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Everything posted by Eldarion

  1. Alright, I'm ready to ask advice on a couple of damaged minis. Guild Guardian - both legs snapped off at the thin point between the hip and thigh. I can see 5 ways of dealing with it - 1) Straight glue job, pray, and never move it or breath on it. 2) Attempt to do some ridiculously fine pin-job. 3) Make my first foray into Green Stuff, although I'm not sure what I could model around the hip/thigh area to hold it together. 4) 2 and 3. 5) Write it off, and convert it into terrain/marker. If anyone can see a fix I missed, or have a modelling idea for the green stuff, or just want to weigh in on options... Rasputina Metal - Left arm is lost to the winds of time. I have an alt-Raspy, and may buy the plastic, so I'm not really worried about a like-stock fix. A good idea for a properly-sized arm (even if holding an appropriate object), preferably orderable as a bit rather than butchering 1 mini to resurrect another, would be most welcome. I scanned the reaper bits, and didn't see one - but I am a long ways from infallible.
  2. Wait... is that a third hand? Or is he really high-stepping to move in that robe? They look pretty good. I've been avoiding Gremlins so far - it seems like a really deep rabbit hole.
  3. Graveyard Accessories pack includes a shovel and a lantern.
  4. I may be in the minority here, but I feel that the current boxes, with the combination of concept art and render, are quite acceptable. You get both the color imagery and accurate representation. As has been said earlier, delaying release to get painted minis onto the boxes sounds like a Bad Thingtm. I would say that my main gripe with the site would be the Store doubling as the Catalog. Not being able to see all of the product line when some things are out of stock is rather bad imho (there are quite a few minis I didn't know existed until I dug into Mako's Modeltracker). The deactivation of the store while relocating the warehouse has made the issue particularly blatant. I know GW and Reaper get away with doing this double-duty, but I think they've got deeper pockets, and with it less "out of stock" moments - and I'm pretty certain that Reaper doesn't hide products that are OOS, just hides the add-to-cart button.
  5. Ah, so it was mentioned in the stories. Good. I enjoy the fluff, but I'm reluctant to buy the old rulebooks just for that.
  6. (notices the Through the Breach banner) - /facepalm Right, Through the Breach. I would imagine that a fairly good "known history of Malifaux" will either be part of that, or be released as a TTB/Malifaux crossover product shortly thereafter.
  7. It would be nice, for those of us joining in M2e, if Wyrd would pull together either an anthology of the 1.x fluff or a summary of the 1.x events (since a lot of major plot points happen). How different people got to their avatars, what tyrants are where, little details like that. The only 1.x book I currently have ready access to is Twisting Fates, and reading bits of that has actually called my attention to the minis for Candy. Original metal Candy - looks about 6 years old. Twisting fates fluff - story describes her as suddenly aging up to the early teens, taller than Pandora, with decidedly femenine curves. Metal Candy Alt - Looks like a very angry 13-15 year old girl, like the art in the book. New Plastic Candy - Looks to be 10 or less, and very Goth compared to the two metals. So, is there actually a fluff reason given for that regression, or was that just a quiet "we decided that making her a teen was a bad idea, so we retconned it out" thing?
  8. Mako's "List Update" sheet makes a good start for a simple "mini checklist" spreadsheet, although for that purpose, it lacks: Avatars (as those rules/point costs aren't finalized) Alt models The Miss-X "counts as" models Plastic-vs-Metal I used it to build my own spreadhseet, that also includes: An "affiliation" column, so that I can sort together the models commonly associated with a master together A Type column (_Master, Henchman, etc.) - again, for sorting purposes A base size column, to go with... A base type column (Saloon, City Street, Swamp, etc.) These extra columns are helping me figure out what I'm doing in terms of basing and crew-unifying details, since I'm grabbing minis far faster than I can get them assembled and painted (damned "complete collection" OCD).
  9. As much as (per GW's repeated demonstrations) religous fanatics can be fun to sculpt, modify, and paint (due, in part, to a tendancy towards over-the-top iconography) I'm perfectly happy to see Wyrd giving them a pass. 1) Given the existence of people able to use magic in the name of their chosen gods (or themselves) since who knows how far in their past, it seems unlikely that their religious history would be much like ours. 2) I have a funny feeling a group that fanatical would get themselves all wound up about the nephelem, get themselves a nice Crusade all whipped up, charge into the swamp, and disappear, never to be heard of again. Very short-lived faction. 3) Despite gamers' general capacity for seperating fantasy-world religion from their own religion, it reall sounds like a big ol' can of worms.
  10. I've got to agree with the Outcast/Neverborn Carnival Crew. It could give a tie-in to Collodi (who seems to be adrift with no real connections to other crews). And for a master, well, it seems we are lacking a good pencil-thin-moustache-twirling villian: Another possibility would be to shift the templar idea a little, make a Guild/Arcanists boss who's dead set against the Tyrants (since the Ortegas seem to be refocusing on an Anti-Gremlin role) and doesn't care if he works with rogue mages to get the job done. Give him some options that reinforce Guild Guards so that they're a bit less... Red-Shirt-ish.
  11. http://www.taban-miniatures.com/shop2/product_info.php?products_id=52 A bit odd, she's got some Spanish Conquistador armor pieces on, but also has one heck of a rifle.
  12. Rock, rock, more rock... shovels, picks, lanterns or crude electric lights, caged canaries. Probably not much by way of buried bones, those would be in the topside ghost towns.
  13. Ah Hah! Perhaps best of all, although a bit pricy: http://www.ragingheroes.com/collections/complete-collection/products/hildegard
  14. Warmachine also has Kara Sloan. A bit more armor, and the omnipresent steam-backpack, but not too shabby: http://privateerpress.com/files/products/31068_CaptainKaraSloan_WEB.jpg (looks again) She even has a Viks hairdo! Hmm, Freebooter's a treasure-trove for this request: http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/en/catalog/174 http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/en/catalog/84 and 3 different "Arquebusiers" packs, each with 1 man & 1 woman, such as: http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/en/catalog/82 Of course, searching Reaper's site for "female rifle" turns up more options than you can shake a stick at, but most don't measure up to the rest of these.
  15. Thank you for the input. I didn't realize that the Battlefoam cases had rigid bodies until the comments here made me give them a second look - I always thought they were soft like sabol. I think I'll try to snag a KR box and a small Battlefoam box, compare them. Bruglyother - I've considered the magnetized thing before, and while it's convenient for getting to the game shop & back it seems like it lacks a bit in storage density. In addition to my budding Malifaux collection, I've got a small mountain of old (metal) minis from my D&D days, stored in a motley and wearing out selection of boxes (especially the old Ral Partha cardboard boxes with foam separators). Most are integral-based, and the idea of trying to magnetize that heap...
  16. I live in a dinky little apartment, with decent closet space, but no real space for "display shelves" for minis. With that in mind, I've been looking to put minis into hard-cases, which will protect minis for both long-term storage and transport to gaming sessions. Trying to balance protection, convenience, some aesthetics, and cost has been an interesting challenge, so I thought I'd fish for opinions from the fine folks here.
  17. If you haven't checked it out already, the "Molly - New models?" thread has a few other possibilities in it. I guess it depends on how much you want to keep it looking geisha-ish, and how dead you want her to look. A quick google for "miniature geisha", and then browsing through the "images" results turns up quite a few possibilities. I'd link a few, but for some reason, I can't paste into the forums here, and I'm not in a mood to transcribe the URLs by hand.
  18. Been to your page several times, have always found it informative and useful. I like the new layout for the unboxing.
  19. I've always had good luck with a 75% water, 25% Pine-Sol mix (for metals). Pine-sol will eat plastics, though, unless you lower the concentration dramatically.
  20. It's a fair question - you don't have to buy more Marcus boxes to get additional Razorspine Rattlers or Sabertooths. I guess the first thing to check (short of a horse's mouth answer) would be - are the 'skeeters a separate sprue, or on the sprue with something else? If it's a shared sprue, they're pretty much locked in as part of the set only. If they're a separate sprue, there's a chance.
  21. That's going to be tough to match. Since I can't help directly, I'll toss out some ideas: If the nylons-over-the-vacuum-cleaner-tube idea (see the "we need to talk about intuition" thread for a picture) doesn't turn up the hand, you could try looking through the Reaper lines for a mini with "close" hands that you can order bits for. Most of their bits are reasonably priced, although shipping can bite back. Another possibility would be to embrace it as a specter of death, and graft on the scythe-like "hand" from a tyranid (probably a hormagaunt, for sizing). Shouldn't be too tough to find a 'nid player with extra bits in your neck of the woods.
  22. And a note on the Bruma mini (Math's 2nd link) (she was in an odd-minis box I picked up used this weekend): She might work best as a female take on Niko - she's a bit tall. Toe to toe with the original shooty-Viktoria mini, the peak of Vik's hair is just below the brim of Bruma's tophat. And with her foot up on the little pile of skulls, she gives the impression of being even bigger yet. For conversion work, the arms are slightly odd - the shoulders are on the body, and the arms attach between shoulder and bicep.
  23. If you wanted to play up the "sorrowful" side of Molly, the baby on this could be redone as the head she carries around: The HellDorado Mourner: https://cipher-studios.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=36_40&products_id=613 Edit: <bleep> I missed that someone else already linked the mourner. Ah well.
  24. Hah, as someone just starting into this game, this one almost threw me for a loop... The old metal Brass Arachnid looks like an oil drum with 4 legs, and fits nicely on the 30mm base. The new plastic version looks much more like a spider. In fact, I came into the forums today because: The art for the plastic B.A. looks enough like the old "Large Steampunk Arachnid" (that I just picked up as potential heavy muscle / distraction for a Colette crew) that when I saw the Brass Arachnid card in the Arsenal Box, I briefly thought there was a mistake in the art.
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