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Everything posted by Scirian

  1. I play Outcasts, but have never tried my hand at Viks I played a game with them and while I was fairly successful I feel it was because of my crew selection rather than the Viks The biggest problem I ran into was the placement of upgrades and when to use them e.g. Who needs mark of shezuul, sisters in fury, sisters in spirit? The only things I've done with consistent success is Survivalist on Vik A and the mark on Vik B Please help make my death dealing mercs worse! And by all means include Vanessa...or don't, but tell us why
  2. Hamelin with Sewer King upgrade and Nix with Hollow gives Hamelin's some more crew options. Here's my kerfluffle: I have had so much success with Hamelin's classic crew that I see no reason to go outside faction. With Lost models Hamelin gets: Baby Kade Candy Crooligans and...Malifaux Child Hollow gives access to: Canine Remains Guild Hounds How are people using these models? And to what effect?
  3. Looked at the cards and I'm all for balance...and stuff, but it's fluff that I love best and what the what? Ashes and Dust is height two? He's a pretty mammoth model...but all right, I'll buy into it. Dust Storm is...height two?! Okay, he's the embodiment of swirling energy, maybe he's thinner, not taller, I'll buy it. Ashen Core is...height TWO?! What the actual what? It's probably helping Outcast players out since Pull to the Core probably needs line of sight in order to push, but for cereal?
  4. A quick query: Something that comes up on a fairly regular basis with my crews is push into base to base with markers. I'm an Outcast/Gremlin player and having the likes of Ashes & Dust/McTavish have me doing this a lot. I understand base to base with models of a certain height/impassable, but markers seem trickier because ht 0 and are not impassable. To pose a true hypothetical from a game: Ashes and Dust has a piece of scrap within 10". He Whirlwhind of Scrap's to push into base to base. Does he need to end on the closest base edge? Or can he continue past the marker and end on the farthest base edge?
  5. Rusty Alyce for the reasons above. She can ferry the waifs and prevent charges on them, which is huge protection. She also has Burn Out, which can reactivate any construct. Some construct synergy with Burn Out: Desolation Engine has a heal on its melee attack based on damage dealt, with minimum damage three, and melee expert! Teddy has regen two, with a reactivate he heals four wounds. Lazarus has a heal flip for a 0 action and armor two Ashes and Dust is the perfect enforcer. He's swift and has a rebirth cycle like Levi. My favorite trick is very situational, run a waif into the enemy's deployment zone, kill/sac ashes on turn five, drop dust storm next to the waif and unbury Levi next to her, turn five surprise entourage You can sac Ashes and Dust to drop the Core and give a friendly construct Fast. Nothing beats a Fast Lazarus! Move and the Auto Fire w/Scramble Bête noire is a beast no matter the crew Her unbury mechanic is thematic and perfect dissuasion from waif hunting Nobody wants a bête noire to the face...no one Schemers and tricksters: Hodgepodge effigy can help Levi refuel the soulstone cache Necropunks are the perfect scheme layers Flesh constructs are big, dumb waif ferries Behemoths: Peacekeeper has some impressive damage and scheme removal Teddy is difficult to murder and good, clean fun Howard Langston because...holy hell Joss for reliable damage
  6. I've come to love the idea of the desolation engine. It has mammoth range, heavy hitting power, and great survivability. Hamelin tends to burn through rats to make rat kings, but even so... The Engine's ability to consume stray rats is pretty spectacular. Abominations have the added benefit of being objective runners, summonable on model death by the Engine, and can give back rats after their death!
  7. You've got the makings of a great vanilla crew. I rarely go outside his standard crew list. Nevertheless: I'd say Crooligans and Canine Remains are your best bets for out of faction hires. However, I've heard others having great success with Candy and Kade. In faction...whatever you like?
  8. I play against Ressers all the time in my local meta and nothing is more satisfying than turning Hard to Wound into an advantage.
  9. It would seem Ama No Zako and... Ama No Zako. That seems...few
  10. Pretty much. Bring Transfigure and/or Desolate Soul upgrades to make Levi an abomination summoning engine. Rusty augments and mimics those abilities, which I love. That ties up a lot of stones, so then I bring construct models like Necropunks, or hire a Desolation Engine who drops Aboms when I need them. This is not an ideal list, just pure, personal preference. I love that the vanilla list from v.1.5 finally became viable. Nothing was more frustrating than running a Deso Engine in v1.5 and realizing that your crew sucks at playing nice together.
  11. I generally play a Levi-heavy summoner list with Ashes and Dust as my main enforcer because...why wouldn't you? However, I have played games bringing one or two out of faction or unexpected Enforcers and been amazed. I sometimes hire the Desolation Engine now because he can tie up a whole flank on his onesome. Combined with Rusty's Burn Out and self healing abilities he is frighteningly mobile/killy. As for Teddy, he's one of my favorite additions to the crew pool. He is so survivable and killy on his own that he rarely needs help/support. I tend to like to combine threats like Teddy/Deso with a Bete/Killjoy buried. As for the Hodgepodge: anything that can add soulstones is unbelievable. One of the reasons I hate Oxfordian Mages is for that reason. Add Hodgepodge to masters with low ss caches but are extra killy like Levi/Viks and suddenly we have a cache so long as there are enemy models.
  12. In my meta that means it gets auto sacrificed. I just switched from the alt Bete Noire sculpt for that reason.
  13. I love running an Outcast Levi list. There is so much synergy in house that I am hard pressed to go outside Levi, Rusty, Lazarus, Ashes and Dust, maybe a Desolation Engine, and then I fill in where I need it. (0) action pushes/card draw with Ashes is great, giving Fast to Lazarus through the Core though is just good clean fun
  14. What are you talking about? Levi's avatar still has Blackened Scepter which buries horsemen instead of letting them be killed. Horsemen are still incredibly survivable and more so once Levi manifests. It may change, true, but it hasn't yet.
  15. My play group was demoralized because they didn't want to build a crew around taking it down. I'm happy to share my thoughts on it at last: Anti Pigapult is Kirai. Anything takes damage she drops a card and Ikiryo is in the pult's face. Zoraida with From the Shadows on Bad Juju means a turn one immortal monster who shuts down the pult Anything with from the shadows or can bypass armor is great
  16. I bought Hamelin version 1, purchasing roughly the numbers listed above and have never had to go above them. Rat Kings, I'm still playing with, but two has worked out nicely thus far. My proxies are the Worm Pile from Helldorado.
  17. What everyone else said! Play the box with the Whiskey Golem in Gremlins or Ten Thunders. Find out which side of the fence you like because everything that follows is a matter of preference: Tri-Chi: Moon Shinobi are just plain fun and dirty to play with. Never forget Drunken Gremlin Kung Fu! Fingers is unreal when it comes to scheme markers. Whiskey Golem...meh. Too many stones for my crews, but I've heard good things Gremlins: Kin...seriously Ophelia and Brewmaster must be friends because.... Francois hits like a semi truck Raphael can withstand most anything Ten Thunders: Kang is Brewmaster's Henchman. Immunity to Horror Duels and positive twists against construct/undead is god like Graves/Tannen is just mean to run with Brewmaster...they've become regulars Izamu is the perfect target for Misdirection as well as keeping things inside the bubble. As far as upgrades go Brewmaster hisself can run really light on the upgrades, which is very nice, but in Ten Thunders I'd always suggest Misdirection. The ability to slough damage off on a nearby model is always nice.
  18. Kin are some of the best models. Franc is a god. Raph w/ Dirty Cheater is immortal. Take Merris...seriously just take her w/Team Work, you'll thank me one day. Burt alone is strong, with Gracie and they are titanic. Raph, Franc, Merris, and Rami/Burt all told w/o upgrades is 27ss; add in a few totems/upgrades and Ophelia's cache; you're good to go
  19. Malal speaks the truth. Trixie is one of the best utility models in the faction. Brewmaater always wants to go first and her ability to cheat fate is highly useful As for the poison, it is quite good, but Brewmasters core crew has no problem dishing out poison. The reasons I take Trixie are the pushes from Gremlin Lure, cheating fate, and her tricksy (0) actions In Brewmasters crew, it's just plain fun.
  20. *shudders* I'm grateful I'm the only one who plays Killjoy in my area. You picked hands down near all my favorites... So let's make it a party! If you want survivable and potential damage output, then I'd go Gracie, but never, and I mean never, count out Burt. Double crit strike is no joke with Magical. Add Lenny and you've got an equally impressive damage track. Mancha would also really like his damage upped...with Regen thrown in. As for mercs? How about the Strongarm Suit? He's got some nasty triggers and a (0) action to make everyone unhappy.
  21. Thank you a whole bushel of...whatever they grow in Malifaux (seriously what do people eat?) Some of these ideas are really fun. I own a bunch of the merc models, but rarely take them for fluff or preference reasons. I forget how useful they are in specific situations. The ones that currently jump out are Sue for the reasons listed above and Bishop. (2) action paralyze versus defense can tie up Huggy for a while. Discarding a book for his activation means he can cut through Huggy's Incorporeal and Flurry Wong/McTavish also sounds well and truly awful. I like it!
  22. Sheer damage potential? I can get behind that. I've seen Franc one shot a Strongarm Suit...yeah it was Red Joker damage flip...but still. Ophelia left such a bad taste in the mouth of my local group that she was deemed a NPE for a long time. It may be time to dust off my models though if what you say is true.
  23. I am at a loss. I have to face Lynch often in my local group and am tired of contending with him. What can you do against a resummonable Henchman? 4/5/7 damage? Which is most always at a positive twist?! It is some scary damage output on an incredibly survivable model. Lynch can output equally scary damage provided he activates last. I've seen Huggy (alone) tie up Levi and Rusty Alyce by himself. Now none of these alone would warrant much aggravation, except this was against non-optimized Lynch crews! There are some nice tacticas finally going up on the forums and Pullmyfinger. But we are not at the point where the opposite is true about how to play against said crews. What do people do to avoid the awful? Is it condition removal? Aiming for Lynch? (glass cannon?) Casting/high damage? (take out Huggy? keep him down?) It has become really demoralizing to see Huggy dominate the scene only to have him die and Lynch mop up to bring Huggy back out. What is the best response? Help an Outcast/Gremlin master out.
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