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Everything posted by SpectreEliteGaming

  1. Mother of god. I just talked myself into it. Prepare yourself. Soooo if I happen upon some spare young lacriox or bayou gremlins I'll swap heads with Freikorps and turn them into midget psychos to proxy McM's canine remains. I'll get lots of tattoo practice on those suckahs. Currently my Freikorps is slated for a Hammer Legion paint scheme and my gremlins are going to be voodoo zombies mutant rednecks but if I get spare ones - this is happening (I have spare Freikorps heads from conversion).
  2. With migdet psychos and badass mutant psychos? Don't worry, even if it doesn't happen I could always proxy. I'm thinking gremlins with freikorps heads would be a good start. >8)
  3. That'za bingo. Problem is I already have the hat pack and they are gracing the heads of many-a models and I hate buyinng duplicates. Hopefully with the coming of the plastic lamp posts we will be getting our hands on plastic hats too.
  4. Indeed. My list would be McM, Seb, and 20 berserking psycho patients and they'd just zerg across the board in reckless abandon. And you would lose. Oh, yes - you would lose. >8)
  5. Wut? Did you not just say that everyone becomes cautious after a character dies trying to manifest into avatar form so they only go so far as to push themselves to some hokey pokey spiritual state or something on the latest fools_daily? Do I need to re-listen or you trollin'? ---- Seriously guys, you can all relax. Just because a character is dead doesn't mean you cant play them anymore. WFB players have been playing with dead characters for ages. Also, what Math said ^. Lady Justice going "ultimate" and getting a new card I wouldn't be against. However, that also means that McM should be able to have Frank in ressers. Fair is fair.
  6. I'd probably hit that. ----- I should also point out that Mister Cooper desperately needs a top hat and Colette's new model most certainly doesn't. I'm hoping its a seperate piece so I can swap it to the Coopster. Given that Wyrd models often come with detached ankles I'm guessing it is a good possibility that the hat will be seperate and optional. Given my luck, however, it will be the only piece that makes sense to be detached, yet isn't. I had to buy a WWX Younger just to get the perfect hat for my WWX Boxer. But it was worth it.
  7. Or they would just get another generic mask wearing pompous neverborn to take his place... I think they've already established that Lucius is a bad mofo who ain't getting assassinated anytime soon, anyway.
  8. I definently want exciting all the time. Don't know the meaning of "moderation" - but I appreciate where you're coming from. I could take'er. She needs something else... like dragging a chained-by-the-neck nephalim - anything, really. Too ordinary. But pretty sure this isn't an actual model anyway... moving on... Miss Trial - female lawyer is one I've heard a lot of and that should definently be in the queue.
  9. In other words... "plain as hell" and doesn't stand out - nothing notable or exciting... say, like even just something smal like the doctor from the starter having a skullsaw. You put her in a group of guild guards (or anything really) and she'd look just like one - or just blend in and disappear in your crew. Pretty sure Aaron's just being silly anyway - isn't this art from the rpg?
  10. It was specifically stated that a master was going to die - so the Govenor General is out. The governor general becominng a tyrant is definently a possibility, though. Also, just because a master is dead in the fluff doesn't mean you cant still use them, in game. This also doesn't mean that just because that character is no longer in the fluff then he/she is no longer important. Also, if/when master rotation does occur, that doesn't mean you still can't play that master since you will still have cards/rules to play with. Anyway you look at it, people aren't going to be "losing out" because their master is/may be dying. Besides - I think its cool as hell being the dead/dying guy/army. Part of the reason I like dwarves so much is the whole "extinct race in the future" thing - and nothing is more badass then a last stand... every single time you play a game! ---- Good calls on both Justice and Seamus! Justice already has a dead justice boxset so awwwww yeah - and her being dead will make her quest for destroying undeath all the more passionate. Seamus going avatar mode a second time - grows too much and goes poof like Thunder in Big Trouble? We all know how much these wyrdos like BTiLC. I definently think the most likely dead masters will be Seamus, Justice, or Levy.
  11. So with Gen Con being a month away - anyone interested in putting bets down? One of the things that I'm almost positiive of is that eventually Wyrd will start rotating masters within factions - there will be henchman promotions, old masters leaving, and all new ones coming (hopefully get rid of all non-10T duel masters, too). If someone is going to die... it will be... Leveticus! This is why: This badass mofo is just too badass for the avatar transformation and instead of becoming an avatar he loses his mortal body and becomes the 14th tyrant - a machine god of the new generation. This will be the first tyrant of this new generation of humans in Malifaux. Then he starts the next Malifaux apocalypse with his rider friends. The gourth book will be everyone getting their asses kicked back to earthside. Zoraida did allude to Leveticus being very important in the future of Malifaux, after all. In his insanity, he will eventually sucker Rusty Alyce into some "upgrades" and she will be elevated to a new Master to take Leveticus' place. Otherwise, it will be Misaki or Mei Feng.. because, well... who cares about those two anyway?
  12. Not feeling it. Generic lady with an axe. /shrug I like the tease, though. Not sure if real, or just being sneaky. If I replaced her head with a zombie head or like a hat and bandana it would be dece.
  13. Shinies for me too. I prefer playing master-to-master basis. This whole "faction" thing is silly - I'm only interested in particular masters. My faction of choice only ends up being so when I have 3 or more masters of that faction that I would play with.
  14. As far as major projects go - I have a total list of 8 major ideas spread over 3 games systems and I try to do 2 major projects a year + as many crews as possible during the year to break up the big ones. As far as Malifaux goes - I'm finishing off Outcasts and have already started on Arcanists and Gremlins - that way I will be able to play the only three factions worth playing in Malifaux. Well - ressers easily have the largest cool factor in the game - I guess I'm somewhat interested in all factions so long as its not 10T or guild. I'm only really interested in Ramos, Colette and, well - evey gremlin master. All of them. The big projects are always a secret til I'm finished. I've been thinking of starting up a public facebook page for my new projects. Whenever I get around to giving enough of a shit to do that, anyway.
  15. First book done - and it was great! Looking forward to more of these in the future.
  16. Jokes on us, boys. That psycho klown reanimated guitar playing mutant should have been our wrath. I see the psycho mental inmates as being what the old desperate mercs were - dirt cheap so we can just zerg the table with them krieger gunline style.
  17. Well, yeah... but the Malifaux knight would be the great decendant of a templar knight who inherited his prestigious grandaddy's trousers. His mind was elevated with stories of times past. Feeling that he was cheated out of glorious battle and should have been born in an era before his - he is coming to Malifaux to find his fate in the most spectacular fashion possible. He'd have a pissed off merc ramshackled look draped with with a battle standard to contrast his bright shiney armor and obnoxiously large rectangular shaped blade. Think Gatsu from Berserk! with a Malifaux twist. Fuck yeah. Bonus points for crossbow arm.
  18. If anyone is interested, you should probably check out the "Wyrd Watch" fools_daily podcast. Justin alluded to this thread mentioning that it seemed alot of people wanted carnival stuff. Maybe some of these ideas will make it into the line up for next year models (or even just simply confirm genuine interest), who knows? Until then, feel free to continue to vomit as many ideas as you can. EDIT: Should probably add an idea to keep it on topic - I'd like to reiterate the need for crazy asylum patient models to give the orderlies and McM something to look after. Bonus points if they look like psychos from borderlands.
  19. Hey Aaron, now that at kaeris came out and now that you got Nathan to actually sign off on a klown model - I should probably let you know that a female McMourning is long overdo. How did you get Nathan to agree to a klown anyway? The latest fools daily podcast has gotten me interested. I figured I'd just ask here because, well, "you see all" or whatevs. I would also like to throw in Miss Understood - the teenaged emo ronin (seppuku, right? >8) )
  20. Ugh, is this going to be an issue again? I think wyrd refering to "her" instead of the typical "him" in their books is going far beyond what any other company in any other field in the world does. So much so I was surprised and it caught me off guard at first (old-school, I guess). Add to that the near 50/50 master gender and I think they've covered their ass enough. Whats going on here - is this really that big of an issue or am I missing something here? Is this just a bunch of guys who want to roleplay as fem characters or is this legit? A lot of women like pretty women models too - the sensitivity to this social topic is starting to make my head hurt, especially when guys start defending female point of view as if they dont have the say themselves. Get real. If you don't like it try one of the 100 other game companies that doesn't even make an effort. --- Back on Topic: Oh, so that guy in the starter is a scion too eh? Well then... yeah, he's crappy too. >8)
  21. All my big hats say that you can get the hell out right now. Also, what scion of the void? Pretty sure you're thinking of the neph on the cover of shifting lotalities, right? - and thats not the scion, thats probably the resser/neph guy we've been hearing about. But yes, he's really bad. Razhem makes some good points here, boys. Not sure if a lot of you have noticed but this game makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever. The only thing that baffles me is that the creators were able to take all this random cool shit and make something out of it that worked and didn't suck. Even the fluff works well together, not really sure how they managed that either. That's really what the initial draw to this game was for me - Malifaux could literaly contain any damn thing in the world and how could you begin to say its out of place with all the other random stuff? Here's an exercise - Try telling someone (in your own head) what the game of Malifaux is all about (fluff wise - not the actual game). The way I'd do it is to just say "Think of any cool nerd niche you can think of - its about all of that, all together, and more." Not to be too overly positive, or anything, I'd like to end this post by also saying that the band is pretty damn bad. I do have a use for it in a future project full of gimmicky bullshit, however, so I can make use of it, but much like JD's Guilty - that shit ain't never hitting the table on my end. I mean... its not JD crew bad... but I'm just not feeling it I guess. EDIT: Oh damn, so thats a scion of black blood, not void - I dun goof'd - its late here - my bad.
  22. You're a big dirty cheaty cheat cheat face. I'm in need of that dislike button again. I really think we should be able to have a dislike button. Until then, perhaps I just quote post in my post and just simply say dislike? Undead grem trial run will be coming to realization in my IP WIP Thread, stay tuned.
  23. Gremlins is winning! Change your decision right meow! I have, what just so happens to be, an undead entry into IP Round 5 that may entice you. If I dedicate it to you will you join the green side? Two 10T players is more than enough.
  24. Everything is better after you kill it first. Wait, no... what I mean was... anything + undead = better. zFiend is rubbing off on me I think.
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