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Everything posted by GrengisKhan

  1. I'll team up with you and Adam Dave. Greg Piskosz
  2. Great news guys. I'll update the entrants this evening Greg
  3. All registered for my events now. Looking forward to it Greg
  4. I'd pop down for this, depending on dates. Greg
  5. I'm up for this. Where can we get tickets and how much do they cost? Greg
  6. What time are we likely to start and finish? Greg
  7. I'm going to have to pull out of this Panzer. I've given it some thought and I'm not comfortable attending a tournament where the format is designed to troll another player. Greg Piskosz
  8. I'm all paid up. Should be able to bring 2 boards worth of terrain with me. Greg
  9. Works for me. Cheers buddy. Next time I'll actually read the rulespack properly! Greg
  10. All paid up. Looking forward to playing down south for a change. Greg
  11. For the record I've no problem with 45ss I just want to try out some crazy lists I've come up with. Greg
  12. Can I be a dick and ask that we play 50ss on Saturday instead of 45?
  13. Unfortunately I'm working away that week or I'd pop down and give you a hand. Are any of you guys going to Kings on the North on the Saturday/Sunday? Greg Piskosz
  14. I'd love to come to this. What email address do we send the ticket money to? Greg
  15. 10 Teams have signed up so far I've updated the Entrants roster but I've missed one team off. Can you let me know who you are? If I'm missing team names/members can you let me know who I need to add and I'l update the list. Greg
  16. The dates listed are incorrect. The correct dates are 27th-28th June. Your ticket is still valid if you want to buy one. Element Games have been made aware of the problem and should be sorting it soon. Greg Piskosz
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