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Everything posted by NIGHTHATER

  1. Sybarite, This is the best Kaeris and easily one of the best painted models I've seen...good lord. Your color choices, shading, and basing are perfectly done. Nighthater
  2. Metalhed, Your the truth, good/contasting color choices, mixed with good basing, mixed with good shading. Most of the painters work I look at is missing 1 or more of these elements, but you have them all. Your hit the mark keep shooting. NIGHTHATER
  3. Danube, Your work is very impressive, and you got mad skills, but you did asked for critique. You color choices are a little too monotone for my taste. I fell with Perdita you missed the mark by making the shirt and pants so close to the same color. Im a fan of contrast and you malifaux figures are moving away from that too much for me. You missed another shot on Perditas hat by not seperating the detail out. I don't know where I am on the see through shirt yet, but it's different for sure. Your 40k and Skaven models are breathtaking and I fell you should go along with the same color contrast with your malifaux models dark stain as needed and you be "in the zone". This is just my opinion though and you should get more feedback and then put it against the hardest critic...yourself and see where your at. Nighthater Remeber always once you paint a figure its forever...
  4. Evilbleachman, You are an exceptional painter and have some of the best models I've seen for the Resurrectionists, but If all we hear is good we never get any better do we? I feel you really missed the mark on Candy page #13. Candy is exceptionally well painted, but her candy canes and large sucker sabatage your work. The odd 1 color canes and the 1 color sucker kill it. You really needed the red/white and the red/white/green striped canes with a multi-colored sucker to compliment your well painted Candy. I look on the net for pictures of EVERYTHING thats natural before I paint a model to get the feel of what I'm going for. Once you paint a figure it's forever. Eventually I'll post my stuff for you to get back at me . Nighthater
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