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Everything posted by rover1013

  1. Crossroads is the first expansion book full of models and upgrades (2 generics per faction and each new masters theme upgrades). Shifting Loayties is the 2nd expansion book, adding more models, upgrades and an entire campaign system. The larger books have all of the stat cards and upgrades in the game (where as the smaller book is a rules only manual). The Wave 2 deck you picked up will contain the gremlin stat cards and upgrades from the Crossroads book. The generic upgrades from the M2E core book can be found in the Gremlins wave 1 deck or the newly released Generalist Upgrade Deck. Hope that answers some of your questions! Also note that most of the books (including the 1st edition books, through the breach rpg books and the wyrd chronicles ezine) can be found on DriveThruRPG. Shifting Loyalties is not yet available there (and the general timeline is give or take 6 months it seems before a pdf release).
  2. Just to be clear, as I have no desire to sound like I have a problem with the decision to make Wave 3/Shifting Loyalties legal for the NOVA Open: My primary issue was simply the statement that it will have been released for over a month. When it comes to a tournament, any TO can make any decision they like. I can absolutely understand where the decision to do so or not in this case would have been difficult as it really could go either way and be fine. I mostly agree with everything you've stated regarding making Shifting Loyalties legal. The only thing I mean to say is that it is, in my opinion, disingenuous to state that Shifting Loyalties will have been released for over a month by NOVA. I see that I did point out several of the negative impacts of making it legal without really addressing the positives of doing so, and that is my mistake. I apologize for that. Specifically regarding the proxies issue: Gaining Grounds states that if a model has a non-beta stat card, but does not have a model, that a conversion can be fielded. A conversion, in Gaining Grounds, is defined above that with the Custom Sculpted/33% or less non-Wyrd, etc. I take this (and the way you phrased it) to mean that a proxy fielded for a non-beta, non-released model could not be say a Reaper model painted and based (and closely resembling the art). Is this accurate?
  3. To say that Shifting Loyalties will have been released for a month+ is disingenuous. I don't believe anyone has tried to treat GenCon sale prereleases as an official release date. I understand, based on the newsletter, that Justin has approved its use but to suggest that it has been released that long is (in my opinion) not ok. General release date (when the book will be generally available at any number of retailers) for Shifting Loyalties is August 28th. It will have been "released" for less than a week by the start of the NOVA Open. I understand that a number of the players who bother to come out to the NOVA for Malifaux will likely have purchased the book from the convention or ordered from the online store (if they were able to do so). I do feel badly for anyone who has been playing through 2015 with an eye on the prize for the National Championships who suddenly has to learn to play and play against a bunch of new models. Realistically, with the VERY strict adherence to the Wyrd conversion rules (which I personally disagree with for unreleased models), it also seems fairly unlikely that anyone is going to have to worry about facing anything but the Emissaries that had Avatars in 1.5, Crossroads Seven and the Starter Box models.
  4. August 2015 Game Nights: Thursday, August 6th Thursday, August 13th Thor's Day! Store is Open until Midnight! Thursday, August 20th Thursday, August 27th
  5. Super sad face about the rss feed. Always my prefered news method. Time to find another way I guess.
  6. I gotta wonder if the reference cards on the resources page (http://www.wyrd-games.net/s/Reference-Card.zip) are for real or not... They're so tiny they'd be illegible if they were printed. Mistake maybe?
  7. Not gonna lie, half the reason I was comin' out was to catch up with ya. I could sure use a free Saturday... will have to mull that one over.
  8. Link to Matt's old tournament packet back in March now goes to one dated "July 2015". That's here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VEZ9BurWJuMYBOoUtIDa0lKYIrvLHooC_xjT1l4iSvE/edit I'm pretty sure it's rounds 1-3 of the NOVA Open. If Mr. Stanley isn't running the event any longer though, maybe it's different
  9. Yup, you've got the right of it. My brain recall not so good. Since I bothered to go looking the stuff up again though, it looks like S Guage might be a better match. All depends on whether you prefer your stuff just slightly too small or just slightly too large
  10. Cursed Object can't actually be removed that way: Cursed Object: This model may take a (1) Interact Action to perform a TN 12 Wk duel. If successful, remove this Condition from this model. No other Action may remove this Condition. Distract has the same deal at the end. Condition immunity like Lenny or choosing like Nihilism are the only real defense against them. Still, the original post about their synergies with those schemes is valid of course.
  11. I think we would be great friends! My opinions mirror your own exactly down to my favorite arcanist masters (for the exact same reasons!)
  12. If I recall correctly, HO is the closest in scale to 28mm(30mm/32mm). None of the typical railroad scales are 100% accurate though. EDIT: Don't listen to my faulty brain. HO is like 1:72 which is too small (it'll look wrong). Solicitor 6 got it closer below me (next page) with O gauge (1:48). 28mm is 1:58 and 30mm is 1:54.
  13. Saturday, August 8th, 2015 11:00am - 9:00pm * 3 rounds, 50 soulstones, fixed faction (# of rounds *may* change based on attendance) * Gaining Grounds 2015 will be in used. The latest document can be found here: http://wyrd-games.net/community/files/file/52-gaining-grounds/ * Each round will use the strategies and schemes from a round for the NOVA Open 2015 North American Championship event. Get practice for the biggest Malifaux event in North America this year! * Because Shifting Loyalties (ie. Wave 3) models will be legal at the NOVA Open, this tournament will use these models as well. If the Shifting Loyalties book is not available, the last Beta rules will be used. (PM if you do not have the last Beta documents) * Registration will open at 11:00am. Round 1 will start at 12:00pm. * Rounds will be 2 hours 15 minutes w/ a 15 minute break between rounds. * There will be a 1 hour meal break between round 2 and round 3. * Placement prizes will be store gift cards (at minimum going to 1st, 2nd and last place) * There will be judging for best painted, which will also receive a prize * There will be a raffle that all participants will be eligible for * Entry fee is $10.00 Tournament Packet: http://files.meetup.com/14380472/GASNOVAPrepTournament-20150808.pdf Games and Stuff 7385-G Baltimore Annapolis Blvd Glen Burnie, MD 21061 (410) 863-7418 http://gamesandstuffonline.com
  14. New releases have always been delayed by about a month before showing on Wyrd's online store to encourage sales at the local stores. Troubleshooters should probably show up for sale there soonish (I'd expect by the end of this month at the latest).
  15. July 2015 Game Nights: Thursday, July 2nd Thursday, July 9th Thor's Day! Store is Open until Midnight! Thursday, July 16th Thursday, July 23rd Thursday, July 30th
  16. Just a reminder that I'm running demos from noon til close this Sunday. Previous demo day this month had a great turnout! See ya then!
  17. Team Games and Stuff will be defending our title in September! (TBA) Keep an eye out for the date/time. Thanks to John for running a fun tournament!
  18. June 2015 Game Nights: Thursday, June 4th Thursday, June 11th Thor's Day! Store is Open until Midnight! Thursday, June 18th Thursday, June 25th
  19. I will be setting up and running demo games from Noon until close on 06/07/15 & 06/28/15. If you're new to the game or maybe just new to second edition, stop on by for a demo game or just to ask questions and chat about M2E! Games and Stuff 7385-G Baltimore Annapolis Blvd Glen Burnie, MD 21061 (410) 863-7418 http://gamesandstuffonline.com
  20. Not what I meant. Only mentioned that since I couldn't be certain that the crayon manifesto wasn't sold out (and hidden) until I found another sold out product to verify that sold out products do not in fact hide themselves.
  21. OK... awesome little feature (probably cause of a card list metadata), but it is positively fantastic that searching for a model name or upgrade returns the arsenal deck that it's included in. I just spent the last minute and a half typing in random things just to see. Very cool.
  22. Also strange to see the standard Tara box on the webstore since it's just hitting retail now-ish. She's in both the Outcast and Resser section. None of the other recent releases are on the store (as per usual).
  23. Just a quick thing since I noticed that sold out products actually seem to have a label rather than being hidden; EBO's Crayon Manifesto expansion seems to be missing from that product category. (not sure if intentional)
  24. * 1 Game. No time limit. New player friendly! * 50 soulstones. * Entry fee $10.00. * Using Malifaux 2E Gaining Grounds 2015 format with the following exception(s): * Strategy will be determined by the story encounter (provided at the event) * Faction specific Story Encounter Schemes are always available (per Story Encounter rules in the M2e Core Rulebook) * Fully painted crews are optional. * Proxies will be approved prior to event start. * Existing Malifaux miniatures are not valid proxies for a different model (except where noted by Gaining Grounds or with significant conversion). * Scheme Pool will be randomized * Prizes will be given in a raffle format. * All players will start with 1 raffle ticket * Additional raffle tickets can be earned through Story Scenario rules! * Prior to drawing, each participant will commit their raffle tickets to specific prizes in the pool. * The winner at each table will take home a special miniature used in the event! 1:00PM - 6:00PM (end time is an estimate, could easily be shorter depending on late starts, etc.). Games and Stuff 7385-G Baltimore Annapolis Blvd Glen Burnie, MD 21061 (410) 863-7418 http://gamesandstuffonline.com
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