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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. Now I really want to see a police cat department...
  2. There are the Sabertooth Cerberus and Hoarcats
  3. I cannot wait to paint these!!!!! So very very excited to add them in to Marcus' Magnificent Menagerie!
  4. Episode 7! Sometimes you just have to go custom
  5. Some friends who produce a Malifaux podcast (FlippinJokers, check it out!) threw together a little painting challenge since they don't have the time to take on Iron Painter this year. I decided it was a good chance to try out painting a model so that it looked like it was only lit by the light of a fire; I was really happy with how my mini turned out, so I thought I'd share with you all. I have several other angles of this mini available over on my blog, check it out!
  6. That word does need to be used more often.
  7. @Aaron, thank you so much for your well phrased and thought out response to this. This issue can get very emotional for everyone involved and so many people want to jump to the rescue of their community that they don't consider that saying "I've never seen it happen" diminishes the legitimate concerns of those who have had it happen to them or have witnesses such occurrences. I've previously abstained from this conversation for exactly those reasons; I didn't want to add to the noise without bringing something constructive to the conversation. Having run a retail game store in the past I can say that for my part while I have never personally witnessed major transgressions (but I do know they occur in some communities), I would witness and hear minor discriminations on a daily basis that seem like nothing at the time but add up to an environment where some don't feel welcome and where larger infractions seem acceptable. Calling something "gay" in a negative way or using casual slurs against one's sex, race, or sexual preference (the common, specific terms I won't write here), even in a joking matter that doesn't directly apply to anyone involved, is not acceptable and allowing it to occur within your community can normalize it so that people don't realize it's unacceptable behavior. When you hear someone in your community say something inappropriate it can be as simple as saying "Dude, not cool. Don't say stuff like that." to get someone to realize that what they thought was just friendly banter is in reality unacceptable language.
  8. Phrasing! lol Glad you like them, I had a great time painting them!
  9. Hey all! I just finished up painting some of the new Insidious Madnesses over the weekend and thought I'd share! I have several other view available on my blog, check it out!
  10. The fur work you did on the sow... ...damn!
  11. You must be mistaken--you're not Gus, I'm Gus and you're Chou
  12. You should post some pictures of the fun at Adepticon for those of us who can't make it this year. (Also, the gators look awesome!)
  13. I think the main reason for that right now is that actually models/cards don't exist for them yet. Sure, people can proxy for them and use photocopies of the cards from the Shifting Loyalties books, but I don't tend to see any model on the table too much until it has an official release.
  14. For his points cost, the Wendigo can't be beat. It should be noted that people love to kill him, so if Frame for Murder is in the pool, Wendigo makes for a fantastic Sucker model.
  15. I rather enjoy this image! I am looking forward to see what this delightful, cigar-smoking fish frog does.
  16. Thanks! I may have learned a thing or two from a couple of guides in Wyrd Chronicles
  17. She doesn't look that dead to me... The wall, the street, and the sidewalk are all scratch built. I had tons of fun painting this piece and can't wait to see what the next theme is!
  18. I knew whose this was without even looking who posted the photo. Waghorn41, you never fail to make me chuckle.
  19. That helps tons! Also, it warms the cockles of my cold heart that there is a color out there named "Murderous Magenta"
  20. I would love a little insight into how you did Luther's eyes. Seriously, they are quite a sight. I'm keep getting punny about the bunny until I see how to do it!
  21. Those eyes on Luther, freaking phenomenal! Any chance we'll get a painting write up on these guys in a Chronicles?
  22. They are waiting for you to step away from your computer to use the restroom or get a cup of coffee. At the very moment you leave your screen behind they will strike and by the time you return all of the things you wanted will be gone, leaving you with a sense of emptiness that you will be unable to fill no matter what you do; you will wander the streets at night to try to find peace, asking everyone you meet "Why do I feel so empty?" and they will have no answer for you. In time, you will fade away to nothing and be born away upon the cold wind like so much smoke...
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