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David Blank

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Everything posted by David Blank

  1. It depends how you play them. Really they have a 10 inch threat range. So I keep one near toshiro one out of the three inches, but in 6 to get the double flip to hit. The other just guards toshiro until toshiro charges. Then when toshiro charges I charge in with the second one. It takes some time to finesse just right but you would be amazed at the psychological mind tricks these guys cause then they just jump across the table at just the right time. They are glass cannons, but with Toshiro around there are always plenty more.
  2. Well the Ashigaru get the added buffs of being with Toshiro. The additional flip with attacks, and the push away with attacks. Also the no charging is a great deal if you spend it. For me it is the buff aspect. The Ashigaru are really undersold. They are awesome minions. Like I said play with them, also with Command the graves they come back with tosihiro.
  3. Hi All I have been looking at Molly. I love her story but I would like to know some ways of using her before I think about getting the models. Thanks
  4. Would you mind giving some advice on your basing techniques? Where do you get the idea, then how do you make these bases. I have never really done basing and I am entering a contest in March for a painting contest and I need to work on my basing and would love some suggestions from you.
  5. Thanks Everyone for their input. Looks like Seamus is winning at this point. As for the first statement that this poll will help me figure out who my next Master crew will be I think I am going with Kirai. Thanks a lot everyone.
  6. Hi Guys, Just throwing my thoughts on this. I have been playing Yan Lo a lot lately and my list is as follows Yan Lo -- 4 Pool +Brutal Khakkhara [1] +Fortify The Spirit [1] +Reliquary [1] Soul Porter [3] Ashigaru [5] Ashigaru [5] Chiaki the Niece [6] Toshiro the Daimyo [9] +Command the Graves [1] Yin the Penangalan [8] I have been winning with this list due to it's flexability. Toshiro and the two ashigaru run together. This way Toshiro is giving his buff and makes these two models beatsticks with toshiro going in first and the two following in. When they die, he resummons them and if they kill what they are fighting Toshiro summons more. Yin is a tarpit and I often hold the cards to make him control the movement of the opposing master. As one of his triggers prevents walk and charge actions. Yan, Chiaki and the Soul porter add range, healing and movement buffs. Having Chiaki around to drop schemes and to remove poison, fire conditions is great. Using it on people who thrive on conditions on there own leader is even better. Slowing down Lord Chompy Bits from manifesting is awesome when it happens or removing fire during a sonia battle is really handy. On paper this list seems week but when actually played it is a lot of fun and does really well. If you play to 50ss adding Izamu makes this list crazy as he is a massive beatstick that is hard to kill and then once your opponent has put all his effort into killing it you can use reliquary to resummon him and if Yan has chi bring him to full health in the same turn. I think Yan is a great leader and you just have to play him to really get the idea. Hope this was helpful.
  7. I have three lists I am bring to a Tournament 40ss since they are allowing you to start just with faction. Yan Lo -- 4 Pool +Brutal Khakkhara [1] +Fortify The Spirit [1] +Reliquary [1] Soul Porter [3] Ashigaru [5] Ashigaru [5] Chiaki the Niece [6] Toshiro the Daimyo [9] +Command the Graves [1] Yin the Penangalan [8] Seamus -- 3 Pool +Mad Haberdasher [2] +Red Chapel Killer [1] +Sinister Reputation [1] Copycat Killer [3] Madame Sybelle [8] +Bleeding Tongue [1] +Not Too Banged Up [1] Rotten Belle [5] Rotten Belle [5] Rotten Belle [5] Yin the Penangalan [8] Nicodem -- 3 Pool Ashigaru [5] Mortimer [9] +My Favorite Shovel [2] Punk Zombie [7] Punk Zombie [7] Toshiro the Daimyo [9] +Command the Graves [1] With the Seamus crew the goal is control the field through a lot of pushing and pulling. Ying may seem weird but his ability to keep a model from walking or charging, along with more fear checks I think makes him a valid add to the list. Yang is about movement and spell casting and ancestor trickery. Nicodem is about raising the dead every turn and using him and toshiro to improve there attack ability. What do people think? Advice especially against guild players is appreciated?
  8. OMG the nothing beast is truly an amazing piece. Just black and white in such dynamic paintjob, this could be straight out of a black and white nightmare. I am amazed that you bother to look at anything I paint with these type of skills. It raises every nice thing you say to me to a new level. You Rock!
  9. Love your style on these girls, looking great.
  10. Very cute. Both the story and the model. Really clean work.
  11. it's not a diaper it's Malipends, the new product for the elderly living impaired of malifaux, who are living the active unlifestyle of the modern construct. Available at your local res-market.
  12. David Blank


    actually can you give me a breakdown of your Izamu? That is something I would like to know. Please and thank you.
  13. I just played an Ancestor List and this was really powerful. I did not take Izamu but it does allow for a lot of power when Yan has 3+ chi and can cast easy and then heal. It made my opponent a little crazy.
  14. Myranda = WOW+!!!! The rest are WOW! I like the red background for the photos btw. Great work.
  15. May I ask how you made the awesome base. Is that all green stuff? The color scheme is awesome very bright and eye catching.
  16. This is awesome, I need to really learn some basing tricks, Do you have any written articles for beginners anywhere?
  17. Synthet, it is funny you say that because I used yellow to highlight the face (Hard to get on camera). I will definitely try that,
  18. Monkey they look fantastic. The more I look through this forum the more I realize I need to work on my basing. You are a prime example of that. Thank You
  19. I like the way you went dark on Cojo. The colors pop and he look very realistic. I am excited to see what you do with the Snake one (can't remember name) keep up the good work and show more please.
  20. Yes on both but I do not know the amount of dogs in a blister pack.
  21. My newest piece, I experimented with attempting to do lighting from his hand, not bad for first try My next two are experiments in inking, shading and highlighting, ADVICE WANTED!!!!
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