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Everything posted by Vaiuri

  1. Last call for sign-ups! We've got a healthy group of 29 painters so far, I shall raise the March thread today/tomorrow ready for all your WIP shots etc...
  2. Loving your enthusiasm though Rathnard I'll kick things off on or around the 1st of March - please note, that I am UK based so I might seem a bit slow... this is perfectly normal for me, but may be exaggerated by the time difference!
  3. This is such a great response Running totals so far: Masters = 6 Henchmen = 3 Enforcers = 5 Minions = 3 (Unlimited = 1) Still a couple of weeks to go before we get started, I dont know about you guys but I'm getting lots of models put together ready to go!
  4. If we could keep sign-ups to the other thread (linked above) it makes my life a bit easier than trying to keep track of 2 different threads dont worry though tmod, I've got you signed up Thanks!
  5. This is a great response all round 15 sign-ups now, lets keep the ball rolling and see how many more people we can get involved!
  6. Perhaps call this 'Avatar'? I'll update the first post with ideas for Masters (really like the 15 stone idea), but I think terrain will have to be excluded simply bacause I can't think of any way to grade it fairly - perhaps someone else wants to start a terrain challenge? As for 0 stone models, I'm unsure. I'm tempted to call them 5 stones as that seems like a fair amount for the amount of painting required. I'll leave this point open to discussion.
  7. I am going to declare myself as a Minion - I have a terrible tendancy to get distracted!
  8. Hi Everyone, I'm just leaving a link to the 2016 painting challenge here to try drum up a bit of interest. If you'd like to join in, please respond on that thread and I'll add you to the database. We're going to start in MARCH, so tell all your friends! Click here for rules and to join! Thanks for reading! Vai
  9. They don't really do anything but offer bragging rights to the people who actually see a pledge through to the end I don't think it's helpful to DQ people, but if you don't keep up the pledge, you can't count yourself a Master level painter. If you paint more, great! The idea is to get people painting, at whatever skill level.
  10. I personally would go by stones as this is how the game is played and it's a good measure of where you are up to in painting your collection. Also, if I have a 10 stone Ht 2 model on a 30mm base and a 3 stone Ht 2 model on a 30mm base I'm more likely to spend some extra time painting the 10 stone guy. Simplicity is key here, and in the end it's just a way for people to come together and motivate each other to get some painting done. It's not really a competition. At least that's my take on it.
  11. Hi Everyone, As there's been some interest in continuing the painter challenge set up by Jaxx23 last year, I thought I'd start the ball rolling and see how much interest there actually is. I'm hapy to take score and keep track of how much everyone has done and suggest the following format: Category Minion - paint between 1 and 5 stones a month. Enforcer - paint between 5 and 10 stones a month. Henchman - paint between 10 and 15 stones a month. Master - paint between 15 and 30 stones a month. (UPDATE) 04/02 Avatar - no limits, anything over 30 stones! Declare which category you with to enter when you sign up. You can drop down during the year, but not up - so be ambitious! Submissions At the start of each month I (or anyone who gets tired of waiting for me to do it!) will start a new thread that will contain all the WIP photos and banter for that months entries. Use these threads to chart your progress, offer feedback, ask questions and enjoy the journey! At the end of the month, update the thread with a picture of what you have completed for the month with a stone total and I will add it to our tacking sheet. Mulligans As we all know, life gets in the way sometimes, and it's not always easy to live up to hobby commitments. Everyone gets 2 mulligans - that is, on 2 separate months you can declare the use of a mulligan and your score will be 0 for the month. You are allowed to carry over part finished models from one month to the next. UPDATE 04/02 Ruling on stones value for Master models: Master models count as 15 stones worth. I propose we start the next painting challenge in March. This gives us time to round up a good group of painting enthusiasts and gives me time to set up a tracker and organise things. If we dont get many sign-ups we can still run the thread, but I wont bother to get a tracking sheet together. Please let me know your thoughts below and use the poll to register your interest. Thanks! Vai UPDATE 03 Feb Someone has asked about TTB models and terrain - I'm game for including these, but any thought on how to point cost them? RULING - no terrain, but TTB models can be submitted as a 'counts-as' eg. Gunslinger, Witchling Handler etc... Also, any ideas on how best to cost Master models? I thought maybe count it as your submission for the month, so if you're on Minion level it counds as 5, Enforcer counts as 10 etc... What do people think? RULING - Masters to be counted as 15 ss. CLARIFICATION 17 Feb Carrying-over partly painted models. Sometimes we want to take some extra time and care on a large or favourite model. If it takes you longer than a month to paint something, that's fine, but it will only count towards the month that you submit it in its finished glory. Please try and finish painting something each month, but you can mulligan if you need to - remember though, you only get 2 'free' months!
  12. Sounds reasonable, and having a range is nice. I'll make a new post and see what the interest might be when I get in from work.
  13. I used to take part in a similar system on Warseer. The main difference is you signed up to say how many points you'd paint every month - then a tally was kept and updated each month. The organisation is the hardest part I think, keeping on top of updates can be quite tedious. That being said, if there was enough interest, I'd be happy to act as a scorekeeper of sorts and maintain a spreadsheet of everyones achievements? I'd suggest 10 or 5 stones a month. Thoughts?
  14. We had our first session last night and I swiftly realised I'm gonna need more scrap! But we think I'll be able to plan out a few items that will function like a pneumatic limb without replacing any actual ones. Some things I want to do are more like manifested powers, so they are up for debate (like goggles that let me see through walls or detect magic etc...). Once we hammer something out, I'll update.
  15. Well all I managed last year was the Dead Rider, so a pretty poor showing from me! I'm still happy to send a pink Grave Spirit out to someone, but let's have a bit of patience before sorting out prizes etc...
  16. Sorry if this is the wrong place to be asking this but you all seem to really know your stuff! I'm about to embark on our first TTB adventure (outside Nythera) as Isobelle Windham-Moore, a tinkerer and inventor. My aim is to be able to make all kinds of crazy gadgets for spellcasting and other skills (I iscounted the idea of Engineer as I wanted to be able to adjust spells on the fly). The crux: How best to go about creating pneumatic limbs that DONT replace your current ones? Think in terms of gloves, goggles, vambraces etc... but with a mytical pneumatic or clockwork element. Is it even fair? What sort of skills are we looking at? I was thinking a combo of Artifacting and either Engineering or Blacksmithing - that way I have to make an investment in the right skills to be able to do what I want. Our GM (the erswhile Swiglitz) is great about letting players (us) do what we like as long as it's not broken or over-powered. My issue is translating my ideas into sensible game mechanics. In terms of artifacts that have a very specific effect/spell I can hop over to the Engineer profession for the Invention talent, but I don't want to game the system. It has to make sense for a fluff/character point of view. Any ideas? I'm open to everything!
  17. Surely they can't be sold out so quickly?
  18. I don't resell models usually (I'm a hoarder of models!), but it seems to me that if someone wants to sell a thing that they own, and someone else wants to buy a thing for the price offered, then that's on them. Apologies. I'm not having a cracking at folks who sell things on ebay. I just feel that some people might take advantage of the 'limited' tag to overprice these sorts of things. I really am sorry if I offended anyone. I'll keep my beak out from here.
  19. Personally, the only thing that bugs me about the limited models is ebay scalpers taking advantage of people who can't afford to make giant orders, but want an individual jazzy model. Particularly as these are the same people buying up the nightmare and transluscent crews to make more profit - this is what gets my goat and it takes a bit of something out of the hobby for me. Fortunately, I have a bunch of friends willing to split and order with me, so we will all get what we want. However, this isn't the case for everyone, particularly for folks living outside of the US (where just getting standard releases on time seems like a rare occurance). Apologies if this comes across as a rant, it really isn't ment to. I LOVE Wyrd, Malifaux and TTB have thoroughly captured my heart and I'm always excited to see what's coming next - but special sales like this are a bit of a mixed bag of emotion for me and I can see why other people feel the same way. Perhaps it would be nice to allow people to pick which freebie they get at different order levels? It seemed like a pretty even split of people preferring the different models, and it would allow people to get the things they really like, keep ebay scalpers guessing (as in theory there should be no 'super rares') and make the prospect of dropping a lot of money in one go on a direct (nonLGS, possibly international) order a bit more palatable. Just my 2 pence.
  20. Vaiuri


    Wow, did you make the whole base for this yourself? Impressive!!!
  21. Perhaps we could get some photography tips/guides in the next Chronicles? I can see a lot of really nice paint jobs in this competition that have been let down by photography (myself included!). Particularly down to file manipulation after the fact - some of the multiple shot pictures are losing a lot of detail which I can only put down to scaling down the file size to fit the requirements. Maybe one of the painting/photography wizards would fancy letting us in on the secrets to really showing off your models? Please?
  22. Really digging Karina, very nice indeed!
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