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Everything posted by Loveless

  1. Wasn't the Carver a Black Friday release? I don't remember when I grabbed him, honestly.
  2. With Wyrd abandoning old metal models, this is becoming true for just about everything that's "crew box exclusive" If you can't find a metal, you pretty much have to get Rasputina's box for an Ice Golem. Most of the Henchmen are starter-box only. All non-generic totems only come in their starters (which is a right pain if your master didn't have a totem last edition - see Von Schill). If you want an Ortega, you have to buy all of them (except for Abuela). And several 10T models only come in starter crews. If you already have a full Lilith crew, it's redundant to get it again just for Barbaros. However, in my opinion, given that the plastic versions look 10x better than the metals, I'd sell off the metals to the eBay crazies who prefer them and just buy the box at a nice hefty discount. Shouldn't be that difficult
  3. Still no confirmation on order 20626 (order 20-Stitch? ) Hopefully I see some semblance of acknowledgement in the first half of this month. I have Zoraida coming, but still...
  4. Nice! I'll get them eventually - though Mantic ones work fine for now, a nice set of 5 to go on my spiffy bases will be appreciated XD Big Zombie's itty-bitty legs make me giggle.
  5. Ah yes, Jolly Old Australia - pip pip, cheerio, watch out for that drop bear!
  6. Non-special items from GenCon are supposed to all be available in stores by January - as mentioned, they'll trickle in between now and then. It was a "whoops" to revert to the pre-GenCon splash, but any investigation into the GenCon news posts or threads would have revealed the availability window of those items. The wait won't be awful, but we'll have to wait until the next release announcement to know what's expected next (I'd assume we'll see the Wave 1 boxes before the Wave 2 boxes, but given the Freikorps box has models from both in it, it's anyone's guess).
  7. Wyrd's higher ups need to sit down with their best sculptor on staff and say "Okay, we need 4 generic dollies - male and female average human, male and female average gremlin" then reference those whenever they make a new model. Initially the scale issues were quirky. Now it just turns people off from the plastic kits (that and the weird choices of sprue layout). Had a conversation this week (not the first time it's come up) where the person really wanted to get into Malifaux but has heard a lot of bad stories about the difficulties of the plastics and the lack of scale consistency. I couldn't tell him otherwise in good conscience (though I believe I said the plastics were more "awkward" than "difficult" - then horrified him into a different subject by showing him the sprue of the Zombie Chihuahua).
  8. These guys are lovely. I especially like how they're relatively inexperienced/cheap models and are more detailed than some of the plastic Masters XD
  9. Between the Male and Female TtB kits or between the Female TtB kits and Malifaux females? If it's the former, it's an issue. If it's the latter, it's a consumer annoyance and nothing more.
  10. "Malifaux" sounds more like something the Cajuns would come up with (say it in a French accent and a Cajun accent - the latter is better ). Plus, I don't see "hon hon baguette" in the name, so how French can it really be?
  11. Mostly I just use different colors of bare bases - I've got some unused purple ones that tend to play as my scheme markers. I'll probably grab a few other colors and call it good - I'm thinking green for corpse, blue for scrap, and brown for misc. For Poison/Burning/etc. I tend to use various Warmahordes counters. They even have Paralyze ones, so it works out pretty well.
  12. Giant Lady J needed a "Death by Snu Snu" upgrade...
  13. I also occasionally look at purchases in terms of "...how drunk could this get me?" I ultimately decided "Yes" on the Nightmare Whiskey Golem. It simply looked too spectacular once pictures of the assembled model hit the internet. It may not be the optimal choice, but it's rather fun and characterful. Brewmaster is still waiting to actually show up on shelves, but here's hoping Wyrd ships out my GenCon order to me before I'm able to buy Brewie
  14. The Brewmaster is quietly crying into his whiskey somewhere, lamenting his pushed-back release which took him out of the running for Denchfeng's affections. It's okay, Brewmaster. You'll get released one day, and I'll still love you.
  15. If Santiago's scale bothers you, do not get a box of Death Marshalls or Samurai. You'll have fits comparing the kneeling ones to the other 2 in the respective boxes. The victim on the alternate Flesh Construct plastic has some very strange proportions as well. Ototo from the Misaki box is ginormous (though I think that one is intentional - just awkward when the female Torakage could hide inside his torso). Ophelia's totems are at least 50% larger than they should be. Speaking of totems...let's not discuss the bizarre case of the Brass Arachnid, the gorgeous model who must be precariously positioned on a 30mm base. There are also several models that don't fit well on bases - pretty much any dynamic 30mm model fails to fit properly on a lipped base, so be prepared for overhang.
  16. Because that way if you get a sneak attack in on Hannah, catch her off-guard, or if she stumbles (ah, that's why she's looking at her foot!), then her concentration breaks and she goes flying out of the mecha anyway. If she even had proper leg straps/locks on the supports, this wouldn't be an issue, but she's effectively just tacked on by...her waist, maybe? Honestly, it looks like her physical legs were given some strappy-looking bits, but then they failed to actually integrate them with the suit, making her look tacked on. Honestly it doesn't matter in the long run - this is what Wyrd released for the retail version. It's a cool robot with a woman tacked to the front of it for some reason. It's "close enough" to Hannah, though it has the wrong weapon loadout and looks like it should be doing as much damage in melee as Lady J and the only "magic" feel from it is the afterthought of the book in her left arm. This will be the primary model we see on the table, the main one we face off against, and at first glance it makes for an impressive piece. Then you notice the soft detail, awkward design, and disconnect from the rules (her primary tricks involve her book for "Make a New Entry" and a 3 "Ghost Censer" which can and is for some bizarre reason missing entirely from the retail model. Then someone will notice the special edition model and go "Ohhh, so that's what the rules were made for..." Best way to remedy the retail model is to strap her damn legs in with some epoxy, twist her head around, and take a Blazing Star from a Protectorate of Menoth Vanquisher and put it in the suit's fist. Let's just say that I don't think it's the rarity of the TtB Hannah alone that's jacking her price up on eBay... ...but, if you like the retail model, good! More power to you! More money to Wyrd! XD
  17. What number are you using for references from the emails? I'm not seeing anything - or did you all check before the store shut down?
  18. Which is strange if Icemyn picked up the box at GenCon, as I assume it was the new "M2E" style box for the University students...which would mean the updated reboxing still has the old cards in it and are in direct conflict with the Arsenal Decks... ...hopefully, Icemyn, it was just a one-off problem due to previous cards existing.
  19. ...none of you really thought they'd get all the orders packed and shipped on 8/20, right? Even if there were no unforeseen issues (there were), the size of Wyrd and the quantities of orders (comparing some of the numbers here) would likely make it a 2-3 day job at the very least. If you grabbed Zoraida, there are going to be delays as the wrong cards got in the box. That's the only bump I'm aware of, but I'm sure there are other issues as well. Be patient - you'll get your goodies. And yes, the shipping was expensive and relatively speedy, but recall that's shipping time - packing time doesn't factor into it.
  20. I definitely agree their are a lot of vague points - probably by design. Assume magic is running out - we have a last ditch effort to try and restore it by cracking open the Breach and harvesting accordingly. Knowing this is probably dangerous (mages are often arrogant, but in groups they tend to show a bit more wisdom than the mundane folk), do you do it in a heavily populated area like most of Europe or do you look for a more "frontiersy" setting? Even at a heavy cost to magical resources, I can see that being "worth it" in the long run to avoid apocalyptic-level cataclysm. I'd probably look at Europe as the least likely location unless every group of Malifaux-verse magi is completely self-serving. ...now watch, we'll find out that the Breach is in the middle of the Australian Outback...
  21. I'm actually guessing the "Miss" model fell through and this was a handy replacement. I'm not really bothered either way by it, but, as Fetid said, the lack of a dedicated "Miss" card is disappointing.
  22. I wasn't saying transportation was magically-fuelled on a large scale - rather than certain individuals would be capable of utilizing it for transportation. I don't envision a few dozen shamans suddenly sprouting eagle wings and flying across the Atlantic in a flock, but I could see a few to enhance their travel or skip from ship to landmass to ship as needed. More of an option than a requisite, I mean.
  23. A bit off-topic, as the teddy in question was "Nightmare Teddy" and not "Miss Ery" Miss Ery only has the single configuration on her sprue...and is just labeled "Teddy" implying it was meant as just an alternate Teddy sculpt and not a dedicated "Miss" model originally.
  24. The instructions make it look like he has Harley Quinn-style pigtails, I'm dying XD Nice model! I knew the arm chain would be a terrible mess with the mould lines, but ah well. I need one on my next store trip. Thanks!
  25. That's not a spell book - that's a record of every time Hannah's fallen off of her poorly-envisioned mecha.
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