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David Blank

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Everything posted by David Blank

  1. David Blank


    I have to admit something, I totally stole this color scheme after seeing it. So thanks for the inspiration.
  2. I really like how Francois came out. Looks good keep up the good work. My favorite is still the Pigapult.
  3. More please, Do you take requests these are inspiring. Helps with ideas for terrain.
  4. I like the molly because she looks a little more viscous in this new are. It has concreted my patience for her box set in the plastics over her old box set.
  5. Mixing in doxies is good. But my use of all belles is partly theme but also using the Sybelle upgrade to give the lure +2 inches allows you to just move models all over the place, include pounce and I have three belles murder a model, then move other models away from Seamus so he can Back alley at will and shoot whatever he wants all over the place. I admit my idea is for manipulation only. It is not a kill list so it might be strange for you coming from Warmachine. This style list that I use is to complete schemes and control the field. Belles are cheap and durable. They take a while to kill and I don't care if they die corpse markers means I make more. But for you Doxie or Bete might be more you style. I like the belle's probably more than I should to be honest.
  6. You have a lot of choices. I love Seamus BTW and think he is great as a starter. I would think that a Bete Noire is good for a Big Beat stick, good heavy hitting. I would also suggest a booster of Belle's. If you want to play 50 ss and want to keep with theme they are great. it gives you a lot of control to keep moving models around the board but not great for combat. Canine's are great for putting down corpse markers to get more belle's. Right now in my Seamus crew I run Seamus, Copy Cat Killer and just Belle's and I think it runs pretty well. If you like the plastics wait but if not Zombie Punks are also awesome with Seamus and his Belles. putting A Punk zombie with a belle allows you to Lure with the belles and then get the beat down from the Zombie Punks. Were the Belles are control the Zombie Punks are the muscle. I like to think of this list as Bloody Date night. Hope this helps
  7. Fantastic Work, Jealous!! Keep it up. Can't wait to see what you do with some of the new plastics!
  8. I like the blur on this. It makes the models really look like they are moving and about to put the hurt on something.
  9. Thank you for posting. I enjoy your Batreps on Youtube before I saw them here. Keep them up!
  10. Very cool How many sets is that?
  11. Hey all my friends did this video and I wanted to post it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jotjeuQE8pk Thank You
  12. I love painting, It is most of my love. I REALLY LOVE PAINTING MALIFAUX!!1 That is one of the reasons I am so into the game. I play a lot but I paint a lot more. I am usually painting one crew and playing the one I just painted. Of course this is how I end up with 7 crews, but painting is way more important to me.
  13. Hi Everyone, So I have put up this poll for fun and because Wave 2 is finished. The Poll answers who but I would also like to know why? Story? Play style? Favorite combo? Let me know. I admit your answers will sway what crew I start next.
  14. I also want to throw out that Yin and Toshiro are good add on. Not at the same time unless you are playing 50ss. But these add some interesting combos. Toshido helps make the zombie punks even meaner.
  15. OK, I would say that I am painter first but I love to play.
  16. Well I put together what I can depending on the model. Some need to be painted in pieces for detail. I then glue to a painting Base, Prime, Base Coats Wash Highlight Dry Brush Touch Up Base All tho my basing is really really basic, but I mention it anyways. Oh and I admit it I use GW paints because I know what to expect from them and they are easy to obtain. Other paints look great but intimidate me.
  17. I really like the basing. Good stuff very clean.
  18. I will be entering a painting contest next month for Malifaux March Madness (Local Store thing) So I will for the first time pick one model and try and really take my time. but usually I am about at your time table Webmonkey 3/4 hours a model.
  19. Hey all, I have a question. Which convention in the US should I go to this year to get the coolest new limited Malifaux models and/or sets? I am planning a gaming vacation and I want to know, were I should go?
  20. I have to admit, I am a quick painter, I paint a model in a single night because once I start I cannot stop until it is done. I just don't seem to have the patience to do it any other way. I am just wondering how long others take painting?
  21. David Blank

    IMG 0969

    This is just an amazing piece. The coloring is fantastic and the flames are very realistic this is something to truly inspire to. You patience is amazing. The Girder in his hand is so realistic. Truly love your work.
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