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Everything posted by Pallas4

  1. I missed those abilities don't "target". Sorry ^^' and thanks.
  2. Hi, just checked something. A burried model can't be affected by some things like Regeneration (not target a specific model) or the upgrade mechanic of Yan Lo 1? Or I missed something? thanks
  3. Hi Can the "once per activation" effects take place "at the end of the activation of this model"? I think so (even if the model is considered activated at that moment). Am I right? thanks
  4. Hi My opponent created the game. Joined it. Choose faction. Saved before my opponent choose. Came back, my opponent choose between time. And... This bug
  5. In other rules it's "one or more" but in this case not. But without anymore information I'll play with only one test. Thanks.
  6. H If a model is in the of 2 or 3 markers, does it pass one or more Df Duels? thanks
  7. Thanks to him. When I do demos, the sentence I more listened was "Le jeu est bien mais il est en anglais", it will help!
  8. Hi For the end condition, Does the "you have two or more different Scheme markers" mean that the schemes markers must be friendly? Or is even an ennemy is good?
  9. December (the month, not the Tyrant ^^) $35 https://www.wyrd-games.net/upcoming-releases ^^
  10. Depend of a lot of thing. But I trying do move Ivan with other models (like the effigy) to put Ivan less than 10'' of an ennemy. After... black soulstone (with mask if I can) to put shadow markers around him. And, by default, change the +flip in a crow. And after one or two runic Siphon to trigger the summon. If one is enough, another black soulstone. But be careful, a player can have some ability to move Ivan and when it happens, i could be.. dangerous for Ivan.
  11. How to play with Levi2 without buying a lot of horsmen. ^^
  12. Hi Imagine Melissa stunned. She charges and uses clockwork grenade Do we count the Grenade action in her action limit? Bonus action doesn't count but But with stunned, it counts. But with charge, it doesn't count. So in that case, I wonder, what rule to use to count the actions? Remember It's a Stunned Melissa. 1 Stunned is "stronger", so charge 1 Action and the generated clockwork grenade is also 1 action? (so 2 actions for one charge) 2 Charge is "stronger" so it's 1 action for complete charge ? Does this rule can be used? (if yes, it's the 1) Thanks
  13. original Sonnia? She's unmasked I don't understand why the Malifaux scaled version is preassembled and not the bigest version. ^^ I wonder who'll be the next. Maybe a Tara? I always wanted a lady with a big hole in the chest in my house xD (... eeeh.. ^^)
  14. when a marked is Placed in 8'' (LOS or not, it's not an aura). For example a drop is a place effet. Or when an action moves a shadow marker with a Place effect, for example bonus action of Crime Boss.
  15. yes, but they can make a good Vendetta target.... And it's a shame to lose them after a big hitter is activated ^^ This is valid for all profiles of course. But it's worse on a centerpiece like the Nexus.
  16. With Nexus2 you have less web markers. You have to spent action of archivist of creeper. Why not but i'm not a big. Even the doctor order Is less useful with all MV tricks of Nexus2. For all protection, you're right but the emissary will protect the three only of you play in bubble. Sometimes it's ok. Sometimes nope. ^^ but I really like this model sooooooo.....
  17. Oh you're right, I made a shortcut in my head since I never had the case.
  18. for me it's just one. I can argue with the wording but if the model is Replaced by a E&E... he's not on table anymore and can't be replaced. ^^ See bellow I tested this version twice (but did a mistake on rules second time). Strengths. A large number of actions (3 per master and 2 per totem that's 13). A defense that can do damage especially if the attacker already has a parasite. Several ways to heal yourself. Good mobility of the crew. Weaknesses No WAL No defense on Wp, Mv and Sz (especially). The main Df mechanism doesn't work if you can't use Df trigger (masked agent for example) Few Wounds. So a heavy hitter can kill one in one activation Note sure if advancing a Nexus alone is a good idea or not but it can be a good scheme runner with Treasure Map. Anyway, there is much less E&E which makes Meredith less useful. I think risking a parasite can be a deterrent but I think there are ways to get past it... attacking on WP (quite effective on some of the Cadmus crew by the way), doing blasts or shockwaves (especially on the Mv in the case of Nexus 2) for example. I need to test more.
  19. Hi, I saw a good question in Official Discord. in a lot of other cases, it is written "one or more" So... multiple tests? I'm really not sure about that (and I above all ested with turncoat...so I never had the case) thanks
  20. Hi December acolyte uses analyse weakness... after he's killeds. does the "analyse weakness" stay on the target, until the next phase, or, since the Acolyte is removed from game, the action too? Same question for all actions like that (like the bonus action of Hamelin2). Thanks
  21. I can't officialy answer but... the french translation was done by a player (thanks to him), with support of french players (re reading the cards) so...
  22. In my opinion Jessie works better with one or two botanists. and even better with a Daeva to mimic her action. But it's really when you need to go anywhere quickly. ^^ In one turn you can give two grow tokens and draw two cards (maybe gain soulstone). But it won't work any time.
  23. I used Jessie sometimes. but for now I really like Winston. It's a descent tooljob to place friendly model (but be carrefull to concealment) and he's good scheming in the centers. Oh and Arcane Reservoir.
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