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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. Get all of the beasts. All of them. Every last one. Marcus needs his furry, feathered, scaled, and/or slimy friends and they all need the good home that Marcus can provide them. Marcus' Magnificent Menagerie is the only no-kill shelter in all of Malifaux. Save a Silurid and adopt today!
  2. I am really looking forward to giving this a go, definitely need to try it out before I pull the trigger on a purchase. I'm not usually a huge fan of most co-op games--as you are effectively playing against the game itself it can be hard to get it balanced just right (too hard or too easy and it becomes no fun to play) and the game can't change tactics on you if you suddenly find a huge weakness in its setup for that round. Another downside to many co-op games is that a lot of the time you end up with someone acting as "the boss" which effectively turns it into a one player game with personal assistants. All of that being said, this game has a really cool concept to it and it looks like it will be able to avoid the pitfalls I mentioned above.
  3. Those mats look really cool but I haven't seen one in person yet and I was wondering exactly what sort of material these are made of. The site says they are printed on high quality matte vinyl sheet but doesn't mention what the thickness is or what the surface texture is like. I would love to see an up close photo of the edge of one of these mats with a mini for scale.
  4. I will definitely have to keep an eye on this.
  5. Based on the art of their cards, I am really looking forward to the plastic Gunsmiths when they come out, but I do really enjoy the dynamic pose of this metal Gunsmith I just finished painting. As always, I have a few more angles of this model over on my blog, so check it out!
  6. Looks like I have some reading material to get me through the day now!
  7. I want to run the flying monkeys as Malifaux Raptors with Marcus! Also they should get to hang out with Kaeris some because she has wings and monkey see, monkey do. Quite frankly, I need more flying monkeys in all of my crews!
  8. No worries. I thought that was what I had read elsewhere, just wanted to make sure for planning purposes. Would probably be a logistical nightmare for the booth crew to wrangle 7 different shirt designs in a full range of sizes (and then have sad people when you sell out of the popular sizes). Guess I'll have to bust out some technology while I'm at Gen Con to order a shirt or two (perhaps while I am waiting in line to check out...)
  9. Speaking of shirts, I could swear I saw the answer to this somewhere but I currently am inflicted with the dumb after a long day of work--will shirts be available in the booth for those of us physically at Gen Con?
  10. What is this "postage" thing you speak of? Is he one of those filthy Ressers or corrupt Guild officials? Also what is this waiting for things to arrive? They always seem to be waiting there for me when I get to the booth...
  11. Good news everyone! I have some new friends! Bad news though, it turns out they're cannibals and they're getting hungry... I have several other views of my new friends available on my blog, check it out!
  12. I like getting free things. Last year they let me do multiple transactions while at the register without having to re-enter the line; if you do that I do recommend that you have a list pre-divided with your $100 increments to make it easier for them and for you, they really appreciated that I had done that in advance.
  13. Well, looks like my current list is sitting at $711 before taxes (and I have even managed to shuffle it into 7 separate purchases for 7 Mis Anne Thropes). I've been able to whittle off $137, but that leaves me at $574, so I might as well bump it up over the $600 for that extra Miss Anne Thrope, but then the stuff I add back in to get me there really needs a couple other things to go with it and then I am right back where I started... Thank goodness for free checked bags on Southwest...
  14. By you I meant you as a company, but if Aaron Darland himself is giving demos of that game there is no missing out on that!
  15. So I see that this will be available at Gen Con, will you be running demos of it there?
  16. Now that is a board I want to play on! Gaming mats may be getting better looking and cheaper to get, but there is still no replacement for a well done, custom made gaming table. Very well done! So I haven't seen you post a picture of this yet, what kind of table will the gorgeous tiles be sitting on?
  17. Making my pre-Gen Con shopping list and working to divide it up into individual purchases of just over $100 to help out your awesome team at Gen Con. Just making sure I'm reading this correctly "For each order of $100 or more before taxes and shipping, placed during the period of Gen Con, you will receive one Miss Anne Thrope. Miss Anne Thrope comes with alternative heads and arms." So if the total for a purchase hits exactly $100 (say for example a purchase of the Smoke and Mirrors Box for $50 and a Master of Puppets box for $50), that would qualify for a Miss Anne Thrope model?
  18. Sculpted and sent for cuts and layout is farther along than I expected, so yay! The important time to remember--10a is when the Gen Con floor opens, so be in Indy by then. Can't beat instantaneous shipping!
  19. Cool, good to know. So who do I need to hunt down and bribe while I'm at Gen Con to get my hands on a few Silent Ones then?
  20. So, unless I am missing something in the listing, looks like the the Crossroads Seven (who I am insanely excited for!) are it as far as models from the Shifting Loyalties book? note: not complaining, just making sure that I'm not missing anything
  21. Aaron, have I told you lately that I love you?
  22. I actually used thread for the strings. I contemplated using fishing line, but decided against it as I wanted the strings to be visible against the background.
  23. Is it just me or does anyone else feel like painting those Rat Kings as the King in Yellow?
  24. You broke my mind! Great job with messing with perspective!
  25. I'm trying to clear off my painting table before I head to Gen Con; here is the latest from my painting table: I have several other views of this model available on my blog, check it out!
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