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Everything posted by SpectreEliteGaming

  1. Regardless of my personal reasons, my logic is sound. Go ahead - argue it! ... and it would be an improvement to boot. Continuing to trivialize my point, genuine as it is, lends less impact and consideration to any point you make. Add to that, it appears that, rather than being argued against, I am receiving only dismissive comments. Interesting... but I understand. But then I receive dismissive comments when I jump on a topic that I find trivial. Interesting, again. ... but I understand. Pretty sure I states "he/she" and "one" is my goal three times, now. That's four.
  2. Perfect. Same goes for women offended by the inclusive "he" right? They should go find a game that doesn't exist. If you want fair - "he/she" and "one" is fair. If you want special treatment go ahead and give an inclusive "her" and feel good about your moral charity. Your not fixing whatever silly slight or inconsideration there is - you are skewing it and making a display. If people want to pick hairs about whats appropriate or inappropriate to get upset about and offended by - two can play and I'm awefully creative. Let's strive for that equality peeps.
  3. Hey - since we're still on this whole gender topic - and well, its getting kinda tedious and boring - figured I'd drop an idea. Or maybe its because my last post got almost entirely bah-leeted... You know how the rulebook was designed refering to the reader as "she" and "her." Well, I see what you did thar and its a nice little gesture - but honestly it comes off as being ingenuine - like one of those tacky new-age ways of thinking rather than having legitimate meaning or purpose. Its like those goofy people who refer to god as "her" - not necessarily because they view god like that but only to trick their listener into asking "why are you refering to god as female?" They proceed to smile because trap card activated or whatever, and then people facepalm and stop talking to them because they're being ingenuine just to get a riseor attention. Kinda like that - feels more like "look what we did - we're putting on disply that we are going out of our way to appeal to female gamers" than "lets be politically correct to make sure we don't marginalize a potential audience." The appropriate action would be to use the tried and true "he/she" or "one." Works miracles and it doesn't look like you are going out of your way to try hard to look genuine when there's obviously an agenda. Swaying the spectrum all the way from traditional "he" to new age 'forward thinking' "she" doesn't change anything. TL;DR - Let's refer to the reader as he/she and one - that's about as "fair" and "equal" as you get. ------- Now let's talk about the lack of "little people" in this game. I would love a midget psycho hooker for my birthday. Preferably a ginger, thanks. EDIT: Just remembered we do have Copycat Killer, so nevermind, I guess?
  4. Clearly, you aren't privvy to the exploits of one, mythicfox. His most purpley of purpliness. I fully respect dgraz. His beautiful Cojo makes me weep everytime I look at it.
  5. Awwww man - Justin ninja modhat posted my rant! This always happens to me! EDIT: /sadface
  6. Was thinking about this again, today. Okay, check this shit. Ramos and Levy face off in a large open circular boiler room at the bottom of ridley station that looks all firey and cyber-biometal'd up... to... Masters of the Universe - Queen. *shivers* There can only be one.
  7. See? Now that's what I'm talking about. Filthy stuff, here. If her crew looked as good as ironsides I would have found the time to master her already. But alas... Provided you can minimize negative flips - this is solid stuff.
  8. *peeks in* Ooo what's going on in this thread? >8) All I ask is that this game doesn't lose its edge because it wants to adhere to those who are easily offended. So far, I've really only seen one individual on the forums who takes ethical topics to the extreme - that tells me most people are either indifferent or don't have a problem with the game. I believe this edge is what makes people interested in Malifaux to begin with. When those 40k or warmahorde players see you playing with killer kids, sexy dead hookers, and teddy bear monsters - you grab that attention. Then, they find their geek niche when exploring crew options. Then, you've got those players. Keep the edge sharp. Otherwise, expect a whole lot of conversions and proxies. That's all I have to say... ... for now. *ready to pounce* EDIT: Oh hey, this is the thread where I can bitch and whine about the new Jack Daw set with impunity, right? >8)
  9. Seperate post to ask a moderator to move this to a seperate topic - we are clearly far gone from the world of 2 starter boxes.
  10. jonah - That is the response I was hoping for but not expecting to see on a miniature gaming message board. Personally, I think mimetic behavior is more of an excuse than an outlet. People feel constrained by expectation so they do something "responsible" like wargaming instead of doing what they really want to. Of course, this is probably best for society at large but goes against human nature. Furthermore, are these people who display mimetic behavior perhaps just living vicariously through the dregs of this game? Psychology says probably. Especially when Seamus is probably the most popular character (or a real life example - The Saw franchise dwarfs the rest as being the most popular horror movie franchise - sure makes you wonder what's going on in society and I don't think mimetic behavior quite cuts it as an excuse). I feel perfectly fine admitting the extent of my depravity because I know its bounds are within the expectations of society. Its these "normal" or "nice" people who do abnormal things and try to justify them that I wonder about. What are they hiding? Now go play somewhere else - that question was mean't to put people on the spot and force them to question their behavior or otherwise set them up to dismiss the question outright because they don't have an answer to it and it challenges their psychology - not to be answered empirically! I noted in a previous post that I thought it was strange that mostly men where debating/defending sexism on behalf of women. Apparently no one else thought that was strange. :/ ----- zFiend makes an excellent point - White people are forced to take it on the chin without excuse because of our general life of privilege. As a person of scandanavian descent, I know for a fact that no relative of mine took part in any wrongdoings to other cultures, at least of North Ameican or African heritage, and I should not have to be subjected to stereotypes because I look white. If that doesn't work for you - then how about "I'm 'viking' and I don't give a shit?" Also, why are seamus and mcmourning both irish in the wyrd podcast? Seamus I understand but common. Racism! Ooooorrrrr, perhaps the answer is to chill and try to not to be offended by all the crazy shit in the world. Life's easy that way.
  11. I friggin' love that skullsaw, btw. The two master/henchmen are very interesting, despite the rest of the crew being plain. Okay, back to sexism. Seems like an extreme conclusion to reach. Like "you should probably rewrite your thesis statement" farfetched. Mostly I just point and laugh at my opponent because his guys have smaller hats than my guys. Then again, I try to keep deep social implications of my attitudes and actions outside of pushing around toy soldiers on a mat, I guess. Playing with minis is good lighthearted catharsis and I don't want to have to feel like I have to tip toe around the tulips when I want to smash face. That may sound like I'm belitting your point - and I am a bit. But I just want to point out that I am of an extreme nature and even that is a bit extreme. Example - So from your perspective you might see it as sexism but from my perspective I see a largely male dominated hobby and dudes just like boobs. We just do. As the gender inequality shifts the community will naturally level itself to meet the needs of the new community composition. Oh, and this should happen automatically, without the neccesity of rants. The women who come in will chill the guys out and they should act more respectable around the ladies - you see this all the time - in both community groups and workplaces. The larger the population of women coming into the game, the more you'll see the miniature ranges change to meet those needs. Oh look, I even have proof. Examine right this second compared to even 10 years ago. Even then, apart from a few small game systems, women are still largely unrepresented in this hobby. Mostly because huge robots smashing each other doesn't tend to appeal to many women, me thinks. There we go Dirial - thag sounds openminded and respectable - kinda like an informed opinion that an openminded person might have. Now would someone please make a nude model for me.
  12. Hey now, are you being judgmental while avoiding my question at the same time? Nice combo. I'm about as introspective and openminded as an individual with my personality can be. I think many of my posts will back that up. I just don't want all you nice people walking all over us jerks with your righteous opinions, that's all. Could you imagine the shit storm if someone took offense to Baritone Lola? Come on now - sexism is hardly the worst thing Wyrd is stepping on. Go ahead and re-read that for me and tell me if that still makes sense to you. Pretty sure everything is fake in a mini game. You guys are right, sexism in miniature games is way more interesting than talking about the starter set. Proceed. That's being openminded, right?
  13. I'm not upset at all. Upset that I didn't get a jab at the topic the first couple times, maybe. I'm just kind of an aggressive person - I always talk like that. Kind of like a "not dealing with your shit" personality if that makes sense. I really hope Wyrd starts making minis with boobs again, tbh. I don't have the original Blessed. I don't believe in "inappropriate for a tabletop game" - are there rules for this somewhere? Cool. ----- EDIT: Sooooooo, if you don't mind - tell me why all you politically correct and sociologically minded individuals are playing a game with this type of context? I seem to belong here - what's your story? See where I'm going with that?
  14. "Oh my god, not this again." Yeah, I said it. I didn't get to say nothing last two times this came up within 2 days so now I get to and that's fair. I don't want "ordinary" or "normal" or "basic." If I'm playing a fantasy game, I want fantasy characters. That means big scary monsters, big boobs, and tough guys.... maybe. If I want normal unexciting bullshit I have real life for that. This game is excessive in every regard you can think of - and that is what draws people to it and offends others. You could literally think of anything to get upset about and you can point the finger at this game. Oh geez, there's not enough "little people" in this game, there's too much stereotypes or racist connotation. Oh no, some girls name sounds vaguely like some other girls name - and could be, in some backwards way, perceived as offensive. If you are looking for a game to not be offended by you're in the wrong place. There is drug abuse, a hooker for each (faction that counts), serial killers, criminal empires, killer kids, an entire faction built on stereotypes... everything. You might be offended by [insert whatever the hell you want here] - the easiest way to not be offended is: don't buy it. Move on, stop looking. For every person who is offended by something there is another who is desperately seeking exactly this type of game/subject matter. You might want censorship, but I counter that by saying I'm a person who wants excess, who wants nudity, etc etc. TL;DR - So for every big burly tough (real?) chick - I expect one to be fighting against the forces of mankind practically naked with a greatsword, deal? Also, put this in its own thread instead of hyjacking other ones that have nothing to do with it. Moving on... --- Love the idea of the starter - I'm a bit disappointed with the quality of the models (at least the neverborn side) - but I undertand the reason why they kept it simple.
  15. If feasible you can wait til a convention and buy everything you need from the companies in one go. I know this isn't always feasible. If I could go back in time and start all over I would use those magnetic boxes where your shit doesn't touch anything - best idea ever but I'm commited to foam and don't want to put magnets on the bottom of models ive already completed. A lot of people argue between hard battlefoam and soft kr - these people are silly. I see no difference between the two as far as storage goes and if anything, removing a model from hard foam makes you more careful minded and you can immediately feel that the mini is catching rather than the "give" that soft foam allows for. I think this is a mind game. The preference for soft foam is probably only there because its nicer to touch and it "makes sense" that it should be better. No real difference - buy what you like/what's cheaper.
  16. daniello - I dunno sounds appealing to me. But then again, I'd probably be pushed toward Trixiebelle instead of away, so there's that. Rathnard - Have you ever considered expanding to other game systems for variety, instead. Or are you a Wyrd fanboy to the core? I got "ooo shiny'd" by ironsides too - that was the last push I needed to commit to arcanists (and how goddamn terrible the new jack daw set looks helped push me away from outcasts - so that helped too). Blue just isn't my color, though. Too much friggin' blue in arcanists - shits gonna change, while I'm here. >8)
  17. Yuuuuuuuus!!! Math - All the henchman led games I play usually are 25ss (bare minimum for fastest game possible) - but at 25ss any summoning master would walk all over anyone else - Ramos especially, comes to mind. I would probably leave it at standard 50 for simplicity, but thats just me. Rusty is strange because she pretty much takes all the Levi outcast choices and plays in a similar manner - no waifs to worry about but a ridiiculous 6 walk and 12 - shes like a smaller less desirable Levy, and my fav henchman. DE is an auto-take. I've seen someone play a Nekima led crew and its not that impressive. I'm not too sure how I feel about Nekima, in general though. When you compare her to other models of similr SS she kinda pales in comparison. I forgot about Candy - she'd probably be a decent choice, and Juju would most certainly be a powerhouse. One should not underestimate the Hannah and Co. list - librarian spam is scary. Hiring options is an even bigger consideration with henchman led crews - I feel that Arcanist and Outcasts have the best most well rounded crew choices - Neverborn probably too but my experience with them is limited. Henchman led guild could get really nasty by simply building around the henchman trio package. If you played guild Judge with Frank and Sidir would be a hard thing to say no to.
  18. I'd be down - this is actually a great idea - you could probably just leave it at fiddy stones - otherwise make 25. Why 40? Obviously, unless your crazy, the henchman you'd be bringing would be Rusty Alyce. I've played many a henchman led game for fun with her and she's just damn solid and a fun choice. I bet fingers would be great too, but i've never played him - same with the Captain. Hannah with trappers/librarians and ashes is ridiculously good and probably the best henchman led crew you could make (in my limited opinion). I'd have no problem putting that up against masters for handicap bragging rights. It's surprising how some henchmen could easily be masters with a slight boost and other henchman are, well... Ototo?
  19. How about right after I'm done with IP 2015? Creating a bunch of undead dogs is lame - my McMourning creates cannibal mutant midget psychopaths - much better. Now I just need to win an Ophelia/Somer Box at a convention or trade for it. I hate buying dubs of models if I can help it - that's what proxies are for. I suppose I could still use the midget psychos as zombie mutant redneck gremlins anyway though - couldn't I? >8) Ugh so many different ideas and projects - so little time. :/
  20. Should also point out that the obvious answer to the OP's question is "when you accidentally choose guild when first starting the game." Thought I'd sneak that one in there. /thread?
  21. Mr. Stanley has spoken. You be the fool. Soon as Tara finally gets bandaged up she'll really be a force to reckon with. If you are having problems with her its probably because shes like maybe the hardest/second hardest master to play (JD being the other, me thinks). I'm not entirely convinced the Tara bomb is the best way to play her but then she's difficult and I haven't given her much attention. The worst thing about Tara is that she is so damn boring looking. You couldn't possibly make her more boring looking other than taking the hole away. Also, dumb sword and goofy arm. IMO of course Mei Feng is obviously the most boring looking of them all. On topic: Tara's already dead so she don't count.
  22. Relistening to fools_daily - Justin gave the affirmation to Mike Marshal saying "someone dies" so perhaps it could be the Governor? He wanted to be the governator but he blew up going super saiyan - there can be only one governator, after all. I'm almost positive I remember that it was supposed to be a Master that dies. Also - Missingno being Anna Lovelace. So if Hannah is her sister, that means Hannah is Hannah Lovelace. Anna and Hannah? Cheeky - or oversight? >8) Should have left it as Lizzy.
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