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Everything posted by Lewkas

  1. Personally I would use Mei. I always choose the fluffier option first plus her crazy movement abilities would really compliment Misaki's play style
  2. Hmm for a hot sandwich it will be ham, cheese and tomato toasted. My other favourite would be peanut butter and jelly or peanut butter and strawberry jam as its known over here in Oz
  3. Her avatar is a giant snowman, maybe she is trying to get warm.
  4. I agree with you Utterkhaos. Reading the chronicles is what got me hooked on this game in the first place. All of the characters have great stories behind them and often influence my purchasing decisions
  5. This is correct. I enjoy using Lilith and depending on which minions you combine her with she can be a lot of fun to play. I particularly like playing a 25SS game with Lelu, Lelitu and Tuco/Mr Graves with a 6SS pool. I generally only put Tots in when I am playing a higher SS gam.
  6. I have to agree with this, there is nothing wrong with a Raspy crew. It is harder to be competitive with her but Snow Storm really brings a lot to the table. I also recommend throwing some Molemen in there and the Blessed of December can give you some extra speed for grabbing objectives etc. She is an easy master to learn but harder to master. Crew selections really become crucial.
  7. I agree with the Sgt. A couple of times I have rushed in an clipped them off the sprue only to find I trimmed a tab too short and have a major gap.
  8. I really like some of the skin tones you have going on. Making Jakob dark definitely works well and gets rid of the colonel Sanders look. I have to paint this crew up next so it's good to get a bit of inspiration. I ended up making up some casino floor themed bases which are jewel inlayed white tiles which look kinda cool. I'll post some picks up when I get around to painting them up.
  9. Just remember with Ice Mirror you don't need line of sight to the minion you will cast through, it just has to be within 6 inches. I would definately recommend Snow Storm. It is an awesome model and really changes the way you approach movement and setup with her crew. Deployment is pretty crucial and always examine the terrain and find a good structure you can camp behind. Depending on the strategy I will normally move as far up the board as possible on turn 1 (this can be quite far if you have Snow Storm) then start getting the ice pillars up for extra cover. With Snow and a Silent One I have been able to cast December's Curse on the first turn and take out some minions. In lower SS games I will still take Snow if the opposing crew are not casters ie. Perdita etc. and leave him out if up against a crew like Sonia Crid. I also recommend getting some Molemen as you can move them up the board and boost their armor and then attack them for severe damage and get blast damage on surrounding enemies. This is handy against Pandora so you don't have to take WP checks to attack her. Just be wary of this when your up against a Von Schill crew or any other crew that ignores blasts. It means you have to work that much harder to take them down.
  10. Not a big fan of the Illuminated with the beasty over it's head. The woman and wolverine looking guy are pretty cool. Beckoners are great except they seem a bit smaller scale wise to the rest of the crew. They look like dwarves next to the Illuminated. Huggy is not great but I think the Lynch model with the skeleton is awesome. Why don't you like Avatar Raspy Ausplosions? I think she is a sweet model. Maybe I should bring her out next week :-P
  11. Hi All Had a game tonight and did the following: Cast Freeze Heart on Seamus to give him Frozen Heart and followed this up with Decembers Command to bring him into base contact. Is this a legal move as the way I read the cards it seems fine? Can I now use Seamus as an ice mirror for Raspy? How long does the Frozen Heart effect last? thanks
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