriate options. Thanks JT
  14. I am a bit confused as well, as I received the PayPal confirmation but nothing else. No idea if it's shipping, delayed, etc.
  15. Yeah, all of this flies out the window if we ever considered actually playing in a sanctioned game/tournament. Probably a poorly-formed question to begin with... really my main concerns were about ability to be creative and not have the game degenerate - which is something that interests ME, and also being able to have someone who is the opposite of hard core... um... filled with marshmallow?... be able to build SOMETHIING that interests them, and not be tabled in Turn 2. It sounds like we're fine...
  16. Even though we haven't done much other than painting, I'm always curious about what COULD be done with a ruleset...I miss the VERY early days of Warhammer, where we had no problem creating a battle mixing Fantasy and 40k troops. Was never 100% balances, but fun. In some ways, I'm also trying to see if alternate rules or what we scientists call "fiddling about" could ELIMINATE some of the benefits of skill. That sounds weird, but we truly are trying to have fun, but two of us have been reading and reading about this game. I think we're finally diving in this week... I wanted to have at least one fully painted crew first (go swampfiends!!!) JT
  17. Yes....I am absolutely cool with losing AND having fun... here is my situation: I wanted to play, and I want my other friends to play, but many of them aren't as hardcore into miniatures/gaming as I am, so what I've done is purchased a rather silly number of miniatures, with a lot of boxed sets and about... um.... fifteen masters at last count I think. So we will be the very definition of casual, so while I know that you can lose and have fun, if the game is 100% lopsided to the point of silliness because either I've picked based on some wacky criterion ("All my peeps must start with the letter K!!!") or because my friends have picked based on 'that model looks cool', then even though winning isn't the ONLY thing, the game would be kind of boring. We COULD just go with boxed sets, but I was hoping (and I think we may be okay) that we can just obey the faction rules and give it a whirl.... ...which will probably lead to another question about risks of ignoring the hiring rules....
  18. Still very new to this, but wondering. I see a lot of talk of synergies, and things like Pandora stacking her crew with Sorrows and other WP test models. The boxed sets seem to follow this, trying to give folks a decent crew out of the box. What I'm wondering is... when you consider the luck element of flips, and the tactical element of managing your crew once it actually starts... is it pretty much an instant loss if you pick your crew based on look or theme or just to be goofy? I understand there will be a huge disadvantage, but is it a non-starter? I get that it might not make sense to do something extreme like Hamelin with no models that are diseased, but is it still worth trying for giggles..and a SMALL chance to win? I'm just trying to gauge if crew synergy is 100% dominant of the game play. JT
  19. I will give it a try, and either declare victory or confess my shame when finished. JT
  20. Welcome to this week's edition of "Please tell me if this is stupid before I dive in too deep" In scouting around, I found a $5 birdhouse at a craft store. This one: http://www.michaels.com/artminds-triple-birdhouse/10058372.html#q=birdhouse&start=1 And my plan is to: 1) remove the fence and perches (dowels) 2) cover the holes with doors, ornate windows, or perhaps a clock in the upper 3) cover the thing with plastic and other modeling materials to make it look like a real building and paint it I have some concerns about the overly thick roof, but I THOUGHT this could get me a quick and easy form upon which to build... Silly?
  21. I'm hoping, as much as I like the story, that they keep this 'hodgepodge' idea - -lots of eras represented. And of course this is because I am a cheapskate, and have lots of great models from other games - medieval, Victorian, Western, etc.
  22. Thanks to everyone who's chimed in so far. I am admittedly new, and most of the old timers probably have way more than this, but here is the state of my collection right now: Guild: 7 models, Res: 16 models, Arc: 30 models, NB: 42 models, Out: 34 models, and 7 Ten Thunders. The point is that a LOT of those are from older editions - things I bought because I loved the sculpts. While I'm willing to pay a premium if they can come up with a single model option that works, I will also say that if they offer a Barbaros or any other of these after I've put any work in on a proxy, I'm not going to bother. The Good news (For me) is that I've talked to everyone I might conceivably play with, and none have an issue with ANY proxies - even characters who are available (good sports!). I really WANT to field all Wyrd miniatures, but anything they only offer as full sets with models I already have is a non-starter now. I've only been in this for about four months, from the list it should be clear I'm a LEETLE bit obsessive. It just feels like they are leaving lots of money from KNOWN LOYAL customers on the table.
  23. Bummer... related questions - one for the friendly folks of the board, one for Wyrd if they monitor these boards: 1) Realizing that not everything has been released (has it?) do we have a list of which models SO FAR are like Barbaros - available in boxed sets only? I'm just annoyed that when I first started buying, and didn't know what was available, I ran into the OPPOSITE problem...I bought figures that WERE in single packs, then found a boxed set that I wanted... with duplicates of those models. Just trying to be an informed shopper on which are known to be boxed set exclusive. 2) For Wyrd: I absolutely get that you want to PLEASE your trade customers, KEEP your trade customers, and make life easy for your trade customers. This issue is almost exclusively limited to people with 1E models... so... Recognizing the nightmare of SKU management, and the strain and cost it imposes on your trade... but why would you not, for CUSTOMER goodwill, offer DIRECT SALE of these models from your site? The trade doesn't have to worry about multiple SKUs and inefficient inventory. You could argue they would see this as competing with them, but if it is limited to these box-only models that impact is limited. Only if your dealers actually wanted you to FORCE people to buy a whole new set for one model would it be an issue, and honestly would you want to deal with shops that had that stance? In addition, the threat to the trade could be managed by pricing of these individuals - sell them in a plastic envelope with no card (arsenal packs), and charge a figure that makes it not abusive, but is non-competitive with the full box from the trade...$15-$20 for a Barbaros for example. If a model is only cast/shot along with other models, there is waste, but I'm thinking you could easily just tuck these away, sell them to the trade somehow, give them away at shows, etc.
  24. I know part of this topic has come up time and again, but I'm wondering about a specific quirk of etiquette related to an issue. Let me start with my own individualized gripe then the resulting question... Figures like Barbaros are unavailable to anyone who bought into 1E unless they spend $40 or so on a new plastic boxed set... I REALLY HAD hoped to complete a set of every faction (I'm up to 134 models so far), but their change in production philosophy has likely cost them business from me due to my oddness... I say that because now that I realize I can never complete this collection without buying boxed sets that are 80-90% duplicates of models I have, I've basically given up on completeness, and will slow down my buying substantially. I'm just one odd dude who tends to dive in full speed, so not enough to make them reconsider, but it was also a bummer to know that I'm done trying to hit 100%, and so now I'm only going to buy the few models remaining that interest me. This change in distribution likely made sense for them and their trade partners, it just killed my momentum/interest in completion. With that in mind as an unchangeable barrier, my question: What is the policy for proxies, and how does it change - if at all - for models in this particular predicament? If Wyrd is as decent as they seem to be, I would assume (hope) that you can freely proxy about anything in as one of these models...? Or am I wrong, and they make no special concession for these corner cases? Obviously this applies only to sanctioned play..now that I know my collection is impossible, I'm going to rely on arsenal boxes and interesting figures I can find online to represent them in our friendly games.
  25. I stole an idea from some dakkadakka people, and am using four-pistol cases with foam inserts that I 'bored out' with a copper fitting. What I am also looking at is this idea: Really Useful Boxes (note, this is a HOUSE and mild transport answer, and not heavy travel) have a box that is about 12x12x3. I have ordered some 2.75inch thick foam, and I will be using my copper fitting to make space in it. Then, I will glue thin craft foam to the bottom to make a tray. One tray per Really Useful Box. Clear so you can see which box you're grabbing. The handles/latching is NOT going to stand up to abuse, but I am betting they will be PERFECT for grabbing all my models of a single faction and popping them in the back seat for a quick run.
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