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Everything posted by Lussuria

  1. Recently received in the mail: And these two lovely ladies to act as painting practice/experiment for techniques:
  2. Aha! These look awesome! I absolutely love the cakes *grin* what a cool idea for personalising your guys. And the colours and highlighting have all come out so well. Especially on the golem. Love it!
  3. Is that with the S4 phone with an actual camera lens on the back? And they look AWESOME up close. The blending looks amazing!
  4. My biggest problem is the character cards themselves. I want to be able to open them without having to take them out of the sleeve - but I want them sleeved to protect them!! Maybe loooong card sleeve with a bend in the middle?
  5. Thanks, Lord Shaper! This has just solidified my need to puchase some of these when I have dollars again. So cute. And good evening all. Time for the slow trudge into the evening shift.
  6. Plastic. And yes, exactly! I would almost describe it like fine sawdust. Some of it was pretty heavily engrained on - I think because the previous owner painted and then gloss varnished over them - so they kind of glued this 'sawdust' down firmly and proved a pain to remove. Will keep this in mind when working with the others. Thankyou Oh thankyou! I was wondering about the teeth looking so...er..stark like that. Will try a wash *grin* Oh thankyou so much! These are my first miniatures too! So much learning to be done! Haha, that's the hope. Let's just pray he has sizable thighs and a trench coat or something hahahaha.
  7. It appears I may have added the first layer of the Vallejo Matte Varnish too thick - and now where the matte finish has pooled in the cracks has left a white type substance (especially noticeable as the recesses on this mini were almost black). Anyone know how to fix this? I attempted quickly just using a brush of water to wipe it off - but by the time I noticed it, it had dried somewhat and wasn't particularly successful. Can add a photo example later if needed. Thanks for any help!!
  8. Please take a photo of the model for us! I've yet to see what the actual figure looks like!!
  9. Thankyou very much! Definitely trying out the fork prongs idea!! I've tried to get the stone effect with cork before but I can't seem to get it right. Maybe I'm not using a dark enough grey. Will have to re-attempt! *grin*
  10. If you wake one morning, and suddenly all your miniatures are baseless, and then shortly after you see me post up mine sporting SURPRISINGLY SIMILAR bases - I didn't steal them. It was obviously a freak accident. Hahaha jokes jokes. I'd take the whole mini.
  11. Thanks so much, Nagash! You know it's going to be a good video when the intro is 'girlpainting' in all pink letters hahaha. My recent 'work on it whenever I'm bored' project has been an old 40K horse a friend gave me. I cannot EVEN explain how many problems this horse has given me. The two red arrows are to indicate: 1. The saddle was broken so I attempted to fix it with green stuff but I appear to have failed to file it back properly so it has this 'blob' effect on it. 2. There are these weird patches all over the mini of like...a sand texture. I filed a lot of it off, but in spots like in front of the 'thigh' (and some other spots) I couldn't get it out. This one was mostly for practice - but WOOOW, highlighting a lot of big smooth surfaces was awful!! Haha. I love horses but - I'm not sure if I will be game to try another one for a while!
  12. For me personally, I like both Misaki's. I think the second is incredibly "animated" and immediately invoked the image of her mid-battle using her amazing abilities to present a real threat. I think for me, the biggest problem is Lilith personally. I like to imagine my characters IN battle, out adventuring - using the different aspects of their costume and/or weapons in real animated scenes. Lilith's new costume is...impractical and odd. Why does it look like she has failed to 'zip up' her pants? I feel a legitimate warrior would not wear something quite so ridiculous that's obviously 'for fashion purposes only'.
  13. These look AWESOME. Oh how I love vibrant colours used in minis. They look amazing on the table. *grin*
  14. Ooo absolutely love how you've done up bishop; The whole Viks set turned out awesome. And the colours on the Gremlin are super vibrant. Looking really really nice.
  15. Already commented on your blog regarding these guys but I'll tell you agaaaaain Looking impressive!! And painting the horse as a Zebra is such a cool idea and you did it really really well.
  16. She looks awesome! I love the highlighting in the horns! And that base is gorgeous too!!
  17. Aw, thankyou! I actually am not from Melbourne itself. I'm a bit over an hour away actually. I just put Melbourne on forums etc. because it's somewhere people recognise more-so. I just looked at that link, WODONGA has henchmen? AND I DON'T? uuuuuugh. That's it. New plan. Go to Melbourne > Learn from Henchmen > Return > Become Ballarat's first Henchwoman. HUZZAH.
  18. Updaaaate. So this guy is pretty much done: (still have to do a final set of 'clean ups' on him though) He is AWFUL to take a picture of. He's actually laying on his back on a bed of my paintbrush cleaning tissue...*ehem* I'm aware that he's not very well blended :/ Still trying to keep my paints thin, but I can see patches all over him where I didn't succeed particularly. And started on one of the girls. Comparatively she's more of a realistic skin tone - but she's going to get some purple and pink shading all up in there. Other than that, at the moment she just has base colours.
  19. By all means, please impart your wisdom. Those bases are AWESOME. I am solidly in love with them.
  20. Thankyou very much! I ordered one of these the other day *phew* Thankful it was the right one! *grin* To apply, is it a water it down and do a number of thin coats? Or more like a lather it on there type deal?
  21. Yea that's fair. I tend to find a number of attempts at having minis on pre-sculpted elements can look a bit funny. But I like her *grin* Oh, did you meet them in NZ? Or you lived in Aus for a bit? I've always wanted to go to NZ. ANNNND You have Burger King. I totally want to see how it stands up to Hungry Jacks (hahaha even though they're the same company!) And thankyou Lord Shaper! Joined! *grin*
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