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Curtis last won the day on June 22 2016

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    Smyrna, Ga

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  1. @Brian Gresham will be handling IP moving forward. Try to be nice to him
  2. Hey guys! Sorry I didn't post last week. I had a respiratory issue brought on by over exposure to glue and zip kicker fumes during a particularly heavy assembly day. Anyway, I'm back and feeling much better now. So here's what I got up to last week. First up is the 3 eyed demon weasel Kamaitachi. Next is everybody's favorite little murdersacks, the Stitched Together! And finally I managed to get my hands on the Lovecraftian Insidious Madness models. Yay tentacles! Also, I'm sad to say, this will be my final week here at the Wyrd offices. I've accepted a job offer at a new company and will be stepping down. But don't worry! I'll be sure to keep painting and posting as I finish up personal projects
  3. Curtis

    Wyrd Science!

    Wow. Very cool. I love the idea and color selection
  4. Happy Friday! This week I managed to finish up the Fermented River Monks. Great fun working on these and I loved the colors I chose. I was trying to incorporate ale colors so I went with a lot of golden yellows and browns. Please note that any resemblance to sand village ninjas either fictional or otherwise is purely coincidental I also managed to paint up the new Jaakuna Ubume. This is a very interesting kit as it has so many components and is basically its own little diorama That's all for this week. Next week I should have the Insidious Madness models complete and possibly a couple other things as well.
  5. Hey guys! Posting a bit early as I've been busy with Iron Painter this week and only have a couple things to show for now. This week I completed the Guild Exorcists. These guys are are really cool and very imposing with their flowing jackets, wide brimmed hats, and fancy crossbows. I'm also working on the fermented river monks right now. If I finish them today I'll make sure they get added here. If not, look for them next week!
  6. It depends on the model. I'll admit that for some of my pieces the black background actually detracts from the overall image. But it's also all I have for now.
  7. Update time! This week I've been working on something pretty fowl... The new rooster riders kit is amazingly fun to work on. Who knew painting giant chickens would be so enjoyable? I think this is possibly one of my favorite kits I've gotten my hands on so far. (My being a Gremlin player having absolutely nothing to do with it! :P)
  8. I absolutely LOVE the colors on this. Very nice work!
  9. Happy Friday! Back from Adepticon and first up is my Crystal Brush submission. I didn't place this year unfortunately, but hey, making it past the judge cut with a model that only took me 2 days is still something right? And then this week we also have the new night terrors kit which contains 4 amazingly fun models to work on. That's all for now. Check back next week when I should have some rooster riders ready for you
  10. Bonus model this week! Another denizen of the bayou we have the impressive and slightly disgusting Sow! Tremble before the mighty cer-boarus!
  11. Friday gallery now sometimes on Wednesday! Actually, I'm just traveling to Adepticon tomorrow and wanted to post before I left. This week I have the Bayou Gators! That's all for now. If I get far enough today I might have an additional image to share. If not, see you all at Adepticon!
  12. Looks like a Kingdom Death Flower knight
  13. Curtis

    The Eye

    Very nice concept! Love the freehand!
  14. Hey Stark. No offense taken! I use black because it's just what I have available currently. I don't insert onto a black background, that is actually a piece of black dress velvet that I just edit out of photos by playing with light/contrast levels. I'm interested in having some different backdrops made though. I just haven't had time yet to look into it properly. Thank you for the input though!
  15. dear curtis, i tried to upload my iron painter image a few moments ago to the gallery but something went wrong. the gallery seems to be malfunctioning or maybe its the file (10 megas).

    It appears as i uploaded many times the same image but it shows broken.  

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