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Everything posted by MunkyMuddFace

  1. Will do! This is year five in a row for me. The first year, it was just me and two other buds from the shop. Each year, the group grows - and this year there are ten of us making the road trip! Not all of them play Malifaux, but all of them are good company Each year, I sign up for the Malifaux Team and Story Encounter tourneys. I have had the same partner year-over-year for the Team tourney, and each year we play a new faction. 2018 is the year of Ressurectionists for us, hence, the models for Molly.
  2. March Pledge: 2 x Dead Doxy (6SS each), 2 x Guild Autopsy (4SS each), Chiaki the Niece (6SS). For a total of 26 SS. My personal deadline for this month is March 21, as I plan to have these ready for Adepticon!
  3. Pledge complete with a day to spare! The Iron Zombies - Student of Viscera (7SS), Student of Steel (6SS), and Student of Sinew (6SS). Draugr - the beardy LE model! (8 SS) That's a total of 27 SS of models painted for the month. What's on the docket for March? Probably more dead things - Doxies and Autopsies. Horror Molly has so many hiring and summoning options!
  4. Yep! I have the three students complete - so I will at least make my numbers for the month. Pictures to come this evening. Draugr is built and primed. I plan to paint him up tonight to finish all pledged models.
  5. February's pledge shall be more Horror toys for Molly! One each of the Students and a Draugr! 27SS, I believe, after adjusting the cost on the students due to errata.
  6. Indeed! But it was my own fault, there were many months where I painted bonus models. Many times, more models than I initially pledged!
  7. here are my finished pledges for the month - the Midnight Stalker and a Kentauroi for a total of 16SS The Midnight Stalker. I went for a very stylized look with this one - more of a grayscale with some peek-a-boo pops of color. The idea being he is out at night, so colors are washed out - more rods than cones. Kentauroi. This is for a Horror Molly build, so I wanted him to be bloody and gross. I was going for a skinless look on the human half, a la Frank from Hellraiser after he re-materialized from the pool of blood on the floor. I used lots and lots of Blood for the Blood God for this one. Expect more Horrors to come for February!
  8. I appreciate the call for accountability! I've been suffering from painting burnout since the 2017 challenge. That being said, i have worked on my models the last couple nights, so should have them complete tonight or tomorrow. Cheers! :-)
  9. Wahoo! Guilders are in the mail and on their way home!
  10. Angelica was featured in a Chronicles TtB one shot. Chronicles 18 - A Night at the Star. She also has a cameo at the end of the story Black Betty, found in Chronicles 28.
  11. This is true. Though, if matched up against a Rider, it would be worth it to Focus then Lecture. Unlike Joss/Executioner/Leveticus - whose ignore effects are baked into their attacks, Lecture Notes is a Condition that turns off ALL triggers, not just Df - it would also kill their Attack triggers for a turn (in the case of Hooded, that means loss of extra damage, or loss of marker removal. Either could be huge, given the state of the game) I play the Leveticus Horsemen list, and one of my normal opponents is Ressur player. I have learned a healthy respect for the Students and Valedictorian haha
  12. Valedictorian/Students can turn off the ability to use triggers (0 AP Lecture notes) Joss/Executioner ignore Df triggers Anything with reliable Blast damage Leveticus There are more, I just can't think of them at the moment.
  13. Pledge time! Starting small with just two models: The Midnight Stalker and a Kentauroi for a total of 16SS
  14. Actually got around to snapping pics last night. This will likely be my last post in the 2017 painting challenge threads as I move onto the 2018 ones. Final tally is 95 minis painted in 2017. This challenge was a very large part of reaching that number!
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