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Posts posted by haychdee

  1. 22 minutes ago, Stryder said:

    Would there be anyone willing to give me a lift there and back? I live just off the A1, junction 48. PM me for more details.

    I will be passing right by you so could sort something out though I've not fully decided on exact timings yet.

    I might be looking to head up after work on the Friday to avoid been half dead through Saturday.

  2. So this update is well overdue as round 4 is already over half way but here goes....


    For my round 3, 'Wyrd Science' entry I eventually decided that I would convert Hoffman up into a GW style techpreist. The play on the theme being Wyrd Science in GW style. Originally he was going to be fairly subtly converted with a terror tot cherubim and standing in a little workshop which would have hidden nods to Imperium tech.

    However, as you will see from the pics below I got a bit carried away and in the end he hardly resembled Hoffman anymore. In that sense I am not really too happy with the conversion but aside from that I learnt new skills in scratch building the servo arm and I discovered a new way to paint flesh.

    And here he is in various stages...


    The first layers down of Hoffman's robes and at this point not so OTT



    The early WIP's of his servo arm. It took me a long time to finally settle on a style



    The almost complete servo arms and cables. Cables were made with Green Stuff World's roll/tube maker (awesome bit of kit!)



    A close up of his cherubim. It's made from a Terror Tot with the wings of Nicodems vulture. The hammer is all scratch built



    A collage of pics from the finished piece



    And my final pic as it was submitted



    Sadly the work did not pay off as I scored low with 27 and dropped down into silver. My opponent @Whirler put in a great entry and had a well deserved win. I knew that no matter the result I was in for a tough one but a tad disappointing it came in so low.

    Admittedly I know my entry has many flaws, as usual I spent too long converting and the painting was rushed.

    Nevertheless, all C&C, questions or queries welcome



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  3. So time for a long overdue update...


    For round 2 I was pretty hyped about theme but in the end I really struggled.

    Having a spare Nicodem hanging around I decided I'd use him for the main piece. I had an idea to make a small vignette of him rezzing up a zombie and his coffin from the groud with all the earth rising up with him. I was gonna try copy the magic effect Curtis used based on the tutorial on Massive Voodoo and try out some OSL.

    Well I got cracking on with the project and made good progress early on but I hit set back after set back mid way through. I ended up making 2 coffins, 2 vignettes, having to strip Nico after I fluffed the NMM and then 2 bases for him. Nothing seemed to go as planned and I literally only just got it in on time with 37 seconds to spare. I even ended up having to take a half day from work as I even got the deadline wrong!

    But that being said, my round 2 scoring sat at 41 to 27 and luckily I kept my gold spot for 1 more round.

    So here are the finished pictures, I have WIP's but as there are so many I'll spare them...






    And here's a height comparison between my two entries 



    If you're following the competition you'll know that round 3 is well underway and I'm pleased to say that I'm much more confident with this entry however as my opponent is Whirler I very much doubt I'll be in the gold tier much longer. 

    I'll be sharing my round 3 WIP's very shortly but until then all C&C is welcome.


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  4. @Whirler

    Thanks for the kind feedback.

    I really struggled with the white as it just required way more layering up than I'm used to. I found it less forgiving when I was trying to shade at a later stage. To be honest I'm actually getting some painting tuition at the moment so it's maybe something I'll address after the competition is over. Although I've painted for years I've not really taken the time to learn and understand technique and theory as I've always focussed more on the modelling aspects.

    As for the tongue and claws I completely agree. These were some of the details that didn't get the attention they deserved as I rushed the entry towards the end. My round 2 entry will have much more focus on the painting and I want to make sure everything gets the correct amount of time spent on it.


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  5. 4 hours ago, WalkingInBlack said:

    Or Option 3: Take some Greenstuff and start making a dress over Perdita's legs :)

    Unfortunately her jacket isnt right for the theme either. Would be a big contrast between the 2 styles. Youre also right in that the TTB dresses arent the right style either. 


    4 hours ago, Munindk said:

    Rotten Belles could be an alternate source of dresses, they're cheaper than buying the Jack Daw box but $3 more than the Coryphee box. There are also a few dresses in the Female Multi-part Kit.

    I did look at the belles but theres only 1 thats kinda in theme with a nice big dress. The other 2 are a bit too slutty which I suppose is just fine for the belles. The coryphee dresses arent tradational as such but they are a longer fit and have some nice details.


    3 hours ago, Stark said:

    You need a Cordelia from Anima tactics. Perfect fitted scale)

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    This is a lovely mini, thanks for the share. It would be ideal but as Im a regular tourney player I cant rely on using other minis as proxies.


    Input is appreciated guys, thanks.


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  6. So I'm a big fan of display boards and really enjoy making them. I'm a regular tournie player and not being the greatest tactician I often go with the intention of running for the painting comps. For a display board designed for comp purposes I say go for 7-11 models, include your big models, your best painted, and any conversions you may have. But that's just my take on it. I always enjoy looking at display boards, no matter its purpose.


    Here's the board I used last year for my Lucius Guild crew



    A here's some WIP's of other (varying) boards/displays




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  7. Thanks for all the positive comments folks!

    I've been away snowboarding last week so I'm only just getting back to my work bench but I do have a few WIP's of my next family member, Abuela!

    So if you frequent A Wyrd Place on Facebook you may have seen this a while back. I basically decided that I'd scrap Abuela's wheelchair for a slightly more unusual mode of transport.....her own personal Executioner:





    Apologies for the slight white glare to the pics, not the best quality. So this is kinda my first proper time sculpting arms and muscles. I'm pretty happy with how they're turning out so far. I have had a go at some hands but they are proving a lot harder to get right. I used Johan's arms as a reference when sculpting as he's a similar size to these big guys.

    I try to keep my work bench full with several models at a time as I try to only sculpt small amounts at a time to avoid squashing my fingers into still setting green stuff. So throughout this project you might see many WIP's but I assure you they will all see completion. I expect to be tournament ready from end of March so I need to get cracking!

    So, just a little update for now but much more to come over the weekend (we'll be meeting some more family members!).

    As per, all C&C is greatly appreciated and any questions I'm more than happy to answer.



    P.S. @Math Mathonwy, I will be sorting out those suspenders. It's something I didn't notice until I was a good way into the conversion unfortunately.

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