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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. There is plenty of ways of dealing with him. What master do you play? Its easier to tailor an answer if one knows some background.
  2. In a sense, he could get new upgraded. Like I hope all master will at some point. I have always felt it was one of the strong points of the upgrade system. With that said, if that where to happen, I hope it is done in order to bring something new to him rather for the sake of "balance". Other than that, completely agree. My feeling is that the game and its players would be better off with a long off period from any form of testing. "Open Beta" can be reduced to: "Hey, this is what we devs have cooked up! You now have two weeks to show if there are any broken interactions we have missed."
  3. No, its the players' actions. Otherwise you would not be able to do it if you leader died; like Magical Extension.
  4. Broners are for docking. Sry everyone...
  5. Summoners always need more models. I agree with Diral that you will mainly summon Madnesses and Stitched (if you will do fine with another blister of them really). Lilitu is a great summon too for Interference and Deliver a Message. Most players seem to like summoning Dreamer more, but don't sleep on the Chompy path! Its very, very, good. In my experience, summoning Dreamer is in a sense more forgiving, but Chompy path Dreamer have more potential. There is a Before We Begin episode where they talk about Chompy Dreamer in depth, give it a listen!
  6. Pandora can reduce two to three of your models ap to 0 every turn, without killing them. Including masters, henchmen, and other important models of the opposing crew. In most cases, it is fairly hard recover from.
  7. It was too long ago I played Molly. I need to play Zfiend soon...
  8. The struggle is real. I have fallen into the Resser swamp already. May you flip well on those WP duels and save high cards for mental cheating. I am getting the metal Molly box set instead of the plastic, and buy the Necrotic Machine as a blister. I am not convinced that I will play Phillip that much anyway. So I rather take a Rouge Necro in the box. I am looking forward to paralyze heaps of models and one shot them with Fleshies and summoned Gakis.
  9. I think Aaron have cursed you all. No more likes!
  10. Neverborn doesn't like being shot at, but they have some tech against it. The best being Lilith's Illusionary Forest. That will at least take care of Dashel, etc. Lilith can also use Tangle Shadows against Austringers to let them come to her or her to them. Transfixing Gaze can be used similarly. Since Lilith doesn't need LoS for her CA attacks, the game is even between the two. Swampfiends can deploy up field with Hexed Among You, and have Bad Juju pop out of them when they die. Good for some blitzing tactics. Hungering Darkness can stay hidden and charge into the battery on turn 2. Just stay hidden on turn 1.
  11. Kamaitachi might be a problem since most (if not all) MK characters are humanoids. A suggestion would be to take their "animality"-form as inspiration. Shang Tsung turns into a giant snake, for instance.
  12. Strider's nasty Headhunter and Reckoning crew doesn't include Mortimer. Are you calling the King non-competitve? Well, that takes effort... I don't like effort.
  13. To even out the scales a bit, MD... Zfiend is manipulating you, he can't be cheering against a Vickies death. He just can't. Its a trap!
  14. Raiden or Kotal Kahn for Shenlong maybe? Leader of the pack characters. You could make the Peasants look like Kung Lao and Liu Kang. They got a Peasants got a monk feel to them too. Kenshi is the obvious lone swordsman. Please make a Baraka too, please! Also, that's a dapper Otter, Otter.
  15. First of all let me begin by saying, Mortimer is great. Not ok, not good, not very good, but great. There is no argument against that. He is one part of one the best Batman-Robin tandems in the game. The things he brings to a Nicodem crew is seemingly endless: reliable corpse marker generation; Chatty to protect Nico from ever hearing any messages; one of the games filthiest movement actions; a very potent shovel... etc, etc. What all of that said, to me, he feels a bit like a golden straight jacket. He is outstanding, but is it worth it to sink in 9 to 13ss to him nearly every game? Probably, but I don't want to. I feel that at times Nicodem can do more than fine without him while being more offensive. The scrap yard tactic where you summon heaps on turn 1 or 2 might not always be the best, I have seen it back-fire numerous times, and Mortimer is a key cog in making that happening. Also, Mortimer is a crutch for most Nicodem players, it would be fun to see some outside the box thinking from the camp So, some food for thought to all Nicodem opponents and players out there. Nicodem without Mortimer: would you try it, what will work, when is it best to opt for it?
  16. Crimzzen, can you see any scenario where you would not sink 13ss into Mortimer?
  17. Not to derail the topic here, I think it fits rather well. Here goes, do all of you Nico players out here feel that you more or less always want to hire Mortimer?
  18. So she liked The Hunger Games and Sonata Arctica too?
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