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Everything posted by gozer

  1. I can't speak for most of this list as I don't have the experience, but I will say that Honeypot's Rig the Deck is not as impactful as it looks on paper - it would be AMAZING if you could draw then discard. I'm not saying it's bad as it can sometimes advise your action order during an activation, but far too often it offered little to no benefit. I would call this mid-to-low tier. I love Lynch and he was my first crew getting into M2E but he's not nearly the card shark he used to be.
  2. To be blunt, I don't think it'd be worth it for either of us as it'd cost more in shipping than the box itself. Here's an amazon listing for it though: https://www.amazon.com/Wyrd-Miniatures-Malifaux-Resurrectionists-Mindless/dp/B00QEZ8RJG
  3. Is there a Malifaux discord server? It'd be fun to have a community presence there!
  4. Amazing right? I think this is a /thread for me I have nothing to say to Wyrd now but kudo's on the hard work and thanks for the update!!!!!!
  5. Kyle, Sincerest thanks! While I can't speak for the community as a whole, this is EXACTLY the kind of response (and time-table) I was looking for. Filling all orders by next week! WOW. That's fantastic to hear!
  6. What surprises me, is that Wyrd could have saved a lot of time answering e-mails while also improving customer relationships with a short announcement: "Hey everyone! We had planned to start processing web-store orders with faction books on the 12th. Unfortunately, we still haven't received the shipment of those books! We expect to have them in the office by the 26th and will begin processing those at that time! We're flogging Waldo with a wet noodle for eating the shipping invoice that caused this to happen! Thank you for your patience!" If Wyrd had the time to produce and release a Waldo Weekly, they had time to put out an announcement. Customers (and people in general) really appreciate transparency and will give a LOT of support as long as they are kept in the loop - even if that loop means they have to wait another week or two.
  7. Thanks for the update! Did you get in contact with Wyrd about the issue? If so, how? Or, did Wyrd get in contact with you? I'm trying to figure out how long we should wait before reaching out for a status update directly through e-mail.
  8. Mind if I ask what you had in your 8/1 order? I also ordered 8/1 (at 12:30 am) and have recieved no correspondence about status (other than the order confirmation a few minutes after placing) Ty!
  9. This is less of a rules question and more of a maths question but this looks like the best place to ask. Which is statistically more likely to result in a better final duel total: Stat: 7 or Stat: 6
  10. Any recommendations to counter those counters? Or, should I just take a different master against Arcanist/Bayou?
  11. I agree with this. Here's a more specific breakdown: When Flesh Ascendant is resolved it triggers another effect in the C.1 step, namely "Regenerate: +2". Per the Sequential Effects on pg 34, both of these resolve. Additionally, even if it's not considered a sequential effect, when multiple effects occur simultaneously the Active player gets to decide the order. For example...imagine Yan Lo already had Regeneration: +1 (from some other effect). When you start his activation, you could choose to resolve attaching an Ascendant Upgrade BEFORE resolving his Regeneration: +1. Which, would be then be a Regeneration: +3 assuming you were attaching a Flesh Ascendant. TL:DR Yan Lo can benefit from Regeneration: +2 on the same turn he attaches Flesh Ascendant.
  12. Does the target (the other player) get to see what order the cards are placed back on the top of the deck?
  13. You're implying that updating the community on the status of orders would slow down the process of filling orders? How? If you are suggesting literally every staff member at Wyrd who could update us is out there picking warehouse orders then they are in DIRE need of temp help (and probably an HR or office manager). In any case, Wyrd absolutely should take on temp staff for processing these orders if it typically takes this long during Gencon. Overall, turning around orders in a timely fashion will make them more money and improve customer satisfaction. We could go round and round about whether these process times are healthy for a business this size and argue about how Wyrd should run their business but that just isn't constructive. Rather than do that, however, my original intentions in posting on this thread was just to communicate with other buyers what my order status and items were so we could piece together where Wyrd is at with orders currently.
  14. For those of you who have played Euripides, what strategies/pools is he weak against? In that same vein, what other Neverborn Master would you recommend to shore up those weaknesses? Thanks!
  15. Look, I'm not busting on Wyrd, but it shouldn't take 5 days to process a shipping request. If it does take this long, it means something is wrong. Either Wyrd is under-staffed or they didn't have the supply to meet the demand - whether that be due to delivery scheduling issues from their distributor at Alliance or something else. However, I guarantee you Wyrd has a schedule - whether or not that schedule is public knowledge - I still think it's safe to say they are probably behind it. All that being said: a little update from Wyrd would go a long way! When we have passionate and excited players who want to get their hands this great content, keeping them up to date can make all the difference!
  16. I'll let you all know when I get my order or confirmation of shipment! I made it on 8/1 right after the store came online. The order had both Euripides and the Neverborn book. According to checkout it wouldn't even have started processing until the 12th but that would be a full business week tomorrow. So, it's safe to say they are behind schedule - we'll see how much!
  17. Do we know which models Nekima will have in her crew box? If not, who would you guys guess are in there?
  18. Hmm...then if an Ability can go "into effect", it's implied that Abilities are game effects, in which case Killjoy's Demise is a game effect and the entire Demise game effect would be ignored due to the Bury rules.
  19. I agree with everything you said except this part. I'm glad we've dug down to the core of the question! I can't find anywhere in the book that states (or even suggests) that Abilities are game effects. Abilities like Demise create effects - they aren't effects themselves. Demise is an Ability that causes two effects: a heal effect and a bury effect. The crux of the issue is in the wording of the Bury rule. Here is the entire paragraph: The interpretation you are suggesting would be that Demise (an Ability) is also a "game effect". The interpretation I am suggesting is that Demise is not a game effect by itself, but only an Ability that gives access two game effects (a heal effect and a bury effect). So, the question we need the answer to, in order to discover what interpretation is correct is: "Are Abilities themselves considered game effects"? If Abilities are game effects, your interpretation is correct. If Abilities are not game effects then my interpretation is correct. More broadly speaking, I'd love an actual definition of what a "game effect" is. The rules manual mentions "game effect" 38 times but never defines exactly what it is.
  20. Interpreting the rules in the way you are suggesting has implications for other Abilities. For example, take a look at "Life Leech": Using your interpretation, if - for any reason - the model with Life Leech was unable to use the "and the enemy suffers 1 damage" then it would also be unable to Heal 1 that happened BEFORE it in sequence? Does that really make sense? Would you really rule that if the 1 damage could not resolve against an enemy that the Life Leech model would be unable to heal? This also has implications for many Actions with multiple effects too. For example, look at the "Burn Out" Trigger on Candy's "Glimpse of Insanity": By your interpretation if the target already had Fast then it wouldn't take 2 damage. However, I would respectfully disagree and say the 2 damage the target suffers would occur and has nothing to do with the second effect of gaining (or not gaining) Fast. This is identical to how Killjoy would Heal 4 and that heal effect has nothing to do with whether he is (or isn't) Buried.
  21. The problem is that RAW says it's possible to be UN-ENGAGED and ALSO be unable to walk out of a model's engagement range. What I quoted implies the RAI were for only ENGAGED models to be unable to walk out of an enemy model's engagement range. Until more information is included in a FAQ or errata, I'm going with with the RAI, because the RAW is so ridiculous with regard to the elementary concepts of line-of-sight. For example, how would a disengage work in the case when a friendly model is leaving an enemy model's engagement range but isn't engaged due to line-of-sight? Does the enemy model get to make a melee attack? How? They have no LoS. And if the enemy model can't make a melee attack then does the disengage go un-contested and the friendly model gets their free push? Maybe the devs intended this, knowing the engagement range of un-engaged models could effectively be ignored by a 100% success disengage? Seems unlikely, but possible? Edit: Nope disengage doesn't work either - a model can't even disengage in the above example because it isn't engaged. So this literally means that charging is the only way a friendly model that is in an enemy model's engagement range - but not engaged with them - can move away! Silly!
  22. It's page 26 but yes, this rule provides evidence that the "rules as intended" is for models to be engaged in order to be unable to walk out of a model's engagement range. Until an FAQ or errata, this is a great reference rule if the circumstance arises at the table.
  23. Thank you for the correction! I mis-remembered it as a tactical action!
  24. Hmm, after re-reading what constitutes an "Action" I think you are right - the Demise ability creates an Effect, not an Action. The crux of this issue is whether Action or Abilities can only generate a singular effect or if those Actions and Abilities can generate multiple effects. However, I think I have an answer to that question per the "Sequential Effects" rule on pg 34: This rule seems to support the idea that Actions and Abilities can generate multiple individual effects that literally progress in sequential order - fully resolving each before moving onto the next. This means the heal 4 effect would resolve before we check to see if the bury effect can occur. This makes the most sense as it follows the same resolution process as actions.
  25. Yeah, that's right. I agree with everything you said. My issue is really the implication of those rules regarding Deliver a Message and Take Prisoner as they relate to bury - specifically models that can self-bury like Tara. Literally, all Tara needs to do is Stutter Time on herself at turn 5 and it's impossible to complete either of those two scheme's end conditions. Maybe the developers planned for this kind of interaction and while it's not that big of a deal, it's frustrating to see such a baseline method for VP denial.
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