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David Blank

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Everything posted by David Blank

  1. Yeah that is a tough question with ressurs, It really is a matter of opinion and play style. Each model is powerful in a specific way. If you read it's rules and a light goes off, get the model. I like them all pretty much. I also suggest the University of Transmortis, cool box set and a nice ressur add on.
  2. For fun I am thinking of getting some skaven models for cheap and puting them on 40mm bases as rat kings.
  3. I have to agree with Ratty and Kadeton. Seamus out of the box is almost everything you need to run him, maybe a blister of rotten belles and you are good to go. I think Nicodem is the strongest master on the whole, but you will need to collect a lot of models to get him to full power. McMorning is great, but you need to have a collection of Canine remains, and Guild Autopsy's to get him to really run well. Yan lo is one of my favorite Masters. but I suggest buying Yin the Peligian, Toshiro the Diamyo, and Izumu the Armor to be able to play him at optimum capasity. This is just my 10 cents, but I hope you enjoy ressurs as they are my main faction right now. Hope This helps.
  4. So I tried the previously mentioned list and well. It doesn't work. Now I need to order a lot of new models before I can get Hamlen to work. Back to the drawing board.
  5. Sweet I wanted to see more Tara Battle Reports!!! I always love your reps thanks!!!
  6. Thank You, and your right. We played that wrong (I played that wrong). Thanks for the catch!!
  7. Actually I think there is some synergy in the list. With Hamilen and Baby kade working with One Stolen to lure in and then blight, models. I also get a lot of Manipulation with Candy and Ama No Zako as there are versions of Obey on both of them. Also objective solos moving around the board. Using Candy's Trigger to control activations, getting some stolen up there (granted I need to summon more) and handing out more blight. Nix handing out blight and causing damage for it and a canine remains to move to objectives. I do agree with scenario rather than advance builds normally, but to be honest I just got the box set (mostly for his story) and so I am playing around. I need to order a lot more models before I can really play with more synergy.
  8. I just want to add that I love Toshiro, I do usually only run him with two ashigaru, but I put command the graves on him and so when one dies he brings it back and if yan is around he can heal him. Toshiro and the ashigaru really are great with the additional flips to combat and also protection, when they take there stance means that Toshiro usually doesn't get charged.
  9. So, I just got the Hamelin box set. I am thinking of running this list because I have the models Hamelin -- 4 Pool +Sewer King [1] +The Piper [2] +The Plague [2] The Stolen [2] Ama No Zako [9] Baby Kade [7] Candy [9] Canine Remains [4] Nix [8] +Hollow [2] +Infectious Melodies [1] The idea is scary children theme. Ama No Zako is in there as the representation of the Boogy Man. I am not sure of how this will play, accept summon more Stolen and Rats to hand out the Blight. Just the idea of a crew made up of Scary kids and Dead dogs with this big monster flying around sounds like it could be fun. What do you all think?
  10. Well it seems like there are some feelings are getting strong about this. So..... Here it is, some people do not want to play this game because they like dice, Some people do not play this game because it isn't made by GW, Some people don't like steampunk, What matters is that those of us here do, like Malifaux, We love it, paint it and play it. I know the great people at Wyrd love to make cool stuff that is scary, gross, sexy and well wyrd. It doesn't matter if others don't like it for there own reasons, it's about getting more of us who like it for our own reasons. We should be doing our own battle report videos, and hyping up the game we love. We should get a camera, and some cool tables, and post our videos on Youtube. Make our own Malifaux community. Like Wyrd Place on Facebook. Let people have there own opinion, so they can let you have yours.
  11. Yeah I thought we had recorded it, but I guess that got taken out. Will make sure it is in the next one. Thanks for the Advice!
  12. Here is a video Batrep my first, hope you like it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro1eaMj7P3Q Thanks Everyone! Constructive Criticisms are welcome, and appreciated!!
  13. Honestly Belles are great and hard to stop. However that is there symmetry. They have Lure, look at the other models with lure and lure at 6. They have ranged attacks, special abilities, (Beckoners) They can actually hit in combat (Orian). Lure is the Belle's thing. They are a focal point for ressurs. and Why should I have to take Mercs to get effectiveness in my lists. No one else does because everyone else has shooting and a lot of it. 10T have snipers, Guild Riflemen, Nino, Arcanists December Acolytes, plus most masters. Gremlins have Pigapult and others, Outcasts have Hans, and most of there models shoot. So resurrs have belles, they lure and pounce is no true threat. My opponents have learned to place models near walls or terrain to make sure that I do not overpower his models. This is just my 10 cents
  14. yeah I am just wondering Do you think that means a 7ss pool? Or do you think a 5 will work? I could drop bleeding tongue, or trade out Student of Viscera for a punk zombie to make it 6ss.
  15. Well I think I will be able to summon one new model turn one and then every turn after I am counting on death. The idea is attrition. If my models Die I make more. When his die I make more. I plan on summoning everything from Canine remains to Punk Zombies. We shall see.
  16. For this list it is a lot of movement and horror duels. The idea to take out minions and prevent completion of schemes with movement control and hard hitters. Toshiro and Sybelle buff on top of Nicodem. So as I summon I am getting more and more buffed models on the board while the Valedictorian and Student help take on big guns and prevent triggers. It is meant to be a beat Stick/Control List.
  17. Here is a list I have been working on. What do people think? Resurrectionists Crew - 50 - Scrap Nicodem -- 4 Pool Madame Sybelle [8] +Bleeding Tongue [1] +Not Too Banged Up [1] Rotten Belle [5] Rotten Belle [5] Student of Viscera [8] The Valedictorain [10] Toshiro the Daimyo [9] +Corpse Bloat [2]
  18. Thanks Mako, and I do agree they are a lot more fun now
  19. So quick question, I recently got the box for University of Transmortis, and it has the M2E cards, However they are different from the update cards in the Download. Anyone know about this?
  20. I never rely on my enemies corpse counters. Nico does not need them. First off I play Nico a lot of ways my current list has one canine remains and Toshiro with corpse bloat. I use the corpse bloat and canine to get me some early counters and early undead. From there I spam undead, if mine die fine, I make more, and with Toshiro being undead I can heal him with Nico after summoning and get two birds with one stone. It works really well. Toshiro and Nicodem are made for each other. Hope this answers your questions.
  21. Now a days it is about cost. If you choose to use these you have to drop either langston or Joss. New Ramos thrives off constructs and the soul stone miner fits these, yet the gunsmiths not so much. They are still great but the cost it high. I can see the soul stone miner being a good choice but I question the gunsmiths. However I have not run either so far, as I tend to run spider heavy when I run Ramos. Hope this helpes
  22. David Blank

    Malidave Models

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