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Posts posted by Phinn

  1. 13 minutes ago, TheJoyInGaming said:

    If I am understanding you correctly you are referring to activations being queued multiple times due to such actions like the Dead Rider’s? I think his is the exception as it specifically calls out the fact that the Zombies can activate one right after another.

    Yes, due to a single such Action. At least that is what I thought. I am a non-native speaker so I tend to misinterpret rules from time to time though :)

  2. 7 minutes ago, TheJoyInGaming said:

    I am looking in the digital and that isn’t on the page. Is this the physical M3E book?

    I was scared for a minute that my Rats are being opressed just because I actually paid for the book :D

    Page 21 of the Rules Manual (free pdf), page 57 of Core Rulebook :)

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Adran said:

    If you choose, your very first activation of the turn can remove as many pass tokens as you have rats.

    I always played it like this:

    • Rat Activates, immediately ends its Activation, another one of my models Activates.
    • My opponent's Activation.
    • Rat Activates...

    Core Rulebook, Page 57, Chain Activation reads:
    Players ma not Activate more than two models in a row this way, unless they are Activated by the same effect.

    I thought that the same effect means... How to explain it 😕
    The very same Action, not just an Action with the same name on a different model.

  4. I played Hamelin only 4 times so far, but I always have the same problems, @TheJoyInGaming. Your insight would be much appreciated.

    • Winged Plague
      As a scheme runner the model has nothing to defend itself - no defensive abilities, Df 5, Wp 4, 4 Health.
      As a Pustulent Tumors missile it is too expensive and, once again, too soft to get to where it is needed.

    Do not get me wrong, I am not complaining about these models' rules, just trying to get better at using them :)

    • Obedient Wretch
      Is she supposed to be taken only against Crews that have a lot of Armored/Shielded models?
      I do not understand her role otherwise. She is quite survivable but doesn't have a :meleeAttack Action to tie weaker models. Infestation?
      Also Analyze Weakness suggests that you would like to activate her early in the turn, but she doesn't have Severe Countenace, only Manipulative.
    • How much do you focus on summoning Malifaux Rats, Replacing them with Rat King etc.?
      I don't, at all. I practically focus only on Blight and take it as an incidental bonus.
      Do you keep :tome for Infestation Triggers?
      Have you ever sacrificed Stolen or Obedient Wretch to summon Rat King?
      Have you ever replaced Rat King with Rat Catcher?

    Thank you in advance :)

  5. Hamelin is almost finished. Almost. Today I came back from 9 day family holiday and spent basicaly whole day sleeping.

    Unfortunately this means that Monthly Painting Challenge ends for me. But...
    This year I got further then previously and changed as a painter (been painting much more systematically etc.) :)

    My plans for the future: :)

    • Finish Hamelin and post some photos at MPC - July.
    • Continue to paint at least a model per month. Not sure which one will be next, because there are so many things I want to try. I want to try fur technique on Nix, worn leather on Rat Kings, Benny Wolcomb has a lot of skin etc. The end game is to finish all Plague models.
    • Create a thread about my painting adventures - thoughts behind colour schemes, where I drew inspiration from etc. Phinntastic journey with a brush or something like that :)
    • Attend MPC next year again :)

    Good luck and have fun, everybody :)

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  6. "Hey! People of Wyrd Forums!" I cried.
    "Excuse me, coming through. Step aside!"

    "I said, make room. Make room!
    Since here comes a poem just for @Wintergloom."

    "I would have never guessed that me, a humble clown,
    could make you sad, break your heart and let you down.

    Believe me, for that I am truly sorry,
    but do not fret, my friend, and do not worry.

    Its like my mama said, there is always next time,
    plenty of opportunities in life to rhyme.

    Not that these announcements matter,
    but from a scratch, once again and better.

    People of Wyrd Forums, listen and hear that,
    I pledge Hamelin, master of all things rat."

    • Like 1
    • Haha 8
  7. I pledge Hamelin for 15 SS :)

    I am not sure if I will be able to finish him this month since I am leaving for holidays in 10 days, which also means that I have to serve both weekends (I believe that is the right word :D Serve, as in hospital.). The colour scheme I chose is quite time-consuming as well.

    But I will give it everything :)

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